Tian Yuqiao first asked he Er to burn some small shops under the guise of Hao Tianjun. Then someone left the waist token of the prince's men, thanks to the surrender of more than 70 people at the beginning.

The people of the chamber of commerce were terrified. After all, when the grand prince asked them to donate money some time ago, they didn't donate much, and they didn't donate so happily.

This time, after many associations, they all agreed that the great prince was retaliating.

Immediately ordered the shopkeeper and steward to reduce the price as much as possible. The fine pure cotton cloth, which used to cost one or two silver coins, has now dropped to 600 Wen.

The most important thing is that in order to quickly sell the backlog of goods in their hands, those people even fought a price war.

The people are so happy that they are all waiting outside the cloth farm and grain store to buy cheap things these days.

Tian Yuqiao originally planned to take the opportunity to buy more. Unexpectedly, countless poor people came to buy cheap goods. Especially those uncles, aunts and aunts all get up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs.

Those people don't take their shops away if they don't close them. It's like if you can't buy cheap things, you'll suffer a big loss.

At this time, he er's cheeky unique advantages can be reflected. They just squeeze into the crowd and don't bother to line up.

The boys in the shop roared, "you muddy legs, step back, or you'll be served by sticks. If you want to buy cheap things, go to the line over there. What about you, so old masters, you're lucky to jump in the line."

He er said proudly, "I want all the cloth and cotton in your shop. Don't talk nonsense. Everyone else can go back."

"You ~ what? Old man, you just said you wanted it all. Is that true?" the boy suddenly changed his face.

He Er nodded and snorted with his nostrils. He didn't bother to look at the boy and walked in.

The shopkeeper quickly came out to say hello when he heard the speech.

"Sir, have a cup of tea first. This is the best Biluochun."

He Er tilted his mouth and said, "your tea is Biluochun, but it's not good. If I guess correctly, it was picked last year? It's definitely not this year."

"Oh, your old man is really good. To tell you the truth, our shop has been in a recession recently, so there is no new tea this year. Your old man can make do with drinking some to moisten his throat, and I'll send someone to get you the bill. To tell you the truth, the cloth and silk in our shop are all good materials. If we don't catch up... Alas, it's hard to say."

"Shopkeeper, you can't talk half. I've bought these things, but I have to open my own shop, and I can't find a way to deliver them. Now haotianjun is making trouble everywhere. My master asked me to buy some things in your remote town and take them back. Don't call haotianjun at that time, don't I buy all these things for nothing?"

Seeing that he seemed to be shaking, the shopkeeper quickly justified himself and said, "no, No. This is not to give back to the public, so our boss united with several other big bosses and decided to sell at a profit. It's not just your luck. Otherwise, why do you just want to buy something and we'll catch up and reduce the price here?"

"Well, you sell this thing to others at a 60% discount. I'll give you a 40% discount. I'll wrap up all the cloth and cotton. Hey, it's a big deal. Let the owner scold when you go back." he Er frowned.

The shopkeeper was about to cry. He shook his head and said, "it's no good. There are regulations above. We can't change the price without authorization. Why don't you do this? I'll give you a 50% discount at the lowest. In this way, if the owner asks me in the future, I'll give an explanation, won't I?"

"You're so close? Let's go again." he Er continued to linger.

"Sir, I can't let you go. If I can, I'd be happy to sell you all my things. I'd better pack up and leave at that time, but I really can't be the master."

When he Er heard the speech, he patted his ass directly and turned his head and left.

"You don't sell it here. I'll buy it from someone else's house. Anyway, you're not the only shop."

The shopkeeper was in a hurry and quickly asked the boy to pull he Er back.

"Sir, look at your temper. We can discuss it again. Let's do it like this. If you can buy more of our things, you'll be given a discount of 40% and a half. What do you think?" the shopkeeper's face turned white.

"Oh? What else do you want to sell?" he Er asked with an eyebrow.

"Well, you stay for dinner at noon and I'll practice the shopkeepers of other industries of our boss. If you can buy more things from our stores at the same time, the boss will blame me. Isn't there someone else to bear with me, don't you?" the shopkeeper smiled a little obscene.

He Erqiao crossed his legs. While pretending to taste tea, he nodded and said, "that's OK, but you have to hurry. My time is very precious."

"That's natural. Wait a minute. I'll get in touch with you on a fast horse. But in order to show your sincerity, do you also pay a part of the deposit?"

"This is natural." he er said, took out a hundred Liang silver NOTE directly from his pocket and slapped it on the table.

"Oh, you are always generous. I'll write down the account for you and bring you good news later."

After receiving the silver note, the shopkeeper left happily.

He Er had eight dishes served to him. In this not very central place, it is already a luxurious five-star banquet. This means that he is a big customer and generous, so people don't dare to say anything.

I haven't eaten like this for a long time. He Er has forgotten what it's like to be a money master. The meal was so full of haisai that he put down his chopsticks.

In my heart, I admire Tian Yuqiao and say that the young lady of this club is really powerful. She is simply her idol. According to her statement, I made progress by retreating, and really got a lot of benefits.

Even if it's a discount, the meal will be worth more than ten liang of silver.

Tian Yuqiao didn't know that her current image was "tall" in the hearts of these ruffians. If she knew, she would be speechless.

She learned from JINZI that he Er had already done it in his own way, and the shopkeepers in those shops had joined hands with each other to sell a big sale.

At last, I feel at ease. The next step is to build a house for those people.

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