After Chen's mother and son came to the Imperial City, they also brought a letter to Tian Yuqiao. That's what Fang Wenhao wrote to Tian Yuqiao, because since Tian Yuqiao is on the line with Wuhou mansion, it's best to use their strength to further improve the little guy.

In fact, Fang Wenhao has some selfishness in doing so. After all, he plans to revenge now. It is essential to cultivate his contacts and forces. The two old ministers, marquis Wu and Prince Jing, are what he wants to win over most.

After thinking for a while, Tian Yuqiao thought it seemed reasonable. Although his family background is not very good, but now it is different. He is equivalent to holding the thigh of Wuhou mansion.

Since it's good for the little guy, why not try it?

So that night she told Mrs. Wuhou about it. Mrs. Wuhou was very happy when she heard the speech.

"Well, well, my mother is a rare child now. My girls are so good and lovely. I think your brother must be very likable. Why don't I ask the Marquis to arrange a carriage to pick up the jade Hall tomorrow, and then he will try to arrange for the jade hall to study in the Royal College." the old lady said with a smile.

"Mom, just find him a better academy casually. I don't think it's appropriate for the Royal Academy. After all, we are all children from the countryside. I'm afraid it's difficult to get along with the young masters of those dignitaries." Tian Yuqiao frowned.

"Listen to your mother, it doesn't matter. With your father, those people don't dare to bully Yutang." the old lady still insisted.

Tian Yuqiao agreed, but he didn't let the carriage of Wuhou house pick up the little guy. Because all the official carriages go out with a cover. At that time, people will know that it is the carriage of marquis Wu's house. That won't cause a riot!

"By the way, mother, my brother's current husband is very famous. I'm afraid he's rash to let him come to the imperial city. It's hard for his master to explain." Tian Yuqiao thought of something again.

"It's easy to do. Let your father write a letter to his husband. I'm sure his master will not ignore the child's future. Don't worry, mom. Let your father write a letter."

Tian Yuqiao always felt that there was a feeling of oppressing people with power, but he didn't know what to do. So she planned to go back and discuss it with others. If she couldn't, she would take out the letter.

It was said that Wulang was favored by the gentleman in the imperial city and had to rob his students.

For the future of the little guy, Tian Yuqiao can only choose to be a villain.

As expected, marquis Wu wrote a letter. The content of the letter was simple and rough, which meant that Yutang was his dry son. He hoped to take him to live in the imperial city and could not study in Sishui County

Although some overbearing, it seems reasonable. Tian Yuqiao put the letter away, got up directly all night and asked Honghong to take herself back.

Now the little guy is very unhappy all day and has heavy academic pressure. His sister and parents have left. Now he feels a little lonely.

As a result, he was boring to count the stars in his yard. As a result, he saw a black light, and then the next moment he saw his sister coming back.

The little guy is smart. Tian Yuqiao knows his ability to subdue rare animals. So this time Tian Yuqiao directly let him see Honghong's real body, and told the little guy that xiaoduanwei is actually a little dragon.

He was very happy because xiaoduanwei was responsible for watching the house at home, especially for protecting him. The relationship between one person and one dragon is quite good, so that means that the little guy also has a little dragon!

"Elder sister, I miss you so much! Hey hey, can you let the little broken tail fly with me?" the little guy said proudly.

"Let Honghong take you to brother bao'er tonight. I'll go to you when I've finished what's going on in your school. At that time, your husband wanted to stop it, but I'm afraid he couldn't stop it." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"That's not good. Teachers and apprentices are like father and son. Moreover, my husband is kind to me. I can't leave without saying goodbye." the little guy shook his head in principle.

"Ah, well, let's go to the Dean tomorrow. I'm afraid he won't give up your good disciple. What are you going to do then?"

The little guy twisted his eyebrows and thought for a while before he said with a smile, "I think master should hate me, but he can't delay others to enjoy the happiness of their family, can he? Since it's your Godfather and godmother, it's equivalent to my godfather and godmother. Besides, my parents have gone to the southwest, so let's talk about it."

"You're still clever. Well, let's try it tomorrow."

One night without words, the next day the sister and brother went to the education college together. Instead of going to school, he went directly to Dean Liang's lounge.

The old man is reading. He has the habit of reading in the morning. Seeing that his proud disciple came, he even brought a girl.

However, he didn't say much at the thought that the girl was his disciple's sister.

"Shifu, I'm unfilial! In order to reunite with my parents, I have to choose to abandon you."

The little guy knelt down on his knees and began to kowtow to Liang Juren.

"Yutang, what do you mean?"

"Dean, it's all because of our family. My parents have gone to other places to do business, so I can't leave him at home alone. I'll pick him up when I come back this time." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Liang Yuanchang sat down on the stool and was in a daze for a long time. My mind is rapidly digesting the news I just heard. I feel like I was struck by thunder.

Seeing the old man silent for a long time, the little guy can only continue to kneel on the ground with a bitter face. Xin said that he knew master would be in a daze today. He should have worn thicker clothes.

After the time to have a cup of tea, President Liang sighed and vomited a mouthful of turbidity. It was as if he was a teenager all at once, and his back was not as straight as before.

"Hey, you are the only closed disciple in my life. Well, I'm tired of staying in this academy anyway. I might as well go out with you to relax. By the way, I heard that your mother is a good cook. Shifu, I'll count on you for the rest of my life."

I didn't expect that the old Dean would say so, which shocked the two brothers and sisters.

But the next moment, the little guy took the lead, got up directly from the ground and ran to President Liang. Holding his neck, he said, "master, do you mean to come with us? That's great, so that we can be together again in the future."

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