He Er owes gambling debts outside, and people in other people's casinos even block the door of Tian Yuqiao's shop with a debit note and start asking for debts. However, it's not about what he wants, but about his boss asking for money.

This makes Tian Yuqiao a little speechless and puzzled. He has never seen such a second-class goods.

Ignoring the man, Tian Dahe directly protected his wife and daughter into the shop, and then closed the door with a bang.

"He Er, do you have to give an explanation for this? I just accepted you and caused so many things to us." Tian Dahe angrily scolded.

He erhan's head was sweating and he secretly complained.

"Boss, it's all a matter of the past. It's a problem left over by history. I can't blame it. Who made my cousin treat me so well before ~"

Tian Yuqiao scoffed. He didn't expect a man so old to say it.

The impression of he ER in my heart immediately dropped another level, so I said, "Dad, it seems that they will only cause trouble for us if they stay in the shop. Let's do this. It's just that the autumn harvest is coming. Let them help harvest the crops."

"But I..."

Tian Yuqiao stared at he Er, so frightened that he didn't dare to continue talking.

"If you can't do well, don't blame us. You can only find the way by yourself. Our family doesn't support idle food." Tian Yuqiao said coldly.

He Er, with a bitter face, could only wait until the people who cleaned up the shop came back. Everyone gathered and went to the Grange together.

In the evening, he Er suddenly came back. In his hand, he also carried a bird covered with blood, and a bamboo tube was tied to the bird's leg.

"Hey, boss and miss, you see, I just picked up a good thing at the edge of the field. This bird seems to have spirit. It was so badly hurt that we took great efforts to catch it." he er said like offering a treasure.

Tian Yuqiao was stunned when he saw it. He picked up Dai Mei from he secondhand. Without much words, he turned his head and went back to the backyard. He ER was left standing here foolishly. He wanted to exchange a rare thing for a reward. Unexpectedly, the young lady ran away in a panic.

Seeing that his daughter looked wrong, Tian Dahe questioned he Er what was going on.

"The boss asked us to help harvest the crops. We'll go now. We just arrived at the nearest Zhuangzi, oh, that's the one I was in charge of before, hehe."

"Say the point." Tian Dahe angrily scolded.

"We haven't eaten meat for a long time. We were trying to find something to eat. As a result, we saw such a bird parked on the branch of a tree next to the field. We were going to pluck it and roast it, but there were not enough people to share it. It still had something on its legs. It looked like a letter inside. We thought that the bird must be different. This is for our boss and miss."

Tian Dahe naturally knows the carrier pigeon. Especially when he saw Tian Yuqiao's nervous look just now, he can almost be sure that it was Dai Mei.

He gave him a reward of one or two silver and sent him away.

Tian Yuqiao locked the door directly and entered the virtual environment. After washing Dai Mei's wound with lotus pond water, the ferocious wound was exposed to Tian Yuqiao's eyes.

"Damn, don't let me know who did it to you." Tian Yuqiao said gnashing his teeth.

She quickly fed Demi some space grains, and then treated her wound with golden sore powder. Originally a good Dai Mei, now her wings are drooping, and her feathers have fallen. At first glance, she really feels "bald".

Dai Mei leaned her little head on Tian Yuqiao's wrist and let Tian Yuqiao fiddle with her wings.

Soon, it was wrapped into a big lump of strange things. Tian Yuqiao put it in the tile roofed house in the virtual world. After gold "squeaked" twice, he snuggled up to Dai Mei and used it as a pillow.

Looking at the way the two little things snuggle up to each other, Tian Yuqiao's nose can't help but feel a little sour. Swear to find the murderer who hurt Dai Mei, and then pull out all the hair on the murderer one by one!

There was a trace of murderous spirit in his eyes. Caicai was naturally the first to feel it. It jumped next to Daimei and sniffed. Then it said to Tian Yuqiao, "master, Daimei was hurt by raptors. It tastes a bit like an eagle, and it's not an adult eagle."

Tian Yuqiao didn't say a word. He calculated in his heart. When Daimei recovered, he directly asked her to kill her with gold and silver rings.

Opened the letter inside the bamboo tube, which had been dyed red by most of Dai Mei's blood.

"It's damn he er. Why is he doing nothing? Open the bamboo tube? If it weren't for him, the letter wouldn't be blurred by the blood." Tian Yuqiao said gnashing his teeth.

"Thanks to that second goods, if it weren't for him, it's estimated that Daimei would die." Honghong said with her small head raised.

Tian Yuqiao unfolded the letter paper and combined the legible handwriting together. It can almost be analyzed that things are not good for Fang Wenhao and them. Especially the word "ambush" made Tian Yuqiao feel a little frightened.

The matter here hasn't been solved yet. If anything happens to Fang Wenhao, it will be bad.

Some worried, so Tian Yuqiao told Wang that he had something urgent to go back to the imperial city that night.

Now Wang doesn't know that the bird he Er picked up is Daimei, and Tian Yuqiao didn't tell her. He just said that he had received a message from his master and asked her to go back.

Wang has always been superstitious, so he believed it ~ and asked Tian Yuqiao to help bring Huang Banxian well.

Tian Dahe didn't say a word. Naturally, he knew what his daughter was going to do. In order not to worry Wang, Tian Dahe did not expose Tian Yuqiao.

"Joe, be careful all the way."

"Don't worry, mom and Dad, I'll be fine. I can still run with the divine talisman given to me by my master." Tian Yuqiao pretended to smile easily.

Caicai was also angry this time. Unexpectedly, someone dared to hurt its few friends. Originally it was very lazy, but this time Daimei was injured, which made it "burn" all at once.

Under the night sky, Cai Cai squatted on the red dragon horn and began to look for the breath of the eagle that hurt Dai Mei.

Gold was like beating chicken blood. When she heard that she was going to avenge Daimei, she also held Honghong and another dragon horn that had just grown up. Looking for the target with Caicai is really full of fire.

For about an hour after chasing out, he met some other birds along the way. Caicai tried to ask them.

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