Flying from the southwest to the northwest, I finally met Fang Wenhao and them. But now, although the distance is not far, they are blocked by a sea of fire.

In the sea of fire, there were continuous cries of pain from Hu soldiers, as well as the roar and roar of wild animals. More bodies were burned "crackling" by the fire, as well as a lot of smoke and dust.

Xiaobai ran away a few times. The blind bear couldn't catch up with its speed. After three or two jumps, Xiaobai has rushed up a hill opposite.

And those two big stupid bears, they don't run slowly on the ground. The ability to jump and climb is much worse than Xiaobai. In addition, the Hu soldiers have killed red eyes. Now they are tit for tat with the two bears.

"Where are so many damn beasts? Kill them! Kill them first. Damn ~" the leader of the Hu people scolded his mother angrily.

Tian Yuqiao continued to stand on the tree and watch. He looked at the two bears, big white, gold rings and silver rings. They were besieging the Hu army. Not to mention, Tian Yuqiao thought that the combat effectiveness of these little guys was really immeasurable.

Xiaobai's success in making soy sauce has served as a catalyst. If it hadn't provoked the two bears, they would have gone back to bed.

The most annoying thing is Caicai. It just helps Xiaobai drive out another part of the beasts, and then runs back to be lazy. This guy is really out of order.

After Tian Yuqiao evaluated all his friends in his heart, the war situation under his head was almost settled.

After the Hu people were burned one by one, they were attacked by wild animals. The worst thing is being torn in half by the blind bear, and the ground is dripping with blood.

Hu people's leaders talked about dialects in a hurry. They chattered and said something. Jin Jin couldn't translate. But soon all the Hu soldiers retreated and ran all the way to the north.

Dabai still stuck to his position, while Jinhuan and Yinhuan killed red eyes and chased out for several miles.

Those two big bears are regarded by Tian Yuqiao. She doesn't intend to let go of such a powerful thug. Find a way to let Xiaobai attract them, and then put them directly into the virtual environment.

There is the world of wealth. After Caicai has trained the two bears, he can take them out for use.

However, before they completely surrendered, Tian Yuqiao decided not to enter the virtual realm easily, so as not to be injured by mistake.

When Fang Wenhao saw that the Hu people outside had run away, they took back their bows and arrows.

Dabai made way, and the hundreds of Hao heavenly troops trapped inside slowly came out of the cave.

When the fire outside was almost over, Tian Yuqiao passed slowly and joined Fang Wenhao.

"Joe, why are you here?" Fang Wenhao drooped his arm, and the fatigue on his face suddenly disappeared.

Tian Yuqiao saw that he was tired of cloth strips on his arm. He was stunned. He hurried over, grabbed his arm and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

The big head explained: "we were ambushed. Alas, it's all my fault. We were going to rob a batch of grain and grass given to the Hu people by the big prince. Unexpectedly, it was a trap. The enemy deliberately let out the wind to attract us."

"I can't blame you all. I'm also wrong. We got the news in advance last time, so we broke their plan to ambush us. This time, they wanted a tooth for a tooth. They knew we would try every means to intercept the letter, but they deliberately put us together." Fang Wenhao frowned.

Tian Yuqiao understood what was going on. Then he saw the big head patting his head and said, "Oh, no, the beast hasn't run away yet. There is a big tiger."

"Hehe, Brother Big head, you may have forgotten that the big tiger was a gift from brother Hao'er last time."

"What? How long has it been? Why has it grown so big?" Fang Wenhao was stunned.

"Yes, it was very slow. It's not thinking. You're in danger, so you work hard for three days a day. No, suddenly you grow up." Tian Yuqiao said proudly.

"No, the mark on the tiger's forehead looks so strange?" big head was puzzled.

"Hehe, I used to raise it as a kitten, but now it suddenly gets bigger. It's really hard to hide my identity." Tian Yuqiao touched his nose awkwardly.

At this time, Xiaobai is flirting with Dabai. Although he has grown up, he is still a baby tiger. Seeing Da Bai is like seeing his mother. Two giant beasts together, this is called a greasy crook~

"Joe, let's go quickly. It's thanks to you that Xiaobai attracted so many beasts to help this time. Otherwise, even if we attack with fire, it's estimated that they won't retreat easily."

Tian Yuqiao ignored it and took the kettle directly from big head. Secretly release the empty lotus pond water to clean the wound on Fang Wenhao's arm, and then apply the golden sore medicine to Fang Wenhao. That's all.

"Don't you have gold sore medicine on you?" Tian Yuqiao asked with his mouth.

"Yes, it's a military emergency. I forgot to use it for a moment." Fang Wenhao smiled foolishly.

"Really, I think you should just call wolf boy. You don't know how to deal with the wound when you're injured. If you're infected, don't want your arm." Tian Yuqiao said, and made an effort to tie a knot with cotton cloth on Fang Wenhao's wound.

The pain made Fang Wenhao show his teeth, but he still didn't say a word. Tian Yuqiao could feel his body trembling, but she just wanted to let him know the pain. Who made him not cherish himself so much?

Big head looked at them awkwardly. He felt that he had nothing to do next, so he went to check the casualties of the soldiers this time.

The Hu people abandoned their armor. When cleaning the battlefield, the Haotian army got a lot of weapons and armor. Some people still have the habit of searching corpses, but they hand in all the money bags and valuable things collectively.

Fang Wenhao felt exhausted after taking some golden sore pills. He was too tired to stick in the cave for three days and nights.

As soon as the wound was cleaned up, he ate something brought by Tian Yuqiao, and he fell asleep.

"Let someone make a stretcher with a bamboo pole and carry him away. You can't stay here too long, otherwise if those people collude with the prince's men and horses, you will be in danger." Tian Yuqiao frowned and said.

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