Tian Dahe invited his newly promoted Chuang Tou to a meal, which he hardly touched. Because I haven't seen anyone eat like this for a long time, it's not too much to describe their eating appearance by wolfing down.

His heart was so heavy that he didn't have the heart to celebrate with his daughter.

"Joe, your father is too tired these days. He is busy with those things every day. Hey, don't blame him for not being close to you." Wang sighed.

"Mom, I'm not a child anymore. I can tell which is more important than which. Dad is busy so late all day. Plus, it's strange that there are people making trouble with us. By the way, mom, I'm here to help Dad this time." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Tian Dahe was already very sleepy. He didn't eat anything for dinner. Now he is eating the noodles cooked by Wang.

"Oh, my daughter can still talk. Isn't that right? My mouth has blistered these days and I can't eat well. Now my daughter has come, and I have eaten such a big bowl of noodles at once. Son his mother, do you have any more? Give me some more. Today's noodles are really delicious and have a taste of hometown." Tian Dahe smiled proudly.

Tian Yuqiao said that his father's mouth was really poisonous. Unexpectedly, I ate it all at once. The noodles have a taste of home. It seems that I have to find an excuse again.

Xiaoyu said with a smile, "what the master said is that family reunion is the only way to call home. So today you will find this noodles delicious, which is also very normal."

"Yes, Dad, I've been in the imperial city for so long, and I don't think anything tastes good. Now I'm with my parents, and I've eaten a lot tonight."

Wang hurried to testify to his daughter, smiled, nodded and said, "yes, Joe ate a lot tonight."

What she ignored was that Tian Yuqiao secretly threw the meat in his bowl to Xiaobai at her feet while eating.

Xiaobai, the big stomach king, has a fight with Caicai. But now it hasn't been put into the virtual environment by Tian Yuqiao. It's already very smart. Tian Yuqiao is afraid that it will become fine, so he doesn't plan to continue to use the virtual environment to improve Xiaobai's aura.

Under the gaze of the mother and daughter, Tian Dahe ate two bowls of noodles and a head of garlic. Then he wiped his mouth with satisfaction and burped a few times. Squinting and stroking his round belly, he smiled very brightly.

"Qiao'er just got home today. It's hard. Xiaoyu has cleaned up the house for you just now. Go and have a rest quickly." Wang ordered.

Tian Yuqiao answered and pretended to have a rest. In fact, she went to the virtual environment, took a bath and changed into a black night clothes. Then let Honghong take her and fly in the direction of other shops.

Although she is crazy enough, after all, it is remote and the streets are not very complicated. And looking at the cover on the shop, it's easy to tell.

After being taken over by Tian Dahe, the shops changed from "He Ji" to "Tian Ji", so it was easy for her to find them.

But those shops are not open now and are in a closed state. After all, Tian Dahe didn't have so much energy, and he didn't bring too many available people.

It was originally intended to bring Chen Jiabao's family, but Tian Yuqiao got another fresh fruit shop in the Imperial City, so Tian Dahe had to let them go there to help first.

Wang said that she planned to let her two brothers come to help take care of it, but Tian Dahe refused.

After all, the melon fields in the mountain village are closely related to those in Sishui County, so the things at that end can not be done by outsiders, so the Wang brothers were not used.

Tian Yuqiao took advantage of the night and directly tampered with the wells in his shops. The water in the virtual lotus pond doesn't need money. When she's finished, it's going to be bright.

There's no way for Honghong to continue flying with her, otherwise it's too dazzling. So she had to choose to stroll towards her restaurant. As a result, she met the little beggars who helped drive away he ER and others yesterday.

They all sleep on the street, because it's so remote that they don't even have a broken temple or anything. So they had no place to live, which led to Tian Yuqiao's compassion and decided to adopt them.

She doesn't want to be old because they already have some survival experience. But for those under the age of ten, for example, eight or nine, she secretly woke them up.

He took out the steaming steamed bread from the virtual environment and stuffed it directly into the little beggar's mouth. They didn't even have the chance to scream. In this way, along the way, they saw a little girl in black, followed by a group of dirty little beggars.

There are men and women, but what makes people feel strange and envious is that each of them has a big white steamed bread in their hands.

The steamed bread was so big that they even needed to hold it in their hands and put it in their mouth.

Fortunately, not many people came out at this time, so they were not found by others.

Xiaoyu didn't sleep all night. She waited for Tian Yuqiao at the door and turned herself into a panda's eye. Hearing a noise outside, she looked through the crack of the door and determined that it was Tian Yuqiao. She just opened the door.

"Miss, why have you been there so long?"

"Shh, keep quiet, let them all come in quickly, and then take them to take a bath and change their clothes." Tian Yuqiao whispered.

Xiaoyu secretly woke up yingzi and them, and then called two boys. Let them take those little beggars to take a bath and change clothes, while Tian Yuqiao took advantage of this time to go back to the house to change clothes and squint to sleep.

When Tian Dahe and Wang got up, they unexpectedly found that there were more than 20 children in their restaurant.

They all looked at themselves with pure eyes, and younger ones were eating the steamed bread residue in their hands.

"Oh, where are these children from?" Wang asked with a frown.

Now they haven't had time to change into suitable clothes. Although they have been washed clean, their clothes are still very ragged.

"Madam, the young lady took them in. They are all little beggars on the street. The young lady said she planned to cultivate them and let them become our servants." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Tian Dahe inquired about the family affairs of the children. Sure enough, they were all poor orphans. Most of their families starved to death, or after they were sold, the families that took them in also had an accident.

Wang frowned, because she felt that these children were "hard life" and might be able to overcome people.

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