After Fang Wenhao woke up, he directly convened the leaders of Hao Tianjun and held a meeting for them. Tian Yuqiao naturally appeared as a special adviser and listened to him bored.

The content is to let the generals who lead the troops report the recent events of the teams under their jurisdiction. Similar to the year-end summary and work report, Tian Yuqiao fell asleep.

Fang Wenhao looked at the little girl nodding next to her and couldn't help but show a rare smile. The generals thought they were dazzled. After all, Fang Wenhao seldom smiles.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what I want to say next is very important. Since our team is almost saturated now and it is difficult to absorb new recruits in the northwest, I decided to send our troops South and go to the southwest to fight for our own world."

"Marshal, my subordinates think it's better to attack the Hu people in the northwest. After all, our Haotian army initially used the slogan of eliminating the Hu people, but now it suddenly wants to transfer the base areas, which may shake the morale of the army."

"I don't think so. Now there are wolves in front of us and tigers behind us. We are often calculated by the Grand Prince and the Hu people. We are worried all day and have no chance to train troops. If we can go to the southwest for stable development for a period of time and make a comeback, we must be able to deal a fatal blow to the Hu people."

"I agree with Commander Fang. My whole family was killed by Hu people, and so were my brothers. We joined Haotian army for revenge. Now let's go to the South and squint. How can we do this?"

The big head frowned, waved his hand and said, "you guys, going to the southwest is to consider the overall situation. You can't be so short-sighted. Now we have only twenty or thirty thousand people. How can we take revenge? So we must develop and expand ourselves before we can have the opportunity to take revenge."

"Yes, it must be right to listen to the marshal. He can lead us out of danger every time. If the marshal had not led us well, we would have died in the calculations of the Hu people."

Of the twenty or thirty people present, only five or six did not advocate going to the southwest. Fang Wenhao kept all these people in mind and went through them in his mind.

They are all native here, and their families are indeed persecuted by the Hu people, so they are not willing to go, which is also very normal.

"All right, everyone, I'm not embarrassed. But for the sake of the overall situation, I decided to transfer in batches. There must be people here. You are all native here, so let your team be stationed in the northwest. It's up to you to contain and confuse the Hu people and make them think our army is still there."

When Fang Wenhao finished, everyone agreed that the matter was settled.

After the gang left, Tian Yuqiao still dozed off there.

Fang Wenhao took her to the couch with some heartache, and used his cloak as a quilt cover for her. Looking at the little girl sleeping, he couldn't help but want to kiss her.

Just at this time, Xiaobai suddenly broke in from outside. How dare Hao Tianjun stop it? It's too late to detour.

After Xiaobai came in, she directly lay beside Tian Yuqiao. Its body lay on the ground, just as high as Tian Yuqiao. As Fang Wenhao approached, Xiaobai threw his face at him.

"You little heartless, forget who picked you up?" Fang Wenhao was a little sad.

Xiaobai rolled her eyelids, as if she remembered something. Wen Hao didn't have much hostility to the other party, but he still didn't let anyone near Tian Yuqiao and acted as a guard to stick to his post.

"It's good. I should give you a reward. I'm relieved to have you protecting her in the future. But you can be unscrupulous here. If there are outsiders, you can't scare people to death?" Fang Wenhao chatted with Xiaobai.

Xiaobai will look at him if he is happy. If he is not willing to listen, he will hum twice with his nose. However, Fang Wenhao enjoyed it. He didn't know whether he was talking to Xiaobai or to the sleeping man.

Tian Yuqiao slept in a daze, as if he heard someone nagging in his ear all the time. I couldn't help but frown and murmur, "Oh, mom, I know. Don't worry about it ~"

The expression on Fang Wenhao's face suddenly froze, and then petrified on the spot. I don't want to talk to Xiaobai anymore. He is regarded as her mother by the little girl!

From the next day, Fang Wenhao arranged for the people under his hand to transfer in batches. Only a few hundred people, no more than a thousand at most, were transferred each time, making them all move towards the southwest.

"Brother Hao'er, I only have ten shops and 3000 mu of land in the southwest. It seems that there is no room for so many of you. How are you going to settle them?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

She didn't listen to a word about the meeting yesterday. Now when she saw that all Haotian soldiers had changed their civilian clothes, she remembered and asked.

"Don't worry, the shops in the southwest are very cheap. I saved the money you lent me last time. I'll open some businesses then, and then our two families will try to reach a cooperative relationship. In this way, I can let my people solve the problem of shortage of manpower in your side."

"That's great. I'm going to have a big fight. Hey hey, don't tell me. There's really a shortage of people at hand."

Fang Wenhao frowned and said, "Joel, I'm just worried. After all, we're rebels. If we contact too closely, I'm afraid you'll be involved. Let's try not to contact when we're free in the future. If there's a need for material turnover, I'll let Daimei inform you."

"Then you don't live in our house?"

Fang Wenhao was so cruel that he couldn't bear to refuse the little girl. However, for the safety of his family, he could only bite his teeth and say, "no, I'd better live in the military camp. I'm going to have a grange in your hand. In this way, it can be used as a temporary military camp."

"Oh, you'll live there then, and then you can come home to eat when you're free. Is that what you mean?" Tian Yuqiao immediately exposed Fang Wenhao's trick.

Fang Wenhao pinched Tian Yuqiao's nose, smiled and said, "yes, that's what I mean. Why, you're not welcome?"

"It's a great honor. By the way, I'm going to let my father join your Haotian army. After all, he ran out from the great prince before. He should know something." Tian Yuqiao suggested.

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