Tian Yuqiao splashed he er's head and face with bath water. Instead of letting the onlookers sympathize with him, he suffered another wave of extra blows from the melon eaters. He was so angry that he jumped to his feet. The most irritating thing was that he found that there was some kind of animal's golden hair in his mouth.

It was Jin Jin who jumped into the bath bucket and took a bath for himself while Tian Yuqiao was not there. Little things love to be clean now, especially the shower gel made by Tian Yuqiao himself is fragrant, so it's not too dirty at all.

He ER was so angry that he jumped, but there was nothing he could do, because he had no way back.

He had no one to rely on except his cousin who married the Duke. Moreover, he is used to idling around and can't bear the pain at all. Now penniless, how can he give up?

For the sake of marquis Wu's wife he Shi, Tian Yuqiao decided to take care of them. Although these people are a little muddy and can't get on the wall, after all, their "unemployment" has something to do with themselves.

"Your name is he Er, isn't it? You may be the master of what you do?" Tian Yuqiao raised his voice.

He Er twisted a handful of water on his skirt and said, "old ~ I can make decisions naturally. Now there are no people of the older generation. Among our peers, I am the oldest."

"That's good. Come in with me." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Wang immediately frowned, took Tian Yuqiao and said, "Joe, you're crazy. Why did you let him in?"

"Mom, I have my own arrangements. It's not a long-term plan to always let them make trouble."

He Er followed Tian Dahe's family into the restaurant. Most of the onlookers outside have dispersed, except for the he family who are mixed in the crowd and intend to follow the coax.

After entering the restaurant, he Er tilted his mouth and sat down in a chair.

Tian Dahe exposed all his old knowledge in the face of he er. He er's face turned red and white.

After all, he didn't know that he was so obsequious here, otherwise he wouldn't indulge them so much. She only knew that her relatives were idle, but since she didn't need that little money, she planned to raise them for nothing.

But he doesn't know what has been investigated by Tian Dahe.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said to he Er, "what? Do you need us to go on? Although you are a relative of Mrs. Wuhou's family, as far as I know, you are not very close even if you are within the five blessings. You should know how much money you have taken in vain and how much food you have withheld from tenant farmers over the years."

Tian Dahe patted the table and said, "he Er, if I told all these things to your so-called relatives in the Imperial City, I don't know what they would think? I'm afraid the first one who wants to pull you to the official at that time is your powerful relative?"

When he Er heard the speech, he was immediately frightened and fell directly from his chair. With a red face, he said, "master Tian, these are nothing. You can't listen to other people's nonsense. It's slandering me."

"Really? The specific year, and the approximate amount you deducted, I have records here. Shall I calculate a detailed sum for you?" Tian Dahe said with a sneer.

"No, no, no, no, I'll admit it. Go ahead, what are you going to do with me?" he er's tone finally softened.

"It's easy to do. I can give you a chance. In the future, we can provide accommodation for you, but you don't have any rights. We'll give you food and drink, but we won't give you money. As for what you have to do, it's similar to the thugs and the guard. What do you think of it according to the number of times you go out?" Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

When he Er heard the speech, he immediately nodded and promised, "OK, take care of food and live. We don't have to work. This is good. What I'm good at is eating, drinking and having fun."

"Poof!" Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing.

"Bastard! Who said you wouldn't be allowed to work? My daughter meant that you didn't have to do the hard work of farming, because you are lazy and can't do it well. It's good to call everywhere at ordinary times. If someone makes trouble at the door, for example, if you meet someone like you in the future, you'll act as a thug." Tian Dahe added.

"Yes, I see. This is OK, and I'm good at beating people." he er said proudly instead of being ashamed.

Tian Dahe was really drunk and covered his forehead. He didn't know whether his daughter's decision was really correct.

Tian Yuqiao was not worried. He smiled and shook the book that Tian Dahe had just held in his hand and said, "if you don't work hard, we will send this pamphlet to the government. Then you will have a place to eat and live. I believe you won't be hungry in your cell?"

"No, no, Miss Tian, don't get me wrong. I'm just talking nonsense. That's all before me. In the future, I'll correct my mistakes and ride the horse for your old Tian family." he Er changes his face faster than turning a book. Now he looks like a pug.

"OK, we'll go out to buy some things later. Take your family with you. By the way, you can report how many people there are. We're only responsible for providing food and drink to the young people. The old, weak, sick and disabled don't feed you in vain." Tian Dahe added.

He Er vowed: "don't worry, master Tian. The old, weak, sick and disabled have already died. We sold too young children a few days ago, so there is no chaos."

Tian Yuqiao is completely angry now. He wants to jump over and smoke some big ear scrapers. And the heart said, is this NIMA all human? If you have no money, will you sell your children and daughter-in-law?

I can't help feeling sad for my godmother. How can she have such a large group of wonderful relatives? These two people are better than those in the Tian family's old house.

After the settlement here, he Er ran out quickly and soon called 35 people, old and young. They are adults, teenagers and middle-aged women.

If it weren't for the middle-aged women who couldn't sell, it's estimated that all these people would have been sold out.

Tian Yuqiao frowned and ordered ten people from the crowd to help carry things. The rest were sent to the unopened shops to clean up there.

However, they were still worried. They asked the newly bought boys from Tian Dahe to follow them, so that they wouldn't steal things from the shop.

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