In Zuichun building, in a humble small bag room, the three are doing some unspeakable things.

One or two longevity creams cost ten Liang silver. Rao was Chen Jiabao's psychological preparation. When he really heard this amazing proportion, his heart was also heavy.

Fortunately, Tian Yuqiao had given him a vaccination long before, which didn't make him lose his attitude directly.

Seeing that the look on Chen Jiabao's face did not seem to have changed much, the big beard and Xiao Song determined that he could afford it, so their attitude became more attentive.

"Brother Chen, I took a lot of effort to invite my brother out this time. He is usually very busy. After all, there are many people looking for him to buy goods privately."

Xiao Song was a little anxious when he saw that Chen Jiabao didn't speak. After all, every time he sells one or two longevity creams, he can get a benefit of 100 Wen.

Chen Jiabao directly took out a ingot of twelve liang of gold and slapped it on the table.

The beard's expression was still calm, while Xiao Song almost lost his chin. It was the first time he had seen such a large piece of gold. It was usually silver. For a moment, he couldn't help but want to touch it.

Before his outstretched hand touched the gold, the gold was taken away one step ahead of time by another stronger arm.

Beard smiled and put the gold in his arms, and then took out a box of longevity cream from his arms like a trick.

"Here is just a box of ten liang of Fushou ointment, which is probably enough for you to take for ten days. When you run out of it later, let Xiao Song come to me. The price is reasonable, and you are absolutely innocent."

Instead of putting it away, Chen Jiabao stared at it with a smile. He glanced at the beam and saw a small figure there. He took a breath and accidentally slipped the glass in his hand to the ground.

Some said with embarrassment, "Oh, look at my excitement. I don't know how to use this thing. Why don't I treat you today? Two brothers, teach me how to use it?"

The two men were overjoyed when they heard this. They are usually reluctant to smoke too much. Now a fool invites himself. How can you be polite to him?

Regardless of Chen Jiabao, the two men skillfully felt a strange cigarette bag pole from their body. Then he skillfully added the so-called longevity cream to it, and then he collapsed on his chair and began to swallow clouds and spit smoke.

The gold over there disappeared after getting the signal to throw the cup. Soon, the bodyguards of marquis Wu who had been ambushed in Zuichun building all stood up and controlled other guests and the girls of Zuichun building at the first time.

The procuress's legs trembled with fear. As soon as she was about to shout injustice, her mouth was blocked with a rag.

After tying up all the people below, a Guard commander under Marquis Wu walked towards the second floor with a sword in his hand.

Tian Yuqiao showed them the way outside. Naturally, these people rushed into the room where Chen Jiabao was at the first time.

"Tie these three people to me. I have received a tip that someone here secretly deals in contraband prohibited by the imperial court. Take them away and put them in prison for torture."

The head of the middle-aged bodyguard, without saying a word, directly asked his men to tie the three. At this time, just a good man got stolen goods, and he was followed by a group of Yamen servants in charge of public security in the imperial city.

There is no need for interrogation now. This is hard evidence. All the witnesses present are witnesses.

After searching all the things on the three people, after taking the people away, the guard leader handed the ingot of gold to Tian Yuqiao very respectfully.

One hugged her fist and said, "thank you, Miss Tian. This time we helped the people of the nine cities army and Horse Department to find such a big case, which must be appreciated by your majesty. This is your gold, and we dare not accept it. As for your family ~"

"Hehe, I'm going to let him break into the enemy. You can take him away. As for the execution, just pretend. We still expect him to dig out the main messenger behind the scenes from those two bastards." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Today, she stood in the crowd dressed in men's clothes, showing no mountain and no water leakage.

After taking over the three, the officer of the nine city army and Horse Department smiled and arched his hands to the guards of the Marquis and the Yamen patrolling the city. After saying a few polite words, he escorted the prisoner away.

Wuhou gave the book to the emperor overnight, which made the emperor feel very gratified. Because this thing is equivalent to poison, once people are infected, it is difficult to control themselves, so the imperial court also attaches great importance to it.

In the cell, Chen Jiabao was locked next to Xiao Song, while the two were locked in the same cell.

When they were arrested, the two men were puffing. At this time, their smoking addiction was not satisfied. They were already full of snot and tears.

In addition, the cell was not very clean. They also made their faces full of straw foam and soil. They looked very embarrassed.

"Guan ye, please, give me another sip." Xiao Song cried.

The beard had no previous arrogant image, and he hit the wall with his head.

"Oh, don't try to make us compromise by self mutilation. Come on, go and tie these two villains to the stake, so that they won't really die. Adults will ask questions tomorrow."

Chen Jiabao sat there honestly, like a good baby, blinking a pair of cunning eyes and looking at the old man and the jailers.

"The boy understands things quite well. Give him a full meal. By the way, don't we have a roast chicken just now? Give it to him."

Chen jiabaosi ignored the prisoner's special kindness to herself and ate the roast chicken. There's a pot of wine nearby. How happy are you eating and drinking.

Two days later, the two guys have tortured themselves into a mess. In addition, they haven't eaten enough, so now they are like two dead fish, paralyzed on the haystack.

Chen Jiabao whispered to them, "two brothers, I didn't expect you to be involved this time. Alas, why bother? I don't know if there is a better master behind the boss. Can he save us?"

The bearded man said weakly, "Hey, don't mention it. I stole the owner's goods and sold them this time. It would be good if he didn't send someone to kill me. It's estimated that he would like to get rid of my relationship now, let alone rescue me."

"Oh? Elder brother, which owner did you steal? How could you be so ruthless." Chen Jiabao asked in fake surprise.

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