At home, Tian Dahe invited the eight new Zhuangtou to dinner, and then briefly talked about his plans for those fields. However, these things can only be carried out in the coming year, but now many crops in these villages have been damaged by he family.

Now many places along the edge are empty. When they know that their owners are changing, especially when they know that the new owners are going to remove them, the gang began to harm the fields.

Tian Dahe is very angry about their practice. So I didn't even give them a chore, so I let them all pack up and leave.

These people always rely on their relatives, so they almost don't care about anything in the Grange. There is a lot of smoke everywhere in the Grange. At the autumn harvest every year, a large number of rents are collected.

For a long time, those tenants and farmers complained one by one, but no one dared to say anything.

Now Tian Dahe won't get used to them. As soon as he came up, he made three fires when a new official took office. It burned directly on he er's head, which was also the thing that the old thing took the lead in making trouble.

Fortunately, they found it in time, which didn't let them harm the fields too much. They actually hired some old sheep herders to drive the sheep directly to the fields to eat the crops.

"I invited you to come home this time, but didn't call the heads of those chuangs. I think you should count a little in your heart?" Tian Dahe said with a smile.

"Boss, do you mean to target those people of who family?"

Tian Dahe nodded and said, "yes, the old sheep herding man has said that someone asked him to drive the sheep to the field. According to his description, the man must be he er. Well, you don't have to be afraid. You used to work under their hands. Now I'll let you talk about the usual criminal evidence of he ER and his people."

"Criminal evidence? That's not true. Usually they don't care much about the affairs in Chuang Tzu."

"Yes, I remember one year, the local security guard came to order that there would be a plague of locusts and remind everyone to harvest in advance. As a result, no one dared to make a decision because he ER and he Er were out drinking and not in."

"Yes, I remember. It was three years ago. We didn't dare to harvest in advance because our farm head was away. As a result, we delayed for two days. It was only two days. As a result, less than 20% of the crops in the field were rescued, and the rest were eaten up by the damn locusts."

Tian Dahe has asked yingzi to write down what these people said. These will be the most favorable evidence to threaten he er. Let's see if they dare to make trouble in the future.

"He also withheld our food, deliberately found fault and asked us to pay more rent. As far as I know, when there was a flood last year, our host wife said that it was not easy to know that everyone was rent-free that year. As a result, he Er took the lead and let all his people take the rent as usual, so that many people sold their children..."

This side tells about the unbearable of the he family, and the Wang family and Tian Yuqiao over there have prepared all the meals.

It was served very soon, and they all ate real food. White flour steamed bread is white and big. Wang also used Tian Yuqiao to tell her how to quickly pickle pickled vegetables. The pickled pickled vegetables can be eaten today. So he stewed a large pot of pickled vegetables and streaky pork with vermicelli.

Stewed a large pot of disorderly stew. The so-called disorderly stew is a kind of food that people in Northeast China like to eat.

It is to stew a lot of vegetables in a large pot, usually kidney beans, eggplant, potatoes and tomatoes. But now there are no tomatoes here. Although Tian Yuqiao has them at home, they haven't been planted well here.

There are also a lot of braised meat prepared in advance, all of which are five flowers and three layers. The fat and lean meat pieces are like mutton butter jade. Looking at them, people can't help swallowing.

Although the dishes are not very exquisite, the good thing is that they are large in quantity and contain a lot of meat.

These people have just been promoted to Zhuangtou. They usually don't have enough to eat at home. Now when they see these things, their eyes emit two wolf lights.

Watermelon is valuable, but it can't top it, can it? These people quickly ate the watermelon in their hands, and then they didn't use Tian Dahe. They were polite directly.

Pinch a white flour steamed bread with one hand, and then everyone began to eat this meal. Tian Dahe was stunned, but he felt much more comfortable when he saw that everyone was eating full of oil and showed a look of enjoyment.

One by one, they were choked by the steamed bread and turned their eyes. Fortunately, Wang's radish big bone soup was also served. They took a small spoon and poured soup directly into their mouth, whether it was hot or not.

Originally, Tian Dahe was going to introduce Wang and Tian Yuqiao to them, but seeing that they could afford to eat, he couldn't interrupt them.

He whispered to Wang and Tian Yuqiao, "go and have a rest and go back to the house alone. Alas, these people are oppressed enough."

"Well, you should treat them well," Wang said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao was not idle after she went out, because she knew from Wang that Tian Dahe was going to change the contract, so she went back to help draw up the contract.

It's actually very simple to change from paying a lot of crops as rent to receiving monthly wages.

After finishing these, Tian Yuqiao poured the virtual lotus pond water into the well in the shop. There are nine other shops. She plans to let Honghong take her there in the evening.

After a simple meal with Wang, the guests over there left one after another.

When they left, they expressed their heartfelt feelings to Tian Dahe. Seeing their pity, Tian Dahe asked them to pack some unfinished steamed bread and leftovers in bowls and take them away.

Fortunately, this shop is a restaurant, so there is no shortage of dishes.

Those people were not polite either. They just smiled and left with steamed bread and leftovers.

Although it's all leftover food, if you take it back, it's estimated that all the people will rob it. They are so poor that they may not have such a meal for the new year.

For people who haven't known what meat tastes like for two or three months, these are absolutely excellent things. So instead of abandoning them, they were elated and felt that their future was simply bright.

"Dad, they're all gone? I didn't expect the relatives of the godmother to go so far."

"Yes, Joel, dad is going to give them a bonus system in addition to some salary every month. Whoever works well will get an extra 100 Wen."

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