The emperor intended to resolve the contradiction between the two old ministers, so he decided to invite them to Xianxiang hall for a crab banquet.

As a result, each of the two men had an iron blue face, and none of them looked up to each other.

Civil and military officials are like this. The generals feel that the civil servants are sour, and the civil servants feel that the generals are big and rough one by one.

That day, the Tian family's carriage also happened to arrive at the imperial city. The little guy knew that his family had opened a shop in the Imperial City, so he planned to invite his master to have a big meal.

"Shifu, my sister has opened a restaurant here. It's said that it's very popular. Why don't we go and have a meal today to show our disciples' filial piety to you? It's my treat." the little guy said with a smile.

"Oh, since there are delicious food and Wulang's treat, I'm going to be a teacher. Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be lucky. All the business in the family has come to the imperial city."

"Hey, hey, it's all my sister's business. I heard it's a partnership with others. But don't worry, how much we eat today is on my sister's head." the little guy said with a smile.

"OK, let's go to your sister's restaurant now. I haven't eaten anything decent along the way. I don't know how those restaurants open along the way. It's really bad. If you hadn't brought some ham sausage from home, I would be hungry and thin."

The coachman listened to passers-by: "excuse me, brother, how can I get to Xianxiang hall?"

"Oh, you're also from other places, aren't you? This delicious hall is very famous. It's said that the plaques are inscribed by the emperor, and the price of the dishes there is expensive. Tut tut ~"

"Old man, just tell us how to get there. Here is ten Wen. Take it to have a cup of tea." the coachman generously handed us a handful of copper money.

This is Tian Dahe's new coachman. He is also very efficient. He was very happy to let him escort the young master into the imperial city this time. He would rather suffer some losses than do the young master's business well.

"It's easy to find. You go five blocks inside. That's the most prosperous area. There's a largest shop there, about the size of 15 rooms, three floors, with a lot of covers hanging at the door."

"Thank you, thank you."

The coachman drove slowly towards the center of the imperial city. It was near noon that we finally found a place.

When the boy at the door saw a guest coming, he greeted them with the same enthusiasm, regardless of high or low.

"Well, it's good. It's really Joe's shop. The guys know the whole thing." Liang Ju said with his hands on his back.

"By the way, shopkeeper, we're going to the third floor." the little guy said with a smile.

"Oh, young master, I'm really sorry. It's stipulated in our shop that only princes and ministers can go to the third floor. Sorry, if you don't have an official at home, I'm afraid you can only eat on the first floor."

When Liang Ju heard this, he immediately became angry. However, due to his identity, he is not easy to be angry in public.

However, the little guy saw that his master was not happy, so he said to Wu Fang who was busy: "this is the shopkeeper of our store. Can you take a step?"

"Oh, young master, you really have a pair of eyes. Yes, I'm the shopkeeper here. What can I do for you?" Wu Fang said with a smile.

He felt very strange about the child in front of him. At a young age, he is actually literate.

"Hello, shopkeeper. My name is Tian Yutang. My sister is Tian Yuqiao, one of the owners here. I wonder if we can eat on the third floor?" the little guy said flatly.

Wu Fang is a little embarrassed. After all, he doesn't know whether boss Tian has such a brother. If the child is a fake, isn't it going to make a joke?

Fortunately, the three members of the Chen family are also helping in the shop, so Wu Fang quickly asked someone to call them.

When bao'er's daughter-in-law saw that Wulang was coming, she quickly came over and saluted and said, "young master, why are you here so soon? Please come inside quickly."

The matter was clear. Wu Fang quickly asked the boy to apologize to Liang Juren.

"I'm really sorry, sir. I didn't expect that the flood washed the Dragon King temple. But there are too many people here every day, so please don't be surprised. After all, someone came to climb relatives for a discount. I didn't expect to meet the Lord this time. It's disrespectful. Please come on the third floor."

After a hum, Liang Ju stepped up to the third floor.

As a result, as soon as he led the little guy up the stairs, before he had gone far, he heard the voice of someone arguing in a room.

"I say you are a martial arts man. How can anyone dare to shove into the Royal Academy? If that boy brings in the unhealthy tendencies of the countrymen and destroys the Royal descendants and ministers' children, can you afford the responsibility?" roared Ding Taifu.

"Fart your mother's dog! You enjoyed it at home when I was fighting outside to protect you scholars. Now my adopted son is going to go to school. What's the matter?"

The more they quarreled, the more fierce they became. The topic revolved around the origin of a child.

Liang Ju couldn't stop. He rushed in directly and shouted, "hum, what a great official power."


The three people inside were stunned and said in their heart where did this bad old man come from.

However, when the Taifu saw the visitor, he immediately fell off his chair. After climbing on his knees for two steps, he kowtowed and said, "master, please accept the worship of unfilial disciples."

Liang Juren didn't expect to meet students he hadn't seen for decades here, and he was the first batch of students after he built the Academy.

"Ding ru? I didn't expect you to look down on the country children now that you are a senior official. Have you forgotten how you came into my family?"

"Master, who is this man?" the little guy whispered.

"Hum, it's your useless elder martial brother. He was the first to follow as a teacher."

When the little guy heard the speech, he hurried forward and said, "Tian Yutang pays a visit to the eldest martial brother."

"Yutang, he doesn't deserve to be worshipped by you. He's something. He's full of official authority. I'm afraid he doesn't even have me as a rustic master in his eyes." Liang Ju said angrily.

He didn't expect that the students he trained could look down on the students in the countryside. It's hateful!

"Teacher, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me. I really didn't know that it was the younger martial brother that Marquis Wu asked me to study here." Ding Ru continued to explain.

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