The Tian family had to buy a lot of living materials at once, which led to the commercial development of more than a dozen nearby towns. Originally, there were stocks in the shop, and even those goods that had been left for a long time were sold at a low price.

It's not that Tian Yuqiao is stingy, but those old goods that have been pressed for several years, but fortunately they are also very strong fabrics. The style is a little old, but it doesn't delay.

This time she personally took he ER and them to "mop up" and drive a large carriage. It's called a mighty.

However, in order not to disclose the target, he ER and Tian Yuqiao still buy in batches.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao was wearing a Taoist boy's clothes, and Xiaoyu around him was also dressed up as a boy.

"Almsgiver immeasurable, please make a good fortune. We need to buy a lot of materials for the relief of the victims. Please don't raise the price, you will live longer." Tian Yuqiao said solemnly.

"Well... Taoist priest, you don't know. Cotton and cotton cloth are in short supply now. They bought them two days ago. If I sell them to you, we won't have to do business next."

After walking a few stores, I didn't buy many things. People didn't give her the face of a Taoist at all. They planned to keep it until the people before came, so as to raise the price.

Tian Yuqiao took people to the northwest. Wherever they passed along the way, he Er spread rumors about Haotian army coming, which made those rich people panic one by one.

Originally, the northwest border has been in war for years, and now Haotian army has joined, which makes the situation in the northwest even more chaotic. Today he beat him, and tomorrow he can't decide who will partner with whom.

Hu people dare not go deep, but Hao Tianjun is different. They are small in number and good at guerrilla warfare. Although there is no looting of people's property, who can guarantee it if it really comes?

Northwest chamber of Commerce, those merchants all gathered together to discuss the next countermeasures.

"No, I don't think there's a peaceful day in the West."

"Yes, everyone, don't hide and express your opinions."

"It's said everywhere that Haotian army is going to revolt completely. It seems that they are in a hot fight with the prince's soldiers. What can our shop do if they really kill them? It's too late to transfer these properties."

The president was an old man in his seventies. He stood up, hugged his fist and said to the people under him, "don't worry too much, please observe for a few days first. If it doesn't work, we'll have to go first with tenderness."

"President, what you said is light. Don't think we don't know. You've asked your nephews to start selling your property three months in advance. You have foresight and left. What can we do with our shop, fields and things in the warehouse?"

"What do you want to do? Now there is a great disaster. Who knows when Haotian army will kill you."

The discussion here was in full swing, while Tian Yuqiao asked a lot of people along the way. It is said that the silver banks, cloth farms and grain stores in the northwest have been mastered by the people of the chamber of Commerce.

Now it can be said that the chamber of commerce is the dominant one. They can see how much they want, regardless of the life and death of the people.

He Er came back and said to Tian Yuqiao, "Miss, I've inquired about it. Rich Chen is the worst, especially he likes to make a fortune in disaster. The more disaster the people suffer, the higher the price of rice."

"Miss, I've also inquired about it. There's a rich man Li. His Bunin can be bitten by insects. He won't sell it to the poor at a low price. And boss Zhou, he's even more hateful. Last year, the heavy snow lasted for a long time. People's houses collapsed and didn't have cotton clothes to wear. The cotton in his warehouse was going to be moldy, so he didn't say to sell it at a low price."

"OK, you can do this tonight..." Tian Yuqiao whispered to them.

When he Er heard the speech, they all rubbed their hands one by one. They are very good at this!

They were all covered in black. At night, they all turned into the nightmare of the rich. I ordered all the shops of the above rich and unkind rich men, but I just burned some small shops that were insignificant.

Make sure there is no guard inside. After all, they don't want to hurt people.

Honghong carries Tian Yuqiao in mid air to supervise the fire. If the fire over there is not well controlled, Tian Yuqiao quickly makes Honghong cry.

The next morning, the town was boiling. The shopkeepers of those shops that suffered losses quickly sent people to report the losses to their owners.

The old friends of the chamber of Commerce got together again.

"What can I do? It seems that the Haotian army is really fighting. It's terrible to burn, kill and loot at once."

"No one has evidence. It's just speculation."

"By the way, there's a waist token on the arsonist. Today, the boy sent me one. Let's have a look."

The president took the waist token and immediately frowned. Then he was so angry that he patted the table and said, "well, the great prince is really unreliable. He used us all. He wants to clean up our fat fish under the banner of Haotian army."

"Do you mean that the prince's people did it?"

"God, why did he do that? We have donated less money and things to his team these days."

"Yes, I heard a while ago that someone had encountered Haotian army again. Maybe the Grand Prince's team lost. We lost a lot of materials, and we didn't see enough of what we donated. People are going to bring us all to one pot this time."

"Don't ask what to do. Let's go back and find a way. We can sell what the shop can sell. If we can't, we can sell the land to the tenant farmers at a lower price. As for the things in the shop, we should deal with them as soon as possible. It's important to run for life with a silver ticket at that time. The eldest prince is cruel and ruthless. We are not rivals at all."

"I agree. Let's stop wasting time here and run to the East. I'll leave first and go home to sell my house and land."

These rich old people are the most cunning. Once they find danger, they are more anxious than anyone else. Now Tian Yuqiao buckled the excrement basin on the prince's head and let him carry the black pot. This move really has an obvious effect.

Things that could not be bought in the southwest could be bought at a low price in the northwest, which virtually saved her a lot of money.

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