The Tian family couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the grassland people after two days of banquets. Tianyutang and Princess Keya, who had been chasing and fighting with each other, didn't know how. They have turned fighting into friendship.

The next day, Bator was going back. After all, the war with the Hu people was imminent. Now another Eagle trained from childhood has been damaged, which can be said to be a great loss.

Tian Yuqiao wrote the lyrics of those grassland songs overnight and handed them to Tian Dahe. Tian Dahe offered the paper in his arms to the Khan of Horqin tribe.

Barto got what he wanted and was naturally in a good mood, so he urged people to leave.

Keya blushed, smiled and took Tian Yuqiao's hand, then ordered the maid behind her to give Tian Yuqiao a very exquisite dagger.

At the same time, he also gave the little guy a gold knife. The scabbard was inlaid with all kinds of valuable gemstones, which glittered in the sun.

That's gold. The eyes of the Tian brothers and sisters suddenly became bright, and they looked like they were going to drool.

"I'm glad to meet you, my friend. Goodbye. After my father completely destroys the Hu tribe, we'll use the Hu head to make a wine container to hold the wine. It must be spectacular at that time."

But ya said, regardless of the great changes in the looks of Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother, she had been riding her horse very smartly and kept up with her father.

He galloped his horse on the grassland and soon the party disappeared. Even barber left with him, which made the Tian family feel much more comfortable.

Barbara is in a good mood. His father and uncle are finally rolling. He is the biggest here. He can get as high as he wants.

Well, to celebrate, tonight is another roast whole sheep meal.

Many children came to see Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother. They said they had never seen Tian Yuqiao's beautiful dance and wanted to learn from her.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. With Xiaoyu's detailed description, she had figured it out. For the sake of getting drunk these two days, I led the grassland people to dance square dance.

Today, in front of many people, she taught the grassland people a set of things similar to juvenile radio gymnastics without drinking too much.

It was another night of carnival. At the beginning of the next day, the grassland people began to be busy.

Tian Yuqiao knew that the people had put down their work because they had to entertain guests and the arrival of Lord Khan these days.

Now winter is coming. People still need to collect a lot of cattle and sheep feces, otherwise winter will be very difficult.

Although Barbara has told them that before this winter, he will buy some stones from Tianjia that can burn continuously and maintain a certain temperature for a long time, we can't believe it.

Because it's so magical and mysterious. Like the sun god of the grassland, it's incredible.

Now Barbara has collected a lot of excrement, which he naturally doesn't use to burn himself, but to exchange with the Tian family.

Tian Yuqiao said before that he should collect fresh feces. The price of those that are dry should be relatively low. So as soon as she came out today, she saw many women and children of Horqin tribe, with a snake skin bag in their hands, following behind the cattle and sheep, collecting those fresh feces with a shovel.

The little guy could not help frowning. He felt that everything he ate in the morning was ready to move in his stomach, and a burst of nausea came naturally.

"Elder sister, does our land really need these things to fatten up?"

"Well, otherwise, it will reduce a lot of harvest."

"But I've heard others talk about that our output of inferior fields is higher than that of others."

"Do you think you have less money?"

"Hey hey, of course not. I'm right. I'm still young and don't think things well enough."

The dialogue between sister and brother ended in the little guy's complete defeat.

The frustrated little guy took out the beautiful gold knife given to him by the princess and cut the weeds in front of him.

"Let's go and have a look around." Tian Yuqiao suggested.

"Oh," the little guy said.

The two brothers and sisters walked around the road and saw many people making blankets and some killing cattle and sheep.

Looking at the little guy in a daze, he couldn't help asking, "sister, is it really not illegal for them to kill cattle here?"

"Yes, who makes cattle worthless with them."

Along the way, people, whether they knew the Tian family or didn't know them, all saluted their sister and brother one after another, which made Tian Yuqiao very fond of the people here.

Polite people are really cute.

After watching all the way, Tian Yuqiao had more and more inspiration in his head.

These are business opportunities! Cheese, blankets, dried beef and mutton and so on are all good things.

At this time, she looked at the bloody cattle and sheep that had just been killed again. She didn't feel sick. Instead, she seemed to see a pile of finished meat and preserved meat.

"Sister, what's the matter with you? You can show that intoxicated expression when looking at these things." the little guy asked with a frown.

"Cough, this? I'm thinking we can cooperate more with them."

Pointing to the woman washing the felt over there, he said, "the felt in her hand is made of wool. We can take their wool and spin it into thread. Then we can make clothes. It's very warm to wear."

"What? Wear such disgusting things on your body. Sister, I firmly disagree. It's disgusting. Just that smell makes you want to vomit." the little guy raised his hands and feet against it.

"Hey, your sister, I naturally have a way to taste. Don't you understand?"

"Yes, my sister is the best." the little guy immediately flattered.

After looking around, Tian Yuqiao was also a little tired. After all, the pony she rode really affected her image, and the guy was fat, which made Tian Yuqiao feel like he was stabbing a horse.

My leg hurts. I can't stand it.

But since he fed the pony with the green vegetable leaves in the virtual world, the guy stuck to her. Early in the morning, she leisurely ran to the door of her yurt and waited for her to come out and feed herself the delicious vegetable leaves.

After returning, Tian Yuqiao began to draw up the contract. All this needs to be prepared in advance. She plans to buy things here at a low price and grasp the opportunity. She must not give Barbara the opportunity to raise the price.

After making up her mind, she began to take out a charcoal pen and began to draft on the paper. I have to be careful. This difference may affect my own profits.

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