As soon as the king crab in Xianxiang hall was launched, it immediately attracted the looting of princes and nobles. Tian Yuqiao saw that everyone was so enthusiastic, so he specially asked the boy to go to the fat man.

Even grandpa Huang has moved out. It's not good not to give him some privileges.

After Wu Fang got Tian Yuqiao's express, she said to those who pestered her: "dear guests, our boss has ordered that there are still ten takeout places every day. That is to say, everyone can buy one, but they have to take it back to make it, and the takeout delicious restaurant doesn't do it."

"That's OK. We can take such a big king crab and have it made by ourselves. Isn't it steamed in a big pot?"

"Don't talk so much. Give me one first."

"I'll come, too. Give me one."

There was another frenzy of looting, and some people still failed to get the emperor crab. You can't blame others this time. Who makes those who rob the emperor crab with themselves have bigger officials than themselves.

Those teenagers are a little depressed. Why can't their father be a prince or something? It's too much to be despised if you eat a crab.

Then Marquis Wu whispered a few words to Wu Fang's ear, and Wu Fang ran to the center of the stage again.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, next I'll announce that we'll give you a good start today in order to give back to new and old customers. Now we'll hold a crab fighting activity. On this stage, we'll let two emperor crabs play against each other later. They have different numbers. You can guess which one can only win. In the end, we'll decide whether to lose or win by dropping the claw first or turning it first. I don't know Are you interested? "

Gambling is also very popular in this age. Especially the rich, they are idle and bored and like to play these exciting games. However, they have played horse gambling, chicken fighting and cricket fighting. How should they play with this crab fight?

"Well, I don't know how to bet?" someone asked curiously.

Wu Fang then said, "well, later we will prepare two bamboo tubes to give bamboo sticks to each guest who wants to participate in the event. One bamboo stick is a chip of ten Liang silver. At that time, you can vote for which one you think wins."

We have all played similar games, so we naturally understand such regulations.

Next, Wu Fang asked people to sell bamboo sticks. There were special marks on the bamboo sticks. She was not afraid that someone would cheat.

Lord Jing looked at Marquis Wu and said, "Wow, you can still gamble here. What an old fox."

"Hey, hey, it's boring in the army at ordinary times. I occasionally gamble with those cubs. In fact, it's just to improve everyone's fun, otherwise they will haunt Wu Fang all the time." Marquis Wu said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao also felt very good about Wuhou's proposal. After all, they are dealers here. Whether they win or lose, they are sure to make a profit.

Soon, two king crabs were brought up on the stage in large baskets. After they were put on the stage, they immediately opened their teeth and claws.

Wu Fang asked people to tease two king crabs with a wooden stick with thick arms, and their crab claws were directly clamped up. I heard a "click", and then the thick stick on the arm broke. The incision was uneven, which was terrible.

Many people took a cold breath when they saw it. The heart said that if this thing is sent to the battlefield, I don't know if it will scare off the enemy? Marquis Wu is thinking about it now.

However, he soon rejected it. If the enemy knew that it was delicious, wouldn't it be delicious to the enemy at that time?

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's No. 1 and No. 2 emperor crabs. Now you can bet."

When Wu Fang finished, he asked people to carry a tray with bamboo tubes on it and walk from private room to private room.

Soon, people who had just bought bamboo sticks began to bet on the bamboo tube of emperor crab.

"I think No. 1 must be all right. It's big."

"Not necessarily. I think number two looks more powerful. It doesn't make public and knows how to be introverted."

"Cut, do you think that thing is human? It's introverted."

After a gong, the crab fight officially began.

Just after the partition between them was removed, the two emperor crabs immediately walked sideways and kept approaching each other.

Then their crab claws intertwined with each other, like two people breaking their wrists~

"Come on, number one. If you lose, I won't buy you to stew."

"Come on, number two, come on!"

"Come on, come on, number one, I'm optimistic about you, but I can't let me lose."

"Number two, victory must belong to number two!"

The people in the box even forgot to eat the delicious food in front of them. They all stretched their necks, opened the curtains in the box, and constantly cheered on the emperor crab.

No. 1 and No. 2 were fighting, but they all stood up and competed with each other. As a result, both of them turned over directly under the action of force at the same time.

"Cut ~ how does this count?"

"Yes, I think they turned over at the same time. Shopkeeper, how does this count?"

Wu Fang glanced at Marquis Wu, who stood up and said, "you guys, just now everyone saw that the two king crabs turned over at the same time. In other words, the result of this competition was a draw between No. 1 and No. 2. So you all lost, and the dealer won, ha ha ha."

"Really, it feels like we were put together by the old guy."

"No, he put forward the idea. He didn't say there was a tie at the beginning."

"Ah, what a profiteer, profiteer!"

"I didn't expect a tie. Hey, I don't have any pocket money next month."

"This is my wine money for the second half of the month. It's gone. Hey!"

Wu Fang smiled and collected the silver. The eyes of marquis Wu and Prince Jing narrowed with laughter. Tian Yuqiao looked at the two big men helplessly and said that if they were not in charge, he would not dare to play like this.

It's really cost-effective to give them a 30% bonus. I didn't expect these two people to be so strong. Today's crab fighting activities alone can double the income of Xianxiang Museum.

"Well, if you don't eat any more, the emperor crab in front of you will be cold." Prince Jing stood up with a smile and said.

Those people went back to the private room one after another, one by one dejected and venting with the emperor crab in front of them.

Through the screen window, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing when he saw that they had a deep hatred with the emperor crab.

When Xiaoyu saw her, she admired her young lady's ability to make money.

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