Chen Jiabao, big beard and Xiao Song, were put in death row at the same time. However, what made the two people feel depressed was that they were also carried out from Zuichun building. How come boss Chen had wine and meat for every meal, so they could only eat Wowotou.

It was the familiar "bang Dang" sound of the collision between the chain and the prison door. Several people raised their heads at the same time. Sure enough, this time it was sent to them again with two large, broken, coarse porcelain bowls, in which two nests lay dry.

Another look at Chen Jiabao's eyes turned red. Roared: "I said you bastards look down on people. When I was outside, I went to the delicious restaurant for dinner without giving money. Why didn't you give us wine and meat?"

The jailer who delivered the meal knocked the prison door with the iron spoon in his hand: "if you like to eat or not, you don't even have this. Chen Xianggong is different from you. His father gives our brothers a couple of silver or two a day. What about you?"

Hearing the speech, big beard and Xiao song suddenly wilted, like eggplant beaten by frost.

Chen Jiabao's eyes turned. After the jailer left, he tore off the two legs of his roast chicken through the prison door. After a lot of effort, it was handed to the next door.

"Brother Chen is still particular about it. I didn't expect your father to be so kind to you. Knowing that we were dying, he was willing to spend a lot of money to help you."

The beard was gnawing at the drumstick and chattering. Anyway, one sentence will be less, and there will be no head at all.

Seeing that his mouth was full of oil and his beard was greasy, Xiao Song also forgot the fate of losing his head and began to eat it.

"Two brothers, there are no outsiders in this cell now. Why don't you tell your little brother what's going on?" Chen Jiabao handed over a bowl of wine and then began to ask.

"Hey, anyway, we are all people who want to walk the Naihe bridge together. I might as well tell you. This longevity cream was obtained from the Hu people in the northwest. It is said that it was developed by the new great wizard there. It was originally used as medicine to make people forget the pain temporarily, but it will be addictive if taken too much."

Beard didn't wait for Chen Jiabao to continue asking. He was like pouring beans from a bamboo barrel. He said everything in the beep.

It turned out that he got this thing from the Hu people, because once people take it once, they will have a strong sense of dependence on it, so they can't stop falling.

No matter how expensive it is, as long as they can't stand it, they can't help buying it. Even some court officials, in order to get a little bit of longevity cream with the size of their fingernails, began to take bribes and bend the law, and did not hesitate to cooperate with the enemy and betray the country.

"Hey, it's actually all good calculations of the Hu people. I just want to make a small sum of money. I didn't expect to miss today." Beard said with some regret.

Chen Jiabao asked, "brother, how many times have you done this kind of business? Who have you sold Fushou ointment to?"

"The poor can't afford it. Of course, it's sold to the rich and officials. But those officials buy it through others. After all, this is prohibited by the law of the imperial court."

Xiao Song said bitterly, "don't mention it. I'm the most unlucky. This time, I've only made three deals and got more than 100 liang of silver in dividends. Unexpectedly, I fell into a fall. I pity my little daughter-in-law who just married back ~"

They didn't bother to pay attention to him crying there, but talked to themselves.

"Brother, my father will find a way to get me out. There may be room for us to ease up. After all, I didn't take the longevity cream at that time. At that time, I can say that I was deceived by you. But I won't do that, young brother. It's too ungrateful."

As soon as he finished, this sentence sounded like a bomb in the prison.

Beard directly lost the chicken bone and said, "brother, as long as you can let me go out safely this time, I'm willing to be a cow and a horse for you."

Xiao Song didn't eat either. He knelt down directly and kowtowed to Chen Jiabao across the wall.

"Elder brother Chen is a little brother this time. I'm fascinated. Please find a way to let your father save us out."

Chen Jiabao smiled and said, "it's strange. Don't you have relatives?"

Xiao Song said, "Oh, don't mention it. In the event of such a beheading, those people in my family probably want to draw a line with me, let alone expect them to be willing to spend money to save me. Oh, it's all my own fault. I took the blessing and longevity cream with them at the beginning, and now the men in my family are ruined."

Chen Jiabao sighed in his heart and said that if he had known now, why did you have to start!

There was another rustle of footsteps outside the cell, and the three immediately closed their mouths.

The two jailers took Chen Jiabao away and said, "our master will interrogate you first today. Let's go quickly. Don't procrastinate so as not to suffer from skin and flesh."

The two men were frightened. The strong beard was like a little white rabbit to be slaughtered. They leaned their back tightly against the wall of the cell and looked very flustered.

Chen Jiabao was awe inspiring, like a hero, straightened his waist and went out with the two jailers.

After he left, the beard said, "my God, brother Chen is really a hero! Look at our bear like picture. We can pee our pants at the mention of official characters. It's a shame to our ancestors."

Xiao Song also said, "brother, can you loosen my arm? You pinched my arm purple."

Bearded then released his big hand with a dry smile and rolled open Xiao Song's sleeve. Sure enough, there were several blue and purple fingerprints on his unhealthy skin color.

"Sorry, brother, I was too nervous just now. I was afraid that the boy would go out alone and ignore us."

At this time, Chen Jiabao was drinking tea and eating snacks in the lobby, chatting with Tian Dahe and the officials in charge of the trial.

"Brother Chen, do they really say that?" asked the criminal ministry official sitting in the first place.

"That's right. The big brother of the prison head should also be next door. Did you hear that?" Chen Jiabao said with a smile.

"Hahaha, I didn't hide it from you. It's good. I said brother Tian, I really admire your shopkeeper. I admire what he looks like. I admire, admire."

When Tian Dahe saw the official bowing his hand to himself, he quickly returned the salute and said, "my Lord, it's all good for adults to plan strategies, and the actions of the official brothers are popular, so that the gangsters can obey."

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