Tian Yuqiao took in twenty-four children ranging from eight to ten, and they all picked those with clear eyes. After all, being a beggar outside, some children may catch some bad habits. So that's why she chose children under the age of ten instead of older teenagers.

First, I'm afraid they have too many bad habits. Second, they are too old to be familiar with raising them. At that time, they may not form a white eyed wolf.

After listening to Tian Dahe's inquiry about the children's life experiences, Wang couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Xiaoyu, you all go to the street to buy some cloth later. Look at these poor little children. It's pathetic. I'm so sad. I remember when we didn't separate. At that time, our Joe and Wulang were almost the same as them..."

Wang said more and more sad, as if his thoughts had returned before Tian Yuqiao had crossed over.

Tian Dahe arranged people to go out to make breakfast, and had to comfort Wang.

"Come on, it's all my fault. Don't cry. Seeing you cry like this, I feel more sorry for you and our children. If I hadn't been foolish and filial to my parents, I wouldn't have made you almost unable to live. All right, let's cultivate these children well in the future, they won't be pitiful." Tian Dahe gently advised.

"Yes, mom, don't always think about the past. It's so painful. Now we have countless fertile fields and many shops. In the future, you and my father will only enjoy happiness." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

After a hasty breakfast, the children were also arranged to have some rice porridge. Although there are few kinds of rice here, rich people can afford it.

The children ate like crazy again. Before, they hated that their stomachs were too big to fill. But now it's not. Everyone wants to have two stomachs, because the food of the Tian family is so delicious!

Although everyone had just eaten a steamed bread, they still drank a large bowl of white rice porridge.

Tian Yuqiao said, "yingzi, you will arrange for them to have a rest later. In the future, they will get up early and practice Kung Fu like you. After practicing kung fu, they will find time to learn to write every day. These are all for you. We must train them well."

"Yes, miss. I just don't know what kind of standard to cultivate?"

Tian Yuqiao thought for a moment and then said, "just cultivate them according to the level of the shopkeeper, but now they are still young. Let them help run the hall in the shop first. In the future, you will all be separated. At that time, take a few disciples alone and let them start from the basics."

When the little beggars were full, they felt as if they were living in illusion. As long as Tian Yuqiao is in charge of food, let alone let them practice martial arts and learn to write, even if they are asked to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, they will nod and agree.

Now they have worshipped Tian Dahe and the Wangs as Godfathers and godmothers. Well, Tian Yuqiao has just recognized a godfather and godmother. Her own parents have suddenly added 24 godsons and daughters.

Tian Yuqiao also simply named them all. After all, there are sixteen boys and eight girls.

She was too lazy to bother. The boys began to sort directly from Tian DA and Tian Er to Tian 16. Girls' names are more casual. They are Tian Daniu, er Niu and San Niu... They are directly ranked in Tian Ba Niu.

Although the name is very casual, these little guys are also very happy. Because they finally have names, and the godmother said, everyone will be brothers and sisters in the future.

With so many brothers and sisters all at once, they are naturally very happy.

After Tian Yuqiao arranged the family affairs, he planned to walk around the street and buy some cloth for the little guys.

As a result, as soon as I got to the door, I heard he Er shouting with his neck pulled: "Tian Dahe, you bastard! You robbed our family property and dared to let someone take my place. I'm not satisfied."

Tian Yuqiao was not polite either. He poured out the "leftover water" he used to take a bath in the virtual environment last night before he had time to pour it out.

He Erzheng opened his big mouth and scolded. As a result, he was filled with bath water.

"Smelly girl, how dare you pour dirty water on me!" he er said and rushed up.

He is desperate now. He was going to bring someone to make trouble yesterday. Unexpectedly, they were destroyed by a group of little beggars, and their money bags were stolen by those pickpockets and little beggars.

Originally, they didn't save money before. After such a long time, the remaining money in their hands had already been spent. Now their last bit of money has been stolen. They haven't eaten since last night.

He Er hid in a hidden place to observe the Tian Dahe family.

As a result, I saw the little girl come back with a large group of little beggars early this morning. The most disgusting thing is that those little beggars actually eat white flour steamed bread.

He erqiang resisted the impulse to go up and grab the steamed bread. Until now, when there are many people in the street, he will make trouble again.

"Oh, there's a man at the door. I thought the dog chain was loose and the old mother dog barked. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry for you." Tian Yuqiao smiled, still harmless and sunny.

The onlookers were deceived by her appearance. One after another said, "yes, the little girl certainly didn't mean it."

"I said he Er, why didn't you think you would have today when you were noisy? At first, you let someone break my nephew's leg because my nephew's family paid a little less rent. Now it's really a reward for evil. You deserve it."

"Yes, don't be ashamed here. You're the scum of our town. Get out of here quickly. The restaurant hasn't opened yet. There's no leftover food and soup for you."

Tian Yuqiao was stunned. She didn't expect that everyone would stand on her side and talk. I couldn't help but give everyone a sunny smile, which made her look more innocent.

It's strange to say that he er. He didn't worry about food and clothing when he relied on his sister. Although I'm not my sister, I'm also of the same family. Now he is down and out. Those who had been bullied by him immediately gave him a wall to fall down and everyone pushed him.

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