Tian Yuqiao sneaked into the depths of the poison King Valley, pretended to be a dumb slave, and directly lurked around the valley master. That's not enough. When she learned that the boy was the young master of poison King Valley, she really wanted to press him into the pit and let him drown by shit.

No wonder he hurt several lives as soon as he shot. He was actually the son of the devil. Plus Gongsun Yu's hatred and xiaoduanwei's hatred. In short, Tian Yuqiao now plans to destroy the poison King Valley.

After more than half a day's observation, she can confirm that the valley master of poison King Valley has only one son, Longshao. That's why the former old Valley leader directly sacrificed himself and passed all his skills to the boy.

That is to say, now in poison King Valley, the smelly boy who almost fell into the pit has the highest Kung Fu. His grandfather gave him so many skills to train him to become the next generation Valley master.

Now Tian Yuqiao happens to meet her. As long as she kills this smelly boy, she will take revenge on everything.

After an hour of consultation with the doctors, everyone thought that long Shao's condition had improved and did not seem to cause any serious harm to his body, so the matter calmed down.

But he is still lying there like a big squid.

"Come on, just you two. Go back and serve the young master."

Valley master casually ordered two girls, and the result happened to be on Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu's head.

I'm worried that I won't have a chance to get close to him. It's a good chance. Tian Yuqiao just wanted to make a noise, and then he remembered that he was pretending to be dumb now.

So he nodded, followed the disciples of poison King Valley with low eyebrows and walked towards Longshao's other courtyard.

The courtyard outside was used by him to heal his wounds. Near here, he has another exquisite courtyard.

As soon as I got back to the yard, I listened to the valley master's command and said, "by the way, I'm dirty today. Remember to wash him well before you go to bed two nights."

After everyone left, Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu were left in the whole yard, and there were two old dumb slaves burning a fire in the bathroom.

After the water was cooked, the old slave gestured to Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu. The meaning is very clear, but Rao Shitian Yuqiao doesn't know sign language. He can guess eight or nine times. That's to let them bathe long Shao.

"Miss, what shall we do? Do we really want to give a man a bath?" Xiaoyu said in silence.

"Wash him, and then find a chance to drown him in the bathtub. Then let's run away and let them cry." Tian Yuqiao smiled treacherously.

However, they didn't find long Shao's shadow in the house, so they found the bathroom directly. As soon as I entered, I saw the old dumb slave waving to them.

After they passed, Tian Yuqiao was so frightened that he almost cried out. The clothes on long Shao's body had been removed by the old slave. It didn't count. He lay there like an exhibit.

Then the old slave carried people into the barrel in front of their two little girls, and then he removed them himself, leaving only Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu waiting inside.

Tian Yuqiao scolded secretly and said that the people in poison King Valley were really abnormal enough. It's disgusting to let the little girl bathe her son.

Although she thought so in her heart, after all, she had lived two lives. This was the first time she saw a man without clothes. Oh, no, it should be a boy.

Even if some characteristics are not very obvious, especially after eating rougudan, it is soft. But she saw it after all, didn't she? I feel like I'm going to have needle eyes.

Xiaoyu blushed and whispered in Tian Yuqiao's ear, "Miss, did you see anything just now?"

"Go, come on. My eyes are hard to use. Just now there was dust falling into my eyes. I patronized and blinked and didn't see anything." Tian Yuqiao quickly covered up.

"Oh, luckily you didn't see anything, otherwise it would be terrible. It's terrible to have a big bug on him. It's scary."

Tian Yuqiao immediately felt that a large group of alpacas roared past in his mind. If the dignified young master of poison King Valley learned that his thing was comparable to insects in other people's eyes, he didn't know whether he would be directly angry.

I've been soaking in the bath bucket for a while, and the blood flow rate in long Shao's body is accelerating. With the true Qi running in the meridians for a few weeks, he now has some consciousness.

He was surprised when he saw two familiar faces in the mist.

"Hey, hey, your name is long Shao, isn't it? I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. Hey, it's a reward for a reward. I almost made you fall into the pit. Now let my sister clean it up for you. I can't blame me. Your father asked me to serve you."

Tian Yuqiao deliberately laughed ferociously and evil. At this time, since the boy is good, she doesn't mind stimulating him more.

"Tut Tut, my little girl was frightened just now. She saw that you had big insects. She has gone to find a knife and is going to help you cut off the insects. You must be ready. Don't be afraid. We will be very light."

Long Shao has never felt that someone can be so crazy. Their poison King Valley is what makes the whole Jianghu scared. I didn't expect that the young girl in front of him could make him feel so terrible. Nima, is this to make him a eunuch?

He was so frightened that he squatted in the bath bucket subconsciously, only showing two eyes on the water and staring at Tian Yuqiao. I couldn't help covering the big insects on my body for fear that they would be cut off~

Holding a pig killing knife, Tian Yuqiao approached with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, soon. Didn't you have mercy when you killed your companions? Now I'm just helping you. Don't be shy, sister. I'm coming."

Tian Yuqiao was going to scare him, but he didn't expect that he was serious!

When she was less than half an inch away from the bucket, she heard the warm water in the bucket suddenly bubbling, turned into boiling water and began to boil.

Then there was a loud noise and the barrel burst. Long Shao jumped out of the barrel as if he had broken some prohibition. Directly knocked down the roof above, and then ran away naked in the moonlight.

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