Zhang's first mother-in-law's surname was song. After being beaten, the Song family asked people to chew their tongue in front of the wife who was punished to shut up and think about it in the Shangshu family of the Ministry of war.

The fat woman has been eating alone in the house for the new year since she returned home. It is said that she has been completely regarded as the God of plague by her husband and locked up directly.

The friendship in the previous years disappeared, because Shang Shu was scolded by the emperor, saying that he was afraid of his wife and humiliated men. Therefore, after he came back from the palace, he planned to be a new man and get back the male style that men should have.

How does this stand? Naturally, we'll start with cleaning up the fierce woman.

But even if he has the heart to regain power in his family, things have to be done slowly after all. After all, the habit of fearing the inside developed over the years can not be reversed so casually.

So for a while, he didn't dare to beat his generous mother-in-law.

The favorite thing of a fat woman who was banned every day was the gossip that people asked her from outside. As for the name of Lady turtle, she is not only not ashamed, but also very proud.

I think this is a sensation. Even my master is not as good as myself. It is said that in the Imperial City, people may not have any impression by mentioning the Minister of war. But once she was mentioned, lady Turtle was immediately known to all women and children.

She cherished her hard won "honor" very much. Even one of her family's managers in charge of purchasing came back today and reported that the men of their family had been beaten into pig heads. Her mood was still very good.

He couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh, I said there are so many things about your song family. Which local ruffian did you fight with this time?"

"Either the local ruffian or the woman who bought fried dough sticks in the morning market. She was originally an aunt in our family. Because she couldn't stand loneliness, she didn't intend to be a widow. She even hooked up with a groom who opened a restaurant."

The steward surnamed song was appreciated by her because he was very talkative at ordinary times.

Now, this new year's Eve, because he was locked up, he also gave birth to a lot of sulk. In addition, the relatives of the red man in front of me were beaten by others. I have to stand out in this matter.

The groom of a family who runs a restaurant is really a joke.

"Bah, you are so bold that you dare to touch the people in our family. I think they really don't want to die. Come on, tell me to take twenty servants and smash that house."

After the evil woman gave the order, the steward song led the people to find Wang Dafa and Zhang's trouble.

Fortunately, when the group arrived, Wang Dafa and Zhang were empty. The only thing to meet them was a big lock hanging on the newly repaired gate.

The gate was damaged again. After the group went in, it was smashed. He also divided up all the things in the house. Fortunately, Wang Dafa gave all the money to Zhang and asked her to take it with her. Only then did he not be searched by these people.

Later, a hawker who knew Wang Dafa went to Tianfu to sell things in the city.

"Brother Wang, your house has been smashed again."

"What? You said it was true? Our door was smashed again?" Wang Dafa stared round.

The old man shook his head and said, "no, No."

"Oh, it's not good. I beat them up, and they dare not come again." Wang Dafa said with some pride.

"Ah, what I said is that not only the front door of your house was smashed, but also the house inside was smashed to pieces. Fortunately, the neighbors knocked on the basin and scared those people away. Otherwise, it is estimated that they will set fire to the house. What a sin. These people are really unlucky for the new year."

Wang Dafa was immediately angry and went back to ask Zhang's family where the Song family was.

Zhang was shocked immediately, holding Wang Dafa's leg and crying, "don't go to find them. You can't beat them. This time, it's obvious that the boy of the Song family moved people from the Shangshu's house. Those people are like wolves."

Chen Jiabao just came to report on his work today. As a result, he met Wang Dafa, who ran out angrily with a hoe.

They were also very familiar, so Chen Jiabao asked, "Uncle FA, what are you doing?"

"I'm so angry. I'm going to marry a woman now, and the Song family won't let go. They broke the door of my house before, but now they almost burned my house." Wang Dafa said angrily.

"Don't panic, this time the young lady comes to me, maybe it has something to do with you. Wait for me here first. Everything will be decided by the young lady. Remember not to be rash. This is not the countryside. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the imperial city. It can't be solved by force."

After Chen Jiabao finished, he went to find Tian Yuqiao.

"Brother bao'er, have you heard all the details of the Song family?" Tian Yuqiao asked lazily leaning on his couch.

"Well, I've found out. Here's the address and some relevant information about their family. This family is really not a good thing. It bullys the weak and deserves to be beaten because someone in the family is in charge of the Shangshu mansion."

Tian Yuqiao didn't look at the paper carefully, so he heard Chen Jiabao tell him about Wang Dafa just now.

Tian Yuqiao sneered twice, which made him call Wang Dafa and his wife.

After leaving the living room again, Chen Jiabao looked serious, while Wang Dafa and his wife were relaxed. They held hands and did not avoid suspicion.

"The young lady said, let you two live in your house at ease. As for the matter over there, she will find a way to deal with it. After all, the other party's backstage is a minister. Although our young lady is also the adoptive daughter of Hou ye, it's not good to trouble Hou ye for this matter." Chen Jiabao said in a deep voice.

"Well, we understand that. I'm already grateful that miss can think of making decisions for us."

Zhang also said, "yes, fortunately, they dare not make trouble here, and I don't have to go out in public. In this way, I don't have a chance to meet them, and I don't worry."

"Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. The Song family will pay a price for it. As for your house over there, the young lady said, buy it at the original price. Here is two hundred liang of silver."

Wang Dafa and Zhang's faces finally showed a smile, smiled and took the money and went to work.

After everyone left, Tian Yuqiao suddenly had an unprecedented sense of crisis. I didn't expect it to be so good, so I tied the knot with the Shangshu house.

It's better to start first, and then you'll suffer. Since there's such a chance this time, let's just get rid of the big moth of the imperial court.

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