Xianxiang restaurant has played tricks. Seeing that the emperor crab is huge, marquis Wu thought of using the crab fighting method to improve the restaurant's income. Not to mention, the two king crabs tied the first day, which made them make a lot of money.

However, it was not a good idea for Tian Yuqiao to always put the emperor crabs in the virtual environment, so she proposed to them that a crab breeding base should be built as soon as possible.

"Joe, it's a good idea, but it's hard to find a place. If the place is too biased, I'm afraid someone will be jealous. I'll poison the base at that time." Prince Jing frowned and said.

Marquis Wu said, "it's easy to do. Just keep it directly with me. Everything is raised in the pool in our backyard. It's a big deal to salvage those old Wang Ba and carp and raise crabs."

"Well, anyway, our two families are close together. Why don't we just buy the house between our two families, get through it and build a bigger base at that time. Not only to provide food for Xianxiang hall, we can also send people to visit. Let them see how our emperor crab is raised, and we will charge a certain tour fee at that time "Use it." Prince Jing suggested with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but smoke from the corners of his eyes. He said that the rich people were different. It really deserves to be the imperial merchant who provided food for the emperor. Indeed, he was rich and powerful. This mouth will buy all the yards connected by the two families.

"Yes, but we don't have as much money as yours." Marquis Wu frowned and said.

"It's easy to do. I'll give you the money. You'll take less of the income from visiting the crab field. Joe and I will take 40% and you'll take 20%

"It's up to you! You're an old profiteer. You can take advantage of all the cheap things. Anyway, my daughter earns the same as me." Marquis Wu hit back.

In this era, those who have power and power are good. They can do whatever they want. Sandwiched between the two families, the rich businessmen who originally planned to follow the glory were miserable this time. Don't sell it. People have already spoken, and the price is not low. If you sell it like this, where will you live temporarily?

However, these things naturally didn't bother Tian Yuqiao. Under her instructions, it took only three days to dig a huge pond over there.

As for the decoration in the pond, there is no time to get it for the time being. Because Tian Yuqiao can't wait to clean up his virtual environment. The excrement excreted by the emperor crab every day has made the money furious.

A fence was built directly next to the pond, and the bodyguard was responsible for guarding it day and night. Tian Yuqiao took advantage of one night and secretly released all the emperor crabs in the virtual environment.

As for the crab dung, she plans to keep it as fertilizer and take it home. Fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders. Now she has a big family and a big business. She needs to be careful.

Not to mention a plant and a tree, even a dung and a stool, she was reluctant to waste.

"By the way, Prince Jing, remember to clean up the crab's excrement regularly, otherwise it will affect their growth. In addition, we need to dig several more pools to raise ordinary crabs. Don't waste the crab's excrement. When we put it in your grain field, it will definitely improve the soil quality."

As soon as Prince Jing heard this, his new love was in full bloom, and he took a high look at Tian Yuqiao.

Chen Jiabao took his daughter-in-law and his mother to the imperial city and found Wu Hou's house according to the address.

At first, they felt a little numb. After all, Hou's house was in gaomen courtyard, and there were several guards with knives at the door.

Although Chen Jiabao went out several times with Tian Yuqiao and had more knowledge than ordinary farmers, he also trembled in his legs and stomach when he saw this situation.

"Bao'er, madam sent us to help, but how can we call out the young lady? Those old soldiers are in a panic." Mrs. Chen said tremblingly.

"Mom, don't be afraid. Our young lady and the senior officials in the imperial city do business together. They are cooperative, so we don't have to be afraid of them." Chen Jiabao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said.

Bao'er's daughter-in-law said, "Mom, I think what Xiang Gong said is reasonable. We haven't done bad things. We're not afraid of them."

I saw a carriage stopping in front of my house. The bodyguard in charge of the door came forward and asked, "who are you and why are you wandering in front of the house of marquis Wu?"

"We came from Sishui county to find our young lady Tian Yuqiao. I hope the official can accommodate us. I don't know if our young lady is inside." Chen Jiabao said and handed over two liang of silver.

The man suddenly changed his attitude when he heard that he was looking for Tian Yuqiao. Instead of receiving the silver handed over by Chen Jiabao, he smiled and said, "since it's our Miss's family, please wait a moment. It's taboo in the newspaper, and the small one will go in and report."

The three were stunned. Unexpectedly, the eight foot tall man could be so polite. For a moment, they felt as if they were floating in the clouds.

"I'm Chen Jiabao, the steward of Tianfu. These two people around me are my mother and my wife."

The man led them into the porter and ordered tea and snacks. The reception was very friendly, and another person was sent in to inform Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao was elated when he heard that the Chen family had come. Quickly let someone bring them in, and then brought them into the small yard where she lived.

"Where are you from? How's the southwest?"

"When I returned to the young lady, the master and his wife went to the southwest together. The shop over there was handed over to father Zeng and Chang Sheng Zeng to help take care of it."

Tian Yuqiao was stunned when he heard the speech. He said in his heart, how did Zeng's father and son find his own family?

Seeing her doubt, Chen Jiabao went on to say, "the master plans to build some weapons for the house guard at home, but he is afraid of being suspected. After all, there is no merit in the family. So he can only find his own acquaintances. Now the Zeng family has sold the house near the mountain village and moved directly into our house."

Fang Wenhao learned from Tian Dahe that Tian Yuqiao had gone to the imperial city. His dignified twelve princes naturally knew that Marquis Wu and Prince Jing were loyal ministers and good generals. So he asked Chen Jiabao to bring a letter to Tian Yuqiao, which said that he planned to let Yutang follow Marquis Wu, hoping that the little guy could study in the imperial city.

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