In front of the news of Wang's pregnancy in, it seemed a little worthless. On the first day of the lunar new year, the Tian family heard the good news that his wife was pregnant.

When people came to pay New Year's greetings to their host, they also said a series of auspicious words. Tian Dahe was in a good mood and gave people a lot of rewards.

When he went to pay New Year's greetings to the two families next door, Tian Dahe was very proud to spread the news of Wang's pregnancy, which immediately brought joy to the two families next door.

Wuhou took Tian Dahe to his study and discussed with him how to grow old. Mrs. Wu Hou smiled and said many words of envy and congratulations.

Tian Yuqiao and Tian Yutang paid new year's greetings to Godfather and godmother. Naturally, they all got a lot of gifts. The smiles on their faces were jubilant. They went to pay a new year's greeting to Shangguan.

Children always have endless topics when they get together, and the little guy is pulled away at once.

"Wulang, I heard you got a bead from the Empress Dowager. Show us?" Shangguan Qingyun said with a smile.

The Shangguan whispered, "yes, it's all brothers. Take it out and have a look. We won't rob you."

Under the sign of Shangguan Qingfeng's nod, the little guy took out the golden knife inlaid with night pearl with a wary face.

The boys are obsessed with swords and the like. Now they envy this beautiful and gorgeous golden knife.

After they all came and touched the golden knife one by one, Shangguan Qingtian took the lead in saying, "Wulang, can you sell this knife?"

"Don't sell, don't sell for much." the little guy tooted his mouth and hugged the gold knife tightly in his arms.

"Ha ha, look at his stingy appearance. He really has the face of a miser."

After being teased by others, the little guy ran away with his legs.

"Oh, don't run. We've all heard that it's a token of love given to you by the little princess on the grassland. Hey, hey, we won't rob you."

Finally, Shangguan Qingfeng stopped everyone's continued ridicule and led them out to visit.

In a three room house near the western suburb of the Imperial City, Wang Dafa and the widow Zhang closed the door directly and began their fertility plan in the house, whether it was broad daylight or not.

Maybe it's because he often eats the vegetables with aura in the Tian family. Now the king feels more and more powerful. Especially in that regard, it is as powerful as it was in the past.

Widow Zhang, who had been widowed for several years, was like a long dry field, suddenly moistened by showers.

Originally, Wang Dafa planned to take her to pay a new year's call to his boss on the first day of the new year. However, because Zhang was so troubled by himself, he decided to take Zhang with him when he went to work at the Tian family tomorrow.

"It's necrotic. To be honest, did you hide your true age?" Zhang Shijiao asked drily.

"No, I'll be 47 after the new year," Wang Dafa said solemnly.

Zhang turned his eyes and said, "bah, I don't believe it. Why do I think you're only 35 at most?"

"Hahaha, that's a good point. Why don't we do it again?" Wang Da laughed happily.

This frightened Zhang Shi. He shook his head and begged to let go~

However, at this time, the courtyard door outside was smashed open. Then came a dozen big men with sticks and ropes in their hands.

"You surnamed Wang, get out of here quickly. Damn it, you dare to pull your teeth out of the tiger's mouth. Bah, you're so old. You're so shameless. My brother hasn't written a divorce letter yet. How dare you marry him?"

Headed by a middle-aged man, Zhang looked out through the window paper and suddenly looked nervous and pale. Then he hurriedly put on his clothes and was very nervous.

"What's the matter? Look at your nervousness. What are you afraid of? Those people don't dare do anything to you with me."

When Wang Dafa finished, he took his slippers, went to the kitchen, took a kitchen knife, and stood at the door with his waist crossed.

Zhang immediately recognized who the visitor was. It turned out to be his ex husband, the eldest brother of his first husband's family.

In theory, she had to call the man uncle.

From the point of view, this household's registered residence is still at the bottom of the list. Because the two men who married behind her gave and received each other privately.

"Hum, the wild man from nowhere dares to be unreasonable to my sister-in-law. Now he is blocked by us. Are you going to be taken away by us to deliver her to the official, or just give 50 Liang silver and buy her from me?"

Wang Da smiled coldly and said, "do you really think I'm afraid you won't succeed? Zhang has been widowed for many years. Have you ever given her a penny? Now, there are five people and six people standing in front of me. They are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality. In fact, their stomachs are rotten."

Zhang shivered and stood behind Wang Dafa and said, "yes, I've wanted to remarry for a long time. You're the one who won't let me go. Our family doesn't have money. Even if we have it, we won't give it to you."

"Oh, today, there are many relatives at home to pay New Year's greetings to Dad. These are all relatives of our family. They can testify that you are our daughter-in-law. Now you are married to such an old man. It's a seven point rule. You should go out and soak the pig cage."

The people behind also echoed: "yes, you should pull out this naughty woman and soak the pig cage."

Zhang was so frightened that he grabbed Wang Dafa's arm, while Wang Dafa put his arm around her with one hand and raised a kitchen knife with the other hand.

Look at the dozens of big men across the street. They all look like tuberculosis ghosts. Those in the back are still swinging in the cold wind.

Not to mention ten such people, even a few more are not enough.

He helped Zhang to the pot table and sat down. Wang Dafa rushed out with a kitchen knife. He grabbed the stick from the leader, lost the kitchen knife, swung the stick and began to greet these uninvited guests.

Less than half a column of incense, those people were beaten to cry. Originally, Wang Dafa wanted to vent his anger on Zhang Shi. Unexpectedly, all his anger was vented on these people.

I'm sorry to bother you. Naturally, I'll let you have a long memory.

"Ouch, good boy, my son works in the Shangshu's mansion of the Ministry of war. You have something to do."

"Yes, you beat us today. We'll see. It's up to the owner to beat the dog. How dare you ~"

Without giving them a chance to speak again, Wang Dafa kicked them out directly. Finally, he didn't forget to let others pay one or two silver for damaging the gate, so he proudly went back to comfort his new daughter-in-law.

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