In front of the emperor and Marquis Wu, Liang Ju taught Ding ruding Taifu bloody. It was the first time that the little guy saw his master so angry that he didn't dare to persuade him.

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao received a letter from Chen Jiabao. Knowing that the little guy was coming, she hurried over to meet her brother.

As soon as I went upstairs, I heard Liang Ju scolding someone. She thought it was her brother's mischief that made her husband angry. He hurried up the stairs in three steps and two steps. As a result, he saw an old man with white hair and beard kneeling in front of Liang Juren.

This is called ambition is not young. Ding Ru is ten years older than liang Ju. But when he was desperate and almost frozen to death, he was taken in by Ding Ru. At that time, he was just a scholar. If it hadn't been for the guidance of Ding Ru, he would have been teaching in an ordinary college at most.

Now, after so many years, Ding Ru was dazzled by wealth and even forgot that he was born a hard-earned man.

Now he despises Tian Yutang, which is no different from scolding himself. Others don't know his details. Liang Ju knows it clearly.

Wuhou wanted to laugh, but he was afraid that it would affect the old man's interest to scold Ding Ru. He just suppressed his happiness and forbeared to laugh. The color on the emperor's face was even more wonderful. He had never seen his minister scolded like this by others.

At most, they are scolded by themselves. When they go home, they may also be scolded by their wives. Now that Ding Ru is at least a third-class official. He was scolded by a man ten years younger than himself.

Even if the other party is his teacher, at least in front of so many people, it can't be so excessive.

He was struggling to persuade him, so he saw Tian Yuqiao coming up.

"Dean Liang, I didn't expect you to arrive so soon. I didn't greet you well. You must be tired. Why don't I treat you today and let's find an elegant room to sit down." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"No, no, no, I have to apologize to the teacher today. I should invite, I invite." Ding Ru was sweating all over his head.

He still said with a heavy smile that he knew the truth of being a teacher one day and a father all his life, not to mention that people had known him well at the beginning.

"Hum, the mud legs I came from the countryside don't deserve your invitation. Joe and Wulang, let's go and have dinner."

Liang Juren finished, then took one in one hand and pulled Tian Yuqiao and Tian Yutang away.

After they left, Ding Ru still knelt on the ground. Wuhou laughed so much that his snot bubbles came out. After the explosion and crack, he almost jumped all over the emperor and was despised by the emperor.

"Taifu, get up. Your master has left. I didn't expect you to have such a hot tempered teacher, but if he really has real talent and learning, it's better to give him..."

"Your Majesty, this matter is impossible. My teacher is Liang Juren, who was ~"

Tian Yuqiao was dragged to an elegant room by Liang Ju. She directly took the menu and asked them to order.

"Wow, elder sister, why are your dishes so expensive? If my parents knew I ate such expensive dishes, they wouldn't kill me?" the little guy's mouth was wide open.

"Hehe, this shop is owned by my sister. It's also yours. It's all right. I'll treat you as much as you eat today. It's free." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Liang Ju was in a good mood and grabbed the menu first. Look at the vividly drawn menu next to you and start directly according to the top.

"Just this, and this, and this again ~ the remaining five Lang will have some."

After ordering five or six dishes, he handed the menu to the little guy with satisfaction.

"Elder sister, I feel that I have eaten those small dishes at home. Master ordered them almost. I won't order them."

The little guy is a little distressed. What a pity he ate. If he sold it to others, it would be all white money!

Tian Yuqiao knew that his brother began to love silver again. He couldn't help saying to the boy next to him, "another one, and this, this ~"

After ordering ten dishes, they are all very distinctive and pay attention to matching, which makes the boy go on.

"I'll give you a welcome today. By the way, Dean Liang, I've recognized Mrs. Wuhou as a godmother, so I'm going to live in their house. I don't know what your old man's plans are?" Tian Yuqiao asked tentatively.

Looking at the old man just now, she really didn't dare to arrange for him at will.

"I don't care. I just want to stay with Wulang. I can't delay his studies. I'm afraid that others will hurt my disciples, so I followed him in person." Liang Juren said faintly.

Here is the host to entertain distinguished guests. They have the right to serve first. Soon the dishes came up, and Ding Ru and Marquis Wu in the box on the other side came to propose a toast to Liang Juren with a wine pot.

"Ding Ru, go out. I'm not going to see you. It's disgusting." Liang Ju said very shamelessly.

"Teacher, please forgive the disciple anyway. Please drink a glass of wine from the disciple. It's the disciple's apology. Younger martial brother can enter the Royal Academy tomorrow. It was the disciple's fault before." Ding Ru said respectfully.

"No, we don't care. I dare not take my closed disciple to you, and you don't deserve to take him. Hum, I'll take Wulang to Jing'an academy tomorrow. They won't look down on people there." Liang juhumanitarian.

He finally drank the wine, and then Ding Ru was kicked out by him.

Marquis Wu smiled and said, "I'm a rough man and Joe's godfather. Since you're the master of the jade hall, please accept my worship. Although I'm a soldier in war, I actually admire you. Some people just like to be conceited, so I quarreled with him today."

"Hehe, since you are the godfather of qiao'er, you are also the godfather of my disciples. Wulang, call people in the past." Liang Juren said with a smile.

He knew the fame of marquis Wu. Liang Ju people also appreciated the forthright person like Marquis Wu, so they didn't give him a look.

Wulang smiled and kowtowed to Wuhou on the ground: "Godfather is on the ground. Tian Yutang has seen Godfather."

"Yo Yo, ha ha ha ha, OK, come on, let dad hug."

As soon as Marquis Wu was happy, he directly picked up the little guy. Although he has many sons, those children are weak and don't kiss him at all.

Now, as soon as I saw Tian Yutang, I suddenly felt that there was a aura on the boy. Although he is a reading child, his muscles and bones are good materials for practicing martial arts.

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