Liang Ju Ren tried his best to treat Tian Yutang. Now he knew that his disciples were going to other places. He didn't even ask where he was going, so he said he wanted to follow. It was all a sightseeing trip.

Both brothers and sisters thought it was incredible, but the little guy's heart was warm and his tears were about to flow out.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "Dean, when is it convenient for you to start?"

"It's easy to do. Anyway, I don't teach children very much now. I just give lectures once in a while. I can go with you today. Anyway, I'm alone. I'm home wherever I go. It's you, Yutang. You can't do without master."

It was the little guy who looked pitifully at his master. Now the painting style has changed. Liang Juren looked pitifully at Tian Yutang, changed his serious personality, and directly looked like a poor old man who had no one to support.

"Well, I'll help Shifu pack up later." the little guy jumped up happily.

Tian Yuqiao was a little depressed, because in this case, they had to take a carriage obediently.

Liang Ju people happily went to pack their clothes and books. The little guy went directly to inform other students in the Academy. As a result, the whole academy suddenly blew up. All the gentlemen stopped their work and surrounded president Liang's residence.

"Wulang, take a carriage with your master and go back. My sister will go first. Don't worry, I'll let xiaoduanwei follow you to protect you." Tian Yuqiao said, and walked away like a man who had nothing to do.

The rest of the little guys have a bitter face. The heart said that it was not easy to find a chance to fly in the sky once, but it was so ruined!

However, the thought that the master who usually gets along with him day and night can also go to the imperial city with him immediately aroused his interest.

"Yutang, what's the matter with the dean? Why is he leaving suddenly?"

"Yes, Yutang, did your master tell you anything?"

"If you know, you have to tell us. It's not fun. What's the matter with the dean?"

As soon as Tian Yuqiao left, the little guy became the target of public criticism. They were directly surrounded by those gentlemen, and they asked all kinds of questions.

"Come on, don't embarrass him. It's my apprentice who wants to go to other places to find his parents. I'm worried about being a master and decided to follow their family. Hahaha, I can eat the food cooked by his mother in Yutang in the future."

"Dean, you must not be impulsive."

"Yes, Dean, please focus on the overall situation."

"Don't you want us? How can you give up the whole Academy for one person?"

"Lord Dean, we beg you to stay."

Some young gentlemen were so excited that they knelt down. However, Dean Liang was determined to leave this time. Anyway, now he feels that he is old. Now it is enough to cultivate a jade hall.

As for the others, he is also powerless. He might as well leave early so as not to end up harming people's children in the end.

"Needless to say, I've decided to put my disciples first in everything in the future." President Liang raised his face.

The little guy went to help his master carry the box. Fortunately, his body now also contains a lot of aura, otherwise he really couldn't move.

"Come on, if you guys are really filial, you can help move the things to the Tian family's carriage. Don't talk nonsense, or don't blame me for turning my face."

Everyone knows what kind of person president Liang is. He is such a stubborn old man. Once he decides what to do, he can't pull back 18 cows.

Knowing that persuasion was useless, everyone could only help Dean Liang carry his two boxes of books and some simple clothes into the carriage with the mood of going to the grave.

Everyone sent them all the way out of the county, and then they parted in tears.

Liang Juren didn't lift the driving curtain from beginning to end, but the little guy was crying. Because during this time, he has become the child king of the Academy, and many little friends gather around him.

Everyone can't bear him, and he can't bear his classmates. But at the thought of the prosperous scene in the imperial city described by Tian Yuqiao, the little guy couldn't help but be ready to move.

No matter how clever he is, he is still a child after all.

Imperial City, Wu Hou mansion.

Marquis Wu was blowing his beard and smashing things at home. He was so angry that the old man's beard was cocked up.

"Come on, sir, don't be angry. You are a martial arts man. The Taifu of the Royal Academy despises your generals. It's normal that he doesn't give you face this time. Why don't you go to King Jing and ask him to help?"

"Hum, it's disgusting. I don't believe it. Don't let him ask for me. Alas, I've already made a guarantee with my daughter. If his brother comes and I don't handle things well, wouldn't it be too shameful?"

"Dad, why are you so proud now? I haven't seen you so proud in the court before." Shangguan Qingfeng said with a smile.

"What do you know? It shows that my father cares about Joe's daughter. I'm bored with you smelly boys one by one. When I'm 14 or 15 years old, I'll find a similar family and drive you out." Marquis Wu said angrily.

"Oh, if only Joel could take a fancy to our family. In that case, I could see my daughter at any time."

Shangguan Qingfeng's face turned red and said, "Mom, don't talk nonsense. Joe and I are a little old. She's still young."

"Besides, Xiaoyu seems to like qiao'er very much. I heard that Murong Bo is also very unusual to qiao'er. Hey, where can it be my turn?" Shangguan Qingfeng whispered.

"Grandma, don't worry. If the old boy doesn't accept the jade hall at that time, I'll directly take the 300 Flying Tigers to their house. I think he dares not to promise if he has the courage."

"Oh, my Lord, you can't use it. It's a critical period. Don't you give those people a handle for such a fuss? Sir, you have to be careful."

"Yes, Dad, if you use this method to let the jade hall enter the Royal Academy, you can guarantee that the grand master will not account for the jade hall at that time? How can you let him deal with himself at that time?" said the Shangguan Qingfeng solemnly.

Marquis Wu twisted his beard and thought for a while, but his eyebrows became more and more tight. After all, he never begged. Now he finally answered back and was rejected.

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