Tian Yuqiao uses his newly developed and enhanced versions of soft bone pill and rotten bone pill. After successfully putting long Shao down, she took the opportunity to run away with Xiaoyu. It's a pity that after running for a long time, he broke into the nest of poison King Valley.

However, fortunately, there are many young girls in the poison King Valley who are about the same age as them, but those little girls don't speak one by one. They don't even say hello to each other when they meet each other.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help asking, "little sister, how can I get out here?"

It didn't matter what she said, but she frightened the little girls. Especially the little girl who was grabbed by her suddenly panicked. Quickly waved to her, desperately trying to get rid of her bondage.

Seeing that she couldn't get rid of it, the little girl opened her mouth and let Tian Yuqiao see it.

As a result, Tian Yuqiao found that the little girl had no tongue at all! And not only this little girl, but also other little girls.

"Miss, why did you let her go? We haven't asked the way yet." Xiaoyu stamped her feet anxiously.

"Forget it, there's probably nothing to ask from them. Alas, they are all poor people. Their tongues should have been cut off by the master here. It's really abnormal. No, we can't spare those people for persecuting our sisters like this." Tian Yuqiao said fiercely.

"Miss, it's not whether we spared others now. Don't forget that we broke into other people's place by mistake." Xiaoyu reminded.

"Poison King Valley? Since I'm here this time, I'm not going to leave easily. Xiaoyu, dare you fight with me?"

"Well, miss, what you say is what you say. Xiaoyu's life has long been yours. Come on, what are we going to do? I think it's better. Let's provoke the man who is jumping and walking here and let him help us kill." Xiaoyu's eyes shine.

Tian Yuqiao pinched her and said, "it's really you. How do you know that man isn't their captive killer here? If it's screwed up, we'll be attacked back and forth. At that time, we'll be pursued by others, or Honghong will be exposed. Now its strength is not good. If they catch it, it must be used as a medicine introducer."

Since he didn't intend to leave so soon, Tian Yuqiao led Xiaoyu to start an ambush. I found two little girls who were alone. Seeing that they were almost the same age as themselves, Tian Yuqiao directly knocked people out with the handle of the pig killing knife and threw them into the virtual environment.

They found a place, put on the clothes of the two little girls, and then sneaked into the depths of poison King Valley.

Learning from the way they walked with low eyebrows, when night fell, Tian Yuqiao had already touched into a yard that looked rich.

This place is different from other places. Other places are relatively simple, only here.

The big glazed tile house on the third floor looks very elegant. However, compared with the buildings here, it is still worse than Tian Yuqiao's home.

"Valley master, the young master was secretly plotted. It is estimated that the people of Yaowang villa did it. They didn't know where to invite experts. They could poison the young master and faint him in the hut."

"That's right, valley leader. I saw it with my own eyes. I didn't find him anywhere when I went to deliver the medicine guide to the young master today. My subordinates had no choice but to rush in directly. OK, I found the young master directly in the hut."

"It's abominable to say that the intruder used such despicable means. If this is spread, the reputation of poison King Valley will be damaged. How will you wander the Jianghu in the future, young Lord?"

"Didn't the disciples in charge of guarding find out when outsiders broke in?" the old man sitting on the seat was furious.

The leader in charge of security immediately knelt down on the ground trembling, kowtowed and said, "if you go back to the valley master, the villain's disciples found two invaders. But they were about to kill them, and the young master drove us away. We thought, with the young master's ability, the man went to his residence and didn't want to die? Unexpectedly..."

"Hum, there are a lot of things you didn't expect. It's brave of you to let two outsiders into long Shao's residence. Fortunately, no major event happened, otherwise all your deaths would be useless."

Then Tian Yuqiao saw that a soft sedan was carried in. On top of it was the boy who was stunned in the thatched house by her today.

He used to have stiff limbs, but now he is soft. Like a ball of plasticine, it spread directly on the soft sedan and couldn't sit up.

"Strange, isn't the young Lord rigid? What's going on?"

"Eldest brother, is it a blessing in disguise that we poison King Valley this time? Has he recovered from his illness?"

Poor long Shao was observed back and forth like a monkey for a long time. He was so angry that his fingers were buckled on the railing next to him, and his knuckles were a little white.

However, he doesn't have the strength to move now. It's a miracle that he can survive after the baptism of two strong poisons.

Tian Yuqiao didn't know that her poison was mixed with the poison of long Shao before, and their domineering toxicity completely broke out in long Shao's body.

Fortunately, he got his grandfather's top pass. If he were an ordinary teenager, he probably didn't know how many times he died.

Poison King Valley also has its own poison doctor. All four old men with white beard were called to collectively feel the pulse for long Shao.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu became the most humble dumb slaves in people's eyes, and instructed them to help.

"Valley master, according to my observation, the poison in the young master's body seems to be restrained by another poison. They fight with each other. Now both poisons seem to be seriously injured. As for the current situation of the young master, it can be imagined that the poison taken later has the upper hand."

"From your point of view, when will he get better?" the valley master frowned.

"It's hard to say. The young master was deeply poisoned before. If he had been taking the later poison, he should be fine as long as he mastered the dose. But the poison can't be refined by our poison King Valley. I think it's probably a spy sent by the people of Yaowang villa who wants to use this poison to restrict our young master."

As soon as they heard this, they all panicked.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the sky speechless. His heart said how could he be so wronged? For some reason, he became the spy of Yaowang villa.

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