After Wang Dafa beat up all the relatives in Zhang's family, his anger was still not calm.

After returning to the house and comforting Zhang, he drank muggy wine himself. Zhang brought over the leftover dumplings filled with pork and celery on New Year's Eve, put them in a large pot and served them to Wang Dafa after they were hot.

After the dishes of soy sauce, vinegar and garlic were put up, the husband and wife sat down and ate each other.

"Hey, I didn't expect that those people's noses were so smart. We just got married, and they came to us. It seems that this is a big trouble. I wonder why they pay so much attention to you?"

After Wang Dafa drank all the wine in the bowl, he asked dully.

"Some of them do work in Shangshu's house, and every time they make a detour to my breakfast stall. These years, they don't eat my fried dough sticks and steamed stuffed buns for nothing." Zhang said wrongfully.

After drinking several pots of muggy wine, Wang Dafa felt his head swell, so he fell asleep. Soon there was a loud snore, and Zhang looked at the collapsed wooden gate outside the yard with some worry.

Her eyes are a little lax. I don't know what she's thinking at this time.

When Wang Dafa woke up again, the sun was already high. He quickly asked Zhang Shi to help him clean up, and then led Zhang Shi into the imperial city.

The Tian Dahe family had a busy day. They were greeting each other for the new year. At this time, Tian Dahe had been left at home by a rich businessman to eat a banquet. He said that it was because the vegetables sent by Xianxiang restaurant made him very face in his father-in-law's house. He had to thank him for what he said.

It's hard to be generous. This is the merchant's helplessness. It's hard to refuse the other party's invitation. Even if you've just had enough to eat and drink in another house, you can only grievance your stomach and continue to stuff it.

As soon as Wang went back to rest, she heard old lady Chen report that Wang Dafa had brought his newly married mother-in-law to pay New Year's greetings to his wife.

They didn't come empty handed, and they also brought a lot of snacks wrapped in red paper. Wang smiled and let people accept it.

After chatting with Zhang for a while, he gave her a set of silver jewelry. After Zhang's tearful thanks, she explained her grievances over the years.

Wang frowned and listened, while Tian Yuqiao, who was already sleepy, felt more and more interesting. She felt that it would be a waste of resources not to write a book about what had happened to Zhang in recent years.

All of them are all kinds of gimmicks to express the injustice to women in this era incisively and vividly.

If it weren't for Zhang's good skill in making breakfast, it is estimated that she would have been tempted to commit suicide by hanging a beam under the exploitation of her eldest brother-in-law and those hateful relatives.

By dusk, Zhang's eyes were as red as rabbits. Wang's heart was also involved, so he almost didn't cry with him.

This is also thanks to Tian Yuqiao's interruptions when he was a child. Whenever Wang wanted to cry, Tian Yuqiao would change his mind. After all, her mother is still pregnant with children. She doesn't want other people's tragic experience to affect her future brother or sister.

"Madam, I thought I met Dafa, and I had a hope in the future. But I didn't expect that within two days of marriage, they broke into the yard and smashed our door."

"It's strange. When did Uncle Dafa have such great skills that he could beat more than ten people alone? How can I not know this?" Tian Yuqiao frowned.

Zhang wiped his tears and then said, "Miss Hui, those people were actually middle-class people, and they didn't get less benefits by relying on someone to be in charge of the Shangshu mansion. That is, in the past two years, they didn't know where they got a thing called Fushou ointment. It is said that it can make people hallucinate and want to be immortal and die ~"

Tian Yuqiao's body was so strong that he almost jumped up from the couch.

"Do you need to use a cigarette gun to take that kind of thing you said?"

After Zhang recalled for a while, he gently nodded his head.

"Yes, I was wondering why so young people like to look like old men and take a strange big pouch with them."

Seeing that his daughter's face was a little wrong, Wang waved his hand and said to Zhang, "come on, you'd better stay at your house for a while. You don't have to set up your breakfast stand. Would you like to stay in my house and be a cook?"

Zhang immediately got up, bowed down and said, "thank you, madam."

"Get up quickly. Don't kneel easily. Our family doesn't like this." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

The couple happily went back to pack up, while Wang leaned against the cushion and rubbed some painful temples.

"Niang, those who were beaten by Uncle Dafa will not live long."

Wang was shocked and asked, "why? Joel, do you want ~"

"Oh, mom, what are you talking about? I'm too lazy to deal with them. After all, killing them won't do us any good. On the contrary, it's a cause and effect. When did we do such a loss making business?"

Wang was more confused and asked, "what do you mean?"

"The secret of heaven cannot be revealed. I'm going to ask Uncle Dafa to talk to those people." Tian Yuqiao smiled insidiously.

Wang could not help shivering. She also knew that as long as her little girl showed such a smile, it meant bad luck for someone. According to the radian drawn from the corner of her mouth today, there must be a lot of unlucky people this time.

I didn't expect that there was Fushou ointment at this time, which is equivalent to a modern Du product. Although it will not be fatal soon, this was the scourge of the Qing Dynasty.

With this thing, a huge tiger and wolf division can be defeated without war. Thinking of Fang Wenhao's side, Tian Yuqiao was in a hurry to get it.

After comforting Wang, Tian Yuqiao went to the small greenhouse behind to check the small green seedlings there.

This is a place she has just opened up. After all, the house here is not very big, so she can only get a warm shed of more than 100 square meters.

There are precious vegetables, fruits and trees such as cucumbers, tomatoes and strawberries, which can be sold at sky high prices.

Come and see these things every day, or she will feel like she has been robbed of her money. Only his own family can enter here. Gongsun Yu and his family have been shut down.

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