Tian Yuqiao took a group of friends to avenge Daimei. As a result, he was taken by two owls to a bird breeder's base. There were no cages around there, but the Raptors were kept in the surrounding trees.

At night, they are the best guards and guards for the elderly. Gold is so small that it can be found before entering the house.

After this incident, Tian Yuqiao became friends with the old man who raised birds.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the birds you raise are so powerful. It's really good. Can you show me?" the old man was very hospitable and invited Tian Yuqiao to chat in the house.

The night was deep, and Tian Yuqiao was too lazy to continue on his way, so he went in with him. Naturally, there is no need to worry about safety. There is money and red.

Tian Yuqiao directly picked up Caicai and let the old man see it.

"Oh, this kitten is good. Is it a bobcat? No wonder it can be so powerful." the old man praised it.

Caicai was so angry that he snorted and said that he was really an ignorant hick. You are the kitten. Your family are kittens!

"Oh, is the little guy angry?" the old man looked at Cai Cai and threw his face at him in surprise.

Tian Yuqiao said helplessly, "no, it's just such a temper. He doesn't like to see strangers."

"I didn't expect that all the eagles I raised could be scratched by it. It's really awesome. Little friend, do you sell the little wild cat? You offer a price. I must buy it as long as I can afford it." the old man said solemnly.

Tian Yuqiao was helpless and said with a smile, "old man, it doesn't follow everyone. It's very angry. Anyway, do you sell these Raptors? As long as you make a price, I'll buy them all."

The old man thought Tian Yuqiao was joking, so he smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be a sharp mouthed girl and fight back so soon. Hehe, I don't blame you. I'm abrupt."

Tian Yuqiao said innocently, "no, they are serious. Old man, otherwise you should think about it. You can't play their due role by raising them like this, can you?"

"Their function is to accompany me. And I'm going to let them help me avenge my son, but now they are still small and not strong enough." the old man said with narrowed eyes.

"What's the matter with your son? Is it convenient to tell me?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

The old man looked at her and then nodded: "My son was caught by the people of poison King Valley. Those people are cruel and ruthless. They are good at driving snakes, insects, mice and ants to help them kill. My son was killed by the poisonous insects they raised, so I want to cultivate some birds because they should be able to restrain those poisonous insects. The most hateful thing is the great prince of the dynasty. He colluded with poison King Valley, otherwise my son's caravan would not be killed."

Tian Yuqiao breathed a sigh of relief and then said, "old man, to tell you the truth, I also offended the people of poison King Valley this time. I almost lost my life when I broke in by mistake. Moreover, those people also cut my tongue and asked me to serve their little valley master... The great prince almost killed my father, so we all have a common enemy."

Looking at Tian Yuqiao's pitiful words, the old man felt more sympathy for her. So he talked with her, and they even talked happily.

"Old man, it is impossible for the imperial court to help you destroy the poison King Valley. Moreover, Jianghu people will not go. Even if you have money, no one will dare to avenge you."

"Ah, yes, so I have to raise these little guys myself. I can only count on them to avenge my son in the future."

Tian Yuqiao shook his head and said: "Wrong! You can count on me. Since I can get in and out of poison King's Valley freely and get rid of myself, my ability is beyond doubt. Now my friend is a leader in the army. If you give me these raptors, or you are willing to take them with you to join the army. Then he will certainly be able to avenge your son, which I can guarantee with my personality 。”

"Ha ha, little girl, I'm so old. Do you think the army will want me? I also heard that the army of the eldest prince is responsible for guarding the border. Those troops have a bad reputation. Let's forget it."

"Oh, do you know where the prince's army is now?"

The old man shook his head and said, "I don't know yet, but I heard that the Grand Prince seems to be colluding with those Hu people. Moreover, there is a very backbone young team. They betrayed the Grand Prince and established something ~"

"Hao Tianjun?" Tian Yuqiao reminded.

"Yes, yes, it's the Haotian army. If the Haotian army is willing to take me in, I'm sure to go to them. Even if they often see the Dragon without the tail, I can't find them. I feel that they are the real teachers of justice. Although they are rebels now, at least they don't cooperate with the enemy."

Seeing that the look on his face was not like fraud, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "old man, to tell you the truth, my friend is in haotianjun. This time he asked the carrier pigeon to come back and send a letter for help. As a result, the carrier pigeon was injured by your Raptor on the way."

"Ah, didn't I delay a big event? That's not good. Little girl, what do you say I can do to make up for my fault?" the old man was a little anxious.

"It's easy to do. I said before. You come with me this time and take your birds to join the Haotian army. I believe you will be reused. After all, these soldiers in the air are also very valuable." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good, but now they are all hurt. I'm afraid it will affect the combat effectiveness." the old man frowned.

Tian Yuqiao secretly ordered Caicai to detoxify them. Soon, the little things fluttered their wings from the ground outside and flew back to the tree again.

"Eh? They seem to have recovered. I have to go out and have a look."

After confirming that his babies were all right, the old man smiled and said, "I have nothing to prepare. I'll go with you early tomorrow morning."

"That's not necessary. I'll leave the kitten with you and let it take you there. I have something else to do and can't wait for you."

Tian Yuqiao left here and left Caicai to lead the way to the old man.

In fact, Caicai doesn't know the way to find Hao Tianjun, but Caicai has a contractual relationship with Tian Yuqiao. As long as Tian Yuqiao arrives at Hao Tianjun, Caicai can naturally find a place.

After Tian Yuqiao went out, he directly changed Honghong, and then flew towards the location of Hao Tianjun in the direction pointed by Dai Mei.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao really left, the old man immediately began to try every means to bribe CAI. He cooked broth for it and cut bacon for it~

However, there is no egg, and Caicai is still very proud and charming.

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