Tian Yuqiao left the wealth to the eagle nose old man, and then continued to let Honghong take herself to find Fang Wenhao.

Until dawn, Tian Yuqiao asked Honghong to stop and have a rest. According to Dai Mei's instructions, it should be close to the direction of Hao Tianjun.

If we hadn't delayed some time yesterday, according to Honghong's current flight speed, it is estimated that we should be able to meet Hao Tianjun by now.

However, this time delay is not worthless. At least we have collected so many raptors. Tian Yuqiao believes that the old man will try his best to find Hao Tianjun.

With the same goal and common enemy, I don't worry that the old man will eat his words and get fat.

After eating something, Tian Yuqiao directly asked Jin Jin to check the situation nearby. Soon gold sent back a key message!

"What? You said you found a large group of Hu people ahead. How could this be possible?" Tian Yuqiao said in surprise.

Jin Jin still nodded to confirm that he was right.

Tian Yuqiao was surprised, but according to Jin Jin's description, the Hu people seemed to be besieging a small mountain. There was a cave on the top of the mountain, and the gold could not see the situation in the cave.

Anyway, the Hu people are their own enemies! Tian Yuqiao made up her mind that no matter whether Fang Wenhao was besieged by those people or not, she would~

There were two carved crows in the sky ahead, and then I saw a lot of fire oil falling from the sky like rain. Tian Yuqiao was far away, but he also smelled the smell of oil.

Then there was a big fire, and Tian Yuqiao was stunned. Isn't that the gold ring and the silver ring? Can force them to use fire oil to deal with each other, it can be seen that Fang Wenhao should be really helpless.

Unexpectedly, Fang Wenhao was made dumplings and was still besieged on all sides. But now that Tian Yuqiao is doing support outside, things are definitely possible to reverse.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuqiao directly called Xiaobai out of the empty realm.

Xiaobai is worthy of being a mutated tiger king. He just stayed in the virtual environment for a day, and his body size expanded several times. Now if I don't know, I think it's a real adult tiger.

"Xiaobai, it's up to you. There should be many wild animals in the mountain. You'll try to drive them out later, and then take them to the valley."

Xiaobai nodded vaguely, and Jin translated, "master, he said he knows. He likes to chase animals weaker than himself."

Tian Yuqiao hates cold, but now is not the time to correct Xiaobai's three outlooks. He took out a large piece of meat directly from the virtual environment and gave it a reward.

Xiaobai swallowed the meat and licked his nose. He wanted to get close to Tian Yuqiao, but he seemed to find that Tian Yuqiao seemed to be much smaller. He needed to bow his head to touch her face.

Tian Yuqiao held Xiaobai's steel needle tiger beard in his hand and said with a disgusted face: "Xiaobai, you have grown up now. You can't do this with me anymore."

Xiaobai leaves pitifully, with tiger eyes in tears~

Caicai was also arranged by Tian Yuqiao. It is estimated that they will be enough for those Hu people to drink a pot.

Tian Yuqiao let Honghong stretch out and sent her to a big tree. Tian Yuqiao stood on the branch of the tree, steady.

Looking down at the war ahead, Fang Wenhao's gang were trapped on a mountain, where there were caves. Otherwise, she was worried that the beasts would hurt Hao Tianjun by mistake later.

Dabai blocks himself at the entrance of the mountain and throws down the stones around him from time to time. The screams of the Hu people and the roar of white anger came continuously.

Tian Yuqiao found that there seemed to be blood on Dabai's hair, maybe he was injured.

After setting off the fire oil, Jinhuan and Yinhuan continued to linger around the cave to prevent someone from climbing up from the back.

Tian Yuqiao admired the military accomplishment of these two small sculptures. Unexpectedly, they all learned to play and cooperate. It's really good.

Soon, Tian Yuqiao felt the tree shaking under his feet. Scared, she quickly grasped the branch for fear of falling down. This is no joke. If you are not careful, you will be trampled to death by wild animals even if you don't fall to death.

Caicai and Xiaobai, one east and one west, soon drove out some wild animals such as wild boars, bison, wild deer and robes in the mountains on both sides. There are also blind bears~

Tian Yuqiao can feel the tragedy that the Hu people will face later, and he began to countdown them in silence

"Boom boom ~"

A large group of wild animals were driven to the valley ahead.

Caicai almost looked at it. He immediately flashed away and disappeared. The next moment, it directly appeared next to Tian Yuqiao.

Xiaobai first experienced the benefits brought by her huge body. Now she is showing the color of huan'er.

They frightened the wild animals one end at a time and made them run around. He soon broke into the circle of Hu people, and knew how to avoid burning places and run to places without fire.

Because the fire just now has occupied a large area, there is very little standing ground that could have been left for the Hu people. In addition, so many wild animals came to seize them suddenly, which led to many Hu people being "squeezed" into the sea of fire by the wild animals.

Those Hu people who were burned by the fire soon made a "Zizi" sound and a smell of charred skin and meat.

The two blind bears were half killed by Xiao Bai's anger. He had the capital to fight back. So now they are chasing around the little white run, and everywhere they go, they have cleared away those things that are blocking the way, looking at the things that are in the way, and make complaints about them.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the scene of the blind bear tearing the living man by hand. He couldn't help taking out a headscarf from the virtual environment and directly blindfolded his eyes.

God, it's terrible. Unexpectedly, the blind bear brought huge casualties to the Hu people, which is more terrible than those wild animals combined.

Xiaobai continues to provoke the two adult bears. Relying on his flexibility, he doesn't care about their brute force attack.

Angry, the blind bear stood up and grabbed two Hu soldiers who were next to him and were too scared to run far. Then the two bear paws merged together, and the heads of the two soldiers collided with each other, making a sound of breaking.

The bear licked the blood on the soldier, and then continued to chase Xiaobai. They roared and injured many Hu soldiers along the way.

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