Let Dabai carry Fang Wenhao directly, and Haotian army advances towards the Northwest Station. Along the way, there was a professional detective named Jin, so the Haotian army could be more at ease, so they moved forward at full speed and quickly headed for the station.

Tian Yuqiao is more popular. Anyway, now Xiaobai has grown up. She sits on Xiaobai's back. All the way, they were surrounded by the Haotian army. If you want more wind, you will have more wind.

Fortunately, it's quite remote here. I didn't meet any outsiders except occasional hunters along the way.

It took two days to get to the current base camp of Haotian army.

"Brother Big head, how many people are there now?"

Tian Yuqiao looked at the neat yurt in front of her, full... She couldn't count. This scale is really not small. It's not too much to describe it with overwhelming coverage.

Big head looked at Tian Yuqiao's reaction and felt a little proud. Said: "there are not many people. At present, it has developed to 30000 people."

"What? I don't think you are very satisfied with this number." Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes and looked at the big head contemptuously.

"Hey, it's not these days. Refugees are running to the East, so it's hard for us to recruit. Otherwise, we would have broken 50000 now. Hey, I really want to go to their imperial city to recruit ~" big head looked away and was a little excited.

Dabai directly "threw" Fang Wenhao into his big account of the Chinese army, and big head and Tian Yuqiao naturally followed in.

"Da Bai has a good relationship with you now. Unexpectedly, everyone knows where brother Hao'er lives."

"Yes, yes, yes, but it's too violent. I just threw Hao'er over the shoulder. You'd better hurry to see if the wound is cracked." big head kindly reminded.

He felt a gust of wind blowing around. The next moment, he found that Tian Yuqiao was already beside Fang Wenhao and was helping him carefully check his wound.

The big head smiled silently, then went out and settled the wounded soldier.

In such a big camp, there are only Fang Wenhao, Tian Yuqiao and Xiaobai who keeps selling cute nearby.

It doesn't care whether it's big or not. Who's not a baby? At this time, he was rubbing Tian Yuqiao's calf with a big tiger's head.

"Oh, come on, Xiaobai. Go out and play with Dabai. Don't bother me here." Tian Yuqiao was impatient.

Xiaobai walked out with his tail down, looking for the smell and playing with Dabai.

Tian Yuqiao was able to check Fang Wenhao's wound at ease. In addition to the severe knife wound on his arm, there were also varying degrees of wounds on his legs and back.

Although the man and the woman do not kiss, he is still in a coma after all. And he is so young. In Tian Yuqiao's eyes, he still treats him as a little fart child. What are you afraid of?

Let Caicai guard at the door and don't let anyone in. Tian Yuqiao directly brought out a large wooden bucket from the virtual environment. She used to water it, but now she can only make do with it for Fang Wenhao.

The two big bears are being entangled by Xiao Ruan's men and can't move at all. At first, the son and mother insects were transformed into two big snakes. Now they directly turn those insects into two chains and trap the two big bears tightly.

Tian Yuqiao reluctantly looked at the two bears. Unfortunately, she didn't have honey in her hand, but she could give them some meat.

After throwing them two large pieces of meat, Tian Yuqiao boiled water himself.

She soon boiled the water, and then she directly removed Fang Wenhao's armor. I left him only a pair of trousers, and then dragged him into the barrel.

There was empty lotus pond water inside, so she didn't worry about Fang Wenhao's wound.

"Hiss ~" Fang Wenhao felt a stabbing pain on his body, couldn't help frowning, and then there was a sign of waking up.

Tian Yuqiao hurriedly ran out, and then happened to meet big head coming from a distance.

"Brother Big head, go in and help him wash the wound, otherwise it will be easy to fester if the wound is too dirty." Tian Yuqiao said with a red face.

Big head didn't doubt anything, just nodded and said yes, and then went in.

After entering, he found that Fang Wenhao's clothes were gone? There was no one else in it just now. Who took it off for him?

Fang Wenhao opened his eyes and saw that the big head was in his camp. My heart seemed a little lost, but I still bared my teeth and said to him, "help me clean the blood stain on my body, and then let Joe help me with the medicine."

"I can also take medicine, so don't bother her." big head smiled and took a towel.

Fang Wenhao said coldly, "your thick hands promote it. I'm afraid of pain."

"Ha ha, aren't you? You didn't say a word when you were stabbed by someone. Now it's just medicine. Stop talking, I know what you mean. You just like other people's little girls, don't you?" the boss joked.

Fang Wenhao's face turned from pale to ruddy. He didn't know whether he was scalded by the bath water or whether he was right in his mind.

Tian Yuqiao walked around the road, touched the cooking place, put some virtual lotus pond water in, and then walked back slowly.

Most of the soldiers didn't know her origin, but after the propaganda of the soldiers who had seen her riding a tiger, everyone looked at Tian Yuqiao in awe even more than Fang Wenhao.

"Is this the female Xia that our leader said? It is said that she made us turn defeat into victory several times."

Naturally, there were people who took refuge in the big prince. Naturally, they also knew Tian Yuqiao. At this time, they turned into talkers and began to boast about Tian Yuqiao's "courage".

Not to mention, if men gossip, they are comparable to gossip women one by one.

Tian Yuqiao didn't care about the gang and went to Fang Wenhao's camp. When she went back, she just met the big head and came out to pour bath water.

"Joe, where have you been? It's a remote place here. There's nothing to see. Hey hey, when our army occupies the Imperial City, we'll..."

Tian Yuqiao quickly interrupted the big head and said, "don't think so much. Has he dressed yet? I'm going to give him medicine."

"Well, wear your pants. Go in. Anyway, a man's body is not afraid to see. It's all right."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. He always felt that the big head was a little strange, but he still couldn't help but want to go in and see the appearance of the little fresh meat when it came out of the bath.

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