After Chen Jiabao returned to Tian's house, he didn't tell his daughter-in-law that he would go to Zuichun building to do business next. It is impossible to say that there is no psychological pressure. After all, he has lived such a long age. This is the first time he has gone to such a place.

Two days later, steward song asked one of his cousins to come and send a message to Chen Jiabao, and the location of the message was the place where Yelao lived on the outskirts of the imperial city.

The man wondered how such a rich family could live in such a place? But at the thought of what my cousin said, this is a fat sheep, so I didn't care so much.

After delivering the letter, the man went straight back. He didn't remember that this was the house smashed twice by himself and his family.

Soon it was time to make an appointment with Xiao Song. Wearing a green brocade robe and carrying the bird cage containing lady turtle, Chen Jiabao walked to Zuichun building.

The procuress of Zuichun building recognized the man in front of her at a glance. How could she not know, the shopkeeper of Tianji fresh fruit? After all, I didn't let people go there to buy expensive fresh fruits, and the fruits were very popular with the guests.

"Oh, this is not ~"

Seeing the procuress whose mouth was like eating a dead child, waving a strange smell of a handkerchief towards himself, Chen Jiabao's heart couldn't help but feel sick.

He quickly dodged from her, frowned and said, "you seem to recognize the wrong person. I'm a businessman who just came from other places and haven't appeared in the imperial city. How do you know me?"

The procuress was also suspicious. After looking at it carefully, she said that her moves would not be wrong.

Seeing that Chen Jiabao winked at her, and then a heavy silver ingot was stuffed into her hand, she smiled and said, "I made a mistake. Look at my memory. I'm sorry, sir. Please come inside and serve the safflower and peach blossom."

Chen Jiabao has never had goose bumps since he stepped into Zuichun building. The smell of fat and powder on the women there is really choking. In addition, they deliberately whine when they talk, which makes Chen Jiabao feel very unnatural.

Soon, the steward of song appeared in front of Chen Jiabao like a ghost, frightening him to spray a mouthful of tea directly on the guy's face.

Steward song wiped his face, but he was not angry. When he saw Chen Jiabao coming, his eyes flashed like copper coins.

"Sorry, brother Wei didn't mean it." Chen Jiabao quickly hugged his fist.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay. I was sprayed by my eldest brother's tea. I'm like a rice seedling drenched by the spring rain, and I'm like a person filled with insight."

Chen Jiabao was very comfortable with this flattery, but he couldn't help feeling a little distressed about the silver in his pocket when he thought that the guy might ask the lion to speak next.

Although it was all from his boss, he did not want to give money to such inferior people on the principle of saving.

After they talked for half a column of incense, they were led by the two girls to a very hidden single room.

There was a guy with a fake beard. At this time, he was stepping on the next chair and sitting in the first seat.

Seeing Xiao Song leading a man dragging a bird cage in, the man just hugged his fist and continued to eat melon seeds. The melon seed skin was spit up casually by him, making it all over the ground.

What Chen Jiabao dislikes most is this kind of ruffian guy, but in order to succeed, he can only choose this.

Several people ordered a large table of wine and vegetables, and then called five girls. Big beard and Xiao Song were hugging each other, while Chen Jiabao was forced into his arms by a girl, which made him blush.

Fortunately, the girl is also a duty, and she didn't do anything to Chen Jiabao.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be so calm, brother. Is it a scholar?" asked beard with a smile.

"I'm a farmer. To tell you the truth, my family's ancestors have been mud legged for three generations. They just made a small fortune some time ago. To put it bluntly, I'm an upstart and can't compare with the two brothers." Chen Jiabao mocked himself.

"Hey, brother, what are you talking about? Since our brother is here today, we only talk about the wind and moon, not those unhappy things. Come on, drink."

The beard is very cool. I drink in a sea bowl. Chen Jiabao sprinkled all his drinks on the cotton handkerchief he had prepared in advance, often went out to the thatched cottage, and then twisted out the drinks in the handkerchief.

After three rounds of wine, as soon as Beard waved his hand, Xiao Song sent all the girls out of the house. Then he locked the door from inside. I didn't know what he was going to do to Chen Jiabao.

Knowing that it was time to get down to business, Chen Jiabao deliberately ate the food without salt.

Beard wiped a handful of wine on his beard with his hand, and then threw his hand on the ground. It was sloppy, not to mention disgusting.

Chen Jiabao patience, patience, patience again.

"Whoa, brother Chen, I heard you're going to buy some longevity cream?" said beard.

After his body shook, Chen Jiabao reacted and said with a smile, "yes, I'm new here. I hope to make some good friends like you two. Now I heard that brother Song said that longevity cream is very popular. I don't know if this big brother can sell some to my little brother?"

"Hahaha, as long as you can afford the price, I'll help you." bearded smiled boldly.

Then he took out a small paper bag from his arms, which contained only bean powder.

"Come on, brother, try it first. If you think it's good, let's talk about it later."

Then he took out a fire fold to bake under the paper.

"Alas, I can trust you two brothers. I don't have to try this. It must be OK. By the way, I want a lot. After all, my father asked me to make friends with some dignitaries in the imperial city. I'm going to send some out."

As soon as Chen Jiabao's voice fell, the two people suddenly turned pale.

"This thing can't be seen. You can use it yourself. If you give it to dignitaries, you may have to face a lawsuit," said Xiao Song.

"Oh? How can there be such a rule? Little brother, I'm new here. I really don't know. Please don't be surprised. How about I save it for my family instead of giving it away?"

Beard smiled and said, "it's easy to say. The price of this longevity cream is very expensive. One or two longevity creams cost ten Liang silver. I don't know how much you can want, brother?"

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