He made a big oolong. Tian Yuqiao beat down a young eagle that others had worked hard to raise.

The expression on Khan Bator's face is really wonderful. Tian Yuqiao even wondered if the old guy was the ancestor of the face changing world.

After a while, the color on Barto's face changed from white to black, from black to purple, and finally became iron blue.

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao admitted his mistake in time, and Barbara whispered a few words in his father's ear. After all, he saved one of his sons. How can I say that Barbara's life should be worth more than that eagle?

Sure enough, Barbara soon smiled grimly and said, "hahaha, it's really a hero. Good, good! I didn't come here in vain. Come on, serve wine and food."

At Bator's command, the originally cold atmosphere around him suddenly became hot. Then Tian Yuqiao experienced the same thing as yesterday and sang and danced with the group again.

But this time, she didn't dare to hold it up again, and she didn't dare to drink too much wine.

However, God often doesn't follow people's wishes. Keya holds a delicate silver fox and runs to Tian yuqiaoga dance! By the way, I'll share the wine.

"Sister qiao'er, it was a little sister before. She had eyes and didn't know Taishan. She bumped into her sister. Please don't worry about me."

But ya put on the appearance of a little sister next door, which was completely inconsistent with the image of the energetic female man before.

"Princess Keya, what are you talking about? We still want to thank you for your hospitality, but I don't dare to drink this wine casually. I'm still young ~"

For Tian Yuqiao's tactful refusal, Keya said she didn't understand it at all.

"If sister Qiao doesn't drink, it means she hasn't forgiven others."

Looking at her poor look, Tian Yuqiao was speechless. But looking at the wine pot she held in her hand, it wasn't very big, so she agreed.

However, the little girl seemed to come to revenge. She was followed by two handmaids, one holding a big wine jar in his hand.

Sure enough, Tian Yuqiao drank too much without wine today. But also holding Keya, they look like heroes hate to meet late. Shoulder to shoulder, not intimate.

If they were sisters who had been separated for many years, some people would believe them.

After drinking the wine and eating the barbecue for a while, it was dark.

Because King Khan came in person, people's enthusiasm seems to be higher today than yesterday.

After chatting all night, Tian Yuqiao knew that although he was almost as tall as himself, he was even older than Wulang.

Tian Yuqiao had to wonder, are the people of this grassland tribe so tall and big? And even girls are very tough.

"Hiccup, sister qiao'er, what are those people singing? I heard you can sing a lot of grassland songs, so please sing them for us. Besides, my father Wang came here specially to listen to you sing this time. Today you hurt his baby carving by mistake. If you don't give face and don't sing again, it's estimated that he may be careful when trading."

Keya's small mouth was spewing wine, while Tian Yuqiao was a little sober at this time. Xin said he really made trouble today and accidentally damaged the boss's carving.

Forget it, die or die. If it's a big deal, say you're drunk.

Pull Keya together and run to the middle of the campfire circle.

"Everyone be quiet. Next, let's invite our distinguished guests to present grassland songs for my father."

Keya really looks like an agent, and her words carry a lot of weight. For a moment, the originally noisy crowd suddenly quieted down, and even the bosses of Barto, barber and Barbara began to pay attention here.

After clearing his throat, Tian Yuqiao opened his throat and began to sing: "give me a blue sky, a rising sun... The man who sets the horse, you are powerful and majestic, and the galloping horse is like the wind ~"

Tian Yuqiao sang a version of "lasso pole" with a southern accent and a northern accent. Although it was not in tune at all, the moral of the lyrics was quite good. It just touched the inner itch of the grassland people.

"Well, Miss Tian is really a good singer." Bator couldn't help but take the lead in praising.

The boss praised, and others naturally have to cooperate. Then there were more cheers and cheers. Tian Yuqiao's small face was red against the campfire. At this moment, she felt like a star exposed in the spotlight.

"Eh, that's not right. Brother, the little girl's singing today is different from those yesterday." barber frowned and said.

"Oh? You mean, this little girl's ability is more than that? Alas, it would be a pity if she was like that. It's a pity that the king doesn't have a son similar to her age, otherwise he must marry her back." Barto was a little lost.

"Father, you see, Keya's little sister seems to get along well with the little son of the Tian family." Barbara reminded him with a smile and a glass of wine.

Bator looked down his son's eyes and saw that Keya was squeezed between the Tian brothers and sisters, one arm around the other, and the three were together ~ rowing!

His eyes narrowed like hawks and falcons, and Barto already knew. He plans to give more sweets to the Tian family when trading, and strive to let the Tian family's boy be his son-in-law.

In this case, I really make a lot of money.

As soon as the little guy took a sip of wine, he couldn't help sneezing. The result just sprayed on Keya's face, and then next to the campfire, there was a picture of a woman chasing a little boy.

"Smelly boy, stop! You dare to spray wine on my mother's face to see if I don't break your ass."

Keya is gnashing her teeth. Her language is very fierce.

The little guy ran around the people by the campfire and had time to turn his head and make faces at Keya.

"Princess Keya, you're too close to me. I didn't mean to. Oh, don't chase. You're wearing a skirt. The skirt will float. Girls must pay attention to their image, otherwise they can't get married when they grow up."

In the face of the little guy's painstaking efforts, Yafei was not grateful, but even more angry.

"Hum, smelly boy, don't be afraid. Let's fight 80 rounds. Bah, if you're right, I'll rob you and let you marry me."

"Poof!" Tian Yuqiao took a sip of wine and sprayed it directly from his nose.

Fortunately, the people around were watching the princess chasing the Tian family boy. No one noticed her.

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