After drinking a few glasses of wine with master Liang in the box on Tian Yuqiao's side, marquis Wu hurried to accompany Wang Peijia. Looking at Ding Taifu is like pulling cold water. Marquis Wu's heart is happy.

As if the big pimples blocked in the heart of heaven suddenly melted away.

The delicious food in Xianxiang restaurant is not in the mood to eat. Now he feels bitter about everything he eats. I didn't expect that it was my younger martial brother who personally rejected me this time. And he is also his master's closed disciple. Now he has a dead heart.

The Emperor didn't say much. Anyway, he came out to see the play and eat delicious food. He had planned to see the two old ministers quarrel, but it turned into another play. Not to mention, the emperor is also very keen on gossip.

Then there were more and more diners in the restaurant, and the activity of fighting crabs began again. Every noon and evening, there is a crab fighting entertainment, because there are most people at that time.

The emperor held the thigh of an emperor crab and was gnawing hard there. Wu Fang began to shout with a trumpet tube made of bamboo: "everyone, today's noon crab fighting activity starts now. Please bet enthusiastically ~"

"Your Majesty, why don't we play with two?" Marquis Wu said with a smile.

"Well, I'll bet the big one to win. By the way, I don't have the habit of taking silver when I go out. Two Aiqing, who will give me the money first?" the emperor smiled wickedly.

"Minister, minister," said Ding Taifu quickly.

"Hahaha, it's really up to you to come. Who made you make a mistake today?" said Marquis Wu.

Although the little guy had eaten at home, he had driven for a long time and only ate some dry food along the way. So he doesn't care about his image this time. Anyway, there are no outsiders in the private room.

He directly took off his robes outside and wore a small T-shirt specially made by Tian Yuqiao. A big Mickey Mouse pattern on the chest is lifelike. Even Mr. Liang, an old scholar, liked it very much.

That huge king crab claw is much thicker than the little guy's arm. Now he is struggling with such a big crab claw. He looks very funny and cute.

"Hahaha, Yutang, it seems that this crab leg is enough for you. I won't keep so many delicious food for you, Shifu." master Liang said with a smile.

"It was originally for you, old man. You can eat more, but don't be polite. We can't waste. No, since we ordered so much, we'll try to finish it all." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

It goes without saying that the coachman at the bottom was also arranged to eat.

After dinner, marquis Wu personally took Mr. Liang to his home.

However, Liang Fuzi is used to being clean. Naturally, he doesn't like this deep house. So he discussed with Tian Yuqiao and said, "Joe, your family has business here, and your parents must come. They won't live in Wuhou mansion, will they? I think your restaurant is also very profitable. Why don't you just come one step and buy a house for us."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "OK, but it can't be too far from here."

"Yes, you can do it." master Liang smiled kindly.

You know, with his reputation, even if someone buys him a house several times, he will be robbed and invited.

Tian Yuqiao went to Marquis Wu and Prince Jing to discuss the house he wanted to buy. Gongsun Yu said first: "Didn't our crab breeding base annex a lot of houses this time? Next to our house, there happens to be a house that no one lives in. Why don't you live there. It's close to our house. I'll follow it and ask Mr. Liang for advice."

Prince Jing patted his thigh and said, "OK, Xiaoyu said well, that's it. Joel, I'll have someone change the title deed directly to your name tomorrow. Don't be polite to me."

"That's really embarrassing," Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay. We can let Xiaoyu ask Mr. Liang for advice. It's appropriate for our family to take up the stool."

Wu Hou's son said with a tiger's face: "You old fox really showed your fox's tail. Joel, your family will have to leave room for our feng'er at that time. He also went to ask Master Liang for advice. Although I don't know anything about your literati, master Liang is a learned man. And he is also the master of the old fellow Ding Ru. It's really great."

Tian Yuqiao naturally knows what Marquis Wu means. If his son can learn from master Liang, he can be regarded as an apprentice in terms of seniority. In other words, Shangguan Qingfeng and Ding Ru are classmates, and he, who is a father, will be promoted directly.

"Godfather, you want to take advantage of Ding Taifu." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Hey hey, you girl, don't tell me. It's a Jianghu rule. All right, you can rest in my house today and let the old man clean up the house for you tomorrow." Marquis Wu said with a smile.

Liang Fuzi liked cleanliness, so he didn't ask anyone to give him a banquet. He went directly to Shangguan Qingfeng's yard and had a rest.

The next day, Mr. Liang was also impatient. He took the little guy directly to his old friend's college, Jing'an college!

Those who can become friends with him are naturally strange old men with strange personalities. They both have similar temperaments and personalities, so they can become good friends.

Now that he has come, it's nothing to put his disciples with his friends. He can rest assured.

The carriage stopped on a relatively clean hillside outside the imperial city. There stood a huge archway with Jing'an academy written on it.

After entering the archway, I saw that there were all kinds of big houses with scattered heights. This is much larger than the previous education academy. It is actually a courtyard with several entrances.

The whole Imperial City, all the children of Royal descendants and senior officials, will go to the Royal Academy. The rest of the people, but all the gifted children, came here, so it's very big here.

As for those who have no background and ordinary qualifications, they can only choose other humble small colleges.

Not only the scenery here is good, but also it is far away from the noisy crowd. There is a sense of independence.

"Shifu, it's so big here." the little guy stared round again.

"Well, you come in with me. I'll take you to my old friend."

They went in one after another, and the boy in charge of the door quickly came forward to stop them.

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