Tian Dahe accepted he ER and gave them at least a way to live. Normally, these people should be sent to the government. After all, they are full of crimes. Although there was no direct killing, it was an unforgivable crime to withhold the tenants' food and make them sell their children and women.

If it hadn't been for he's sake, Tian Yuqiao would have dealt with them. Now there is no way but to settle them down first, and then write a letter to Mrs. Wuhou to see how she plans to settle those so-called relatives.

At present, there is a shortage of manpower. How can they help? At least it is better than nothing. Directly send a large number of people to clean up. In fact, there is nothing to clean up. Anyway, they have to be renovated at that time.

But Tian Yuqiao just wanted to toss them around and make them suffer. If she can't do such a small thing well, there's no need for her to sympathize with them.

In addition, he took ten people to help carry things. He deliberately didn't use the carriage. He also wanted to make things difficult for them.

But these people are not stupid. Naturally, they know what the Tian family means. So they didn't dare to say anything more, but led by he Er, walked honestly behind others.

Being able to swallow so many shops and farmland at once, they naturally believe in the Tian family's financial resources and do not worry that others will deceive them.

There are a lot of things in this town. Soon, the ten people's hands were full. Tian Yuqiao did not intend to let them go and bought a lot of cloth.

Later, each of them hung like a Christmas tree. If you walk opposite them from the front, you can't see your face.

"All right, you take everything back to the shop, and then come to us." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Ah ~ Miss, it's two miles away from the restaurant." he Er took the lead in complaining.

"Why? It seems that you don't want to eat our food. If you feel hard, you can quit. Why do you think I'm willing to invite you to work?"

"No, no, no, I'm not sensible. I don't mean that." he er said, gritting his teeth, took the large group of people and walked back with a lot of things.

"Joe, why do you buy so many things at once? Many of them are useless." Wang frowned.

"Ha ha, madam, can't you see that? My daughter has no money in her hand, but she has made it clear that she wants to gather them well." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

"Oh, it seems that my thoughts have fallen behind you again. No, I'll learn more in the future." Wang said awkwardly.

A family of three, together with Xiaoyu, casually found a tea stall and sat down. Everyone ordered a bowl of wonton, Tian Dahe ordered a pot of wine, a dish of sauce beef and fried peanuts.

While eating here, I waited for he ER and them to come. By the way, I can also listen to the people around talking about things in the southwest. It's not worth coming out this time.

"Oh, God doesn't care about our town more and more. There is black land in the East. The grain planted by others is full and bumper. Look at this thing we planted. Oh, it's terrible."

"That's not why. Now it's more and more difficult for people here to survive. If it's OK to have relatives in other places, you can go to work."

"Don't say it's us, just the second master of he family. Pooh, Pooh, the second son of he family usually looks like a dog. Now guess what? I saw that he didn't have money for noodles a few days ago."

"Yes, I also heard that the relative who has been helping them seems to have sold all his possessions to others. The new owner will not take care of them. He kicked them out. Now they are homeless one by one."

He ER and his family came back panting after more than half an hour. They had been hungry all day. Now they saw that the Tian family had just finished eating. He ER was angry.

But he didn't dare to say anything more, otherwise people wouldn't give him dinner at night.

"You are too slow, even an old lady is faster than you." Tian Dahe said unhappily after drinking the last wine in the wine pot.

"Yes, sir, you taught us a good lesson. It's not because we haven't eaten since noon yesterday." he er said with a smile.

"OK, I'll give you a cup of tea and have a bowl of wonton here."

As soon as his voice fell, he ER and they looked for their seats like wolves. The speed seems to drift.

Everyone is only allowed to eat one bowl. As soon as they have a taste, they don't have it. Even after drinking all the soup, I almost swallowed all the dishes and chopsticks.

After a long stroll, Tian Yuqiao successfully became the brightest existence in the whole street. They don't bargain, and they are generous.

The cloth is bought in pieces, and the meat is half drawn and carried by people. There are daily necessities, such as big water tanks and bathtubs

It's hard for them. One by one, they almost didn't lie on the ground directly.

Towards dusk, the party dragged their heavy steps back.

As soon as he got to the door, he ER was so frightened that he covered his head with a water tank for fear that the people at the door would recognize him.

Tian Dahe came forward and hugged his fist and asked, "man, I don't know why you're blocking the door here?"

He is used to it now. The door of his shop is always blocked.

"Oh, boss Tian is back. I heard you took he ER as a waiter. I don't know if it's true?" the middle-aged man asked solemnly.

Tian Dahe nodded and said yes.

"That's good. This is the gambling debt he owed us before. We can find the owner this time. I don't know if you can pay the debt to him as the owner?"

Tian Dahe was about to laugh angrily and said coldly, "did you bully me from other places? Where are my subordinates in debt and want the owner to repay them?"

"But the debt he owed before was paid by their owner." the man was surprised.

At this time, he Er saw that things were bad, and they had gone in with things on their shoulders and shoulders.

Tian Yuqiao came forward with a smile and said, "the old man, their boss used to be their kinsman. His last name is he, our last name is Tian, and he is not our family. If it weren't for the good share of the former Ren Dong family, we wouldn't continue to hire he er. You asked us for a debt, I'm afraid you found the wrong person."

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