While Chen Jiabao was talking loudly in the lobby, the fourth mysterious shareholder of Xianxiang Museum suddenly appeared.

But the clothes he was wearing were a little strange. He was dressed like a jailer.

"Your Majesty, are you?"

The people present quickly fell down and worshipped, while the emperor waved and asked them all to get up.

"I'll go to the cell myself. Don't disturb my plan."

After he left, they wiped the sweat on their foreheads, as if they had just had a dream.

Chen Jiabao was still escorted back to his cell, and the people who escorted him back had changed. They are his majesty, marquis Wu, and another old general.

Not to mention, these three people all have a lot of beards. They are dark in the cell. They can't tell the big beard from Xiao Song at all, and they don't bother to tell.

They are all dying people. Now being able to eat a full meal is the first priority at present.

They looked at Chen Jiabao, who had been dragged back by three prison guards like a dead dog. At this time, his white linen prison clothes were already stained with blood. At a glance, they knew that he had suffered a lot.

After throwing Chen Jiabao into his cell, the three left.

What they didn't know was that as soon as the three men went out, they took off their boots and crept in wearing socks, hiding their bodies in a nearby cell.

Chen Jiabao deliberately screamed like a dead mother. His superb acting skills made his majesty listen to it, and he almost couldn't help laughing.

His body was drenched with chicken blood, and when he was brought out, his very short protecting owner Tian Dahe said, "Jiabao, you're working hard. I'll go back and ask my wife to stew the chicken myself, and let the Marquis Wu send it to you in the evening."

The big beard and Xiao Song, who didn't know the inside story, listened sideways and felt that there was no movement outside. Then they dared to ask Chen Jiabao.

"Brother Chen, did they beat you?"

With a crisp sound of "pa", Xiao Song got a heavy slap on the back of the head.

The beard roared, "are you stupid? Don't you see brother Chen is hurt all over? They didn't beat him. Is it difficult or did he beat him himself?"

"Yes, I'm confused. Brother Chen, what did they ask you?" Xiao Song still asked curiously.

After a long time, Chen Jiabao said weakly, "just ask me how much longevity cream I bought from you, and who ordered me to buy these things. Are you going to resell them to the army or something ~"

The beard patted his thigh and said, "ah, it's a sin. I was caught selling longevity cream. The big head seller is still in a high position. Ah, he's the most powerful hu man I've ever seen. I didn't expect to get up in your place."

Bearded sighed to himself, and no one interrupted him. Then he continued: "Hey, it's strange to say that he is a hu man and has endured it for 20 years. Now if he hadn't taken good care of the longevity ointment in my hand, he wouldn't have revealed his identity."

The three old men next door immediately held their breath when they heard this. They were about to talk about the key place.

The emperor ordered the eunuch disguised as a jailer behind him to prepare for recording. The cell had already set up a small table with a set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone on it.

However, at this time, the beard stopped talking.

Chen Jiabao was also worried because he knew that the emperor had come in himself. The dignified 95 year old gentleman has come to this dirty and smelly cell for this matter. It's not possible.

So he continued to say in a few voices: "two brothers, I don't think we have much hope now. My father spent a lot of money to save the lives of the three of us. However ~ cough..."

He coughed here for a long time, and the two people next door were hearing that when they saw Chen Jiabao, they couldn't help scratching their hearts and liver. It felt the same as the three emperors just now.

"Hey, now we're the only three brothers in this prison. I won't hide it from you. I was also very careful at the beginning. After all, it's a brain losing business. So I secretly paid someone to follow me. Finally, I found that the person who traded with me frequently went to the Shangshu's house of the Ministry of war."

As soon as the voice fell, marquis Wu immediately took a breath, and then he hurriedly covered his mouth with his sleeve.

Chen Jiabao deliberately shouted, "what? You said that the man who bought this longevity cream from you was actually a young fellow of the Shangshu family of the Ministry of war? Where did he get so much money?"

"Hey, brother, don't you know? The Minister of the Ministry of war was originally a hu man. He was a chess piece arranged by the Hu people here in his early years. Otherwise, why do you think he can make repeated military achievements when exterminating the Hu people?"

"I'd like to hear it in detail."

"It's all for him to play with the Hu people. Those who died are old, weak, sick and disabled Hu people. Those people have no value to the Hu people, so they serve as cannon fodder. Naturally, he is the one who has taken the credit. Hehe, his hard work has not been in vain. Now he has become the Minister of the Ministry of military and is in charge of the power of soldiers."

Xiao Song pricked his ears, frowned and said, "eh, it's strange. How can I hear someone humming next door?"

"Hahaha, are you addicted again? Hey, if I take a mouthful of longevity cream at this time, it's worth it, even if I die right now." sighed beard.

The emperor went out angrily, trembling all over. It's very dangerous. If the Tian family hadn't accidentally found out such a secret and learned about the moths in his court, I'm afraid he would be unable to protect his country.

The angry emperor is like a lion with crazy hair. Whoever is shy at this time will bear the anger like thunder.

Marquis Wu and another general did not say a word and followed the emperor very humbly.

I already know what I want to know, and the reason why I didn't let someone kill the beard and Xiao Song is just to leave a personal card.

Chen Jiabao was taken out with an excuse. When he got home, old lady Chen and his daughter-in-law were waiting for him at home with tears in their eyes.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "brother bao'er has worked hard. Unexpectedly, he has made great achievements this time. Please comfort her sister-in-law. She hasn't had much rest these days and looks forward to your return every day."

Tian Yuqiao couldn't bear to see the scene of the three crying with their heads held together, so he went back to his house. Bao'er's daughter-in-law took Chen Jiabao to take a bath, saying that it was such a way to get rid of bad luck.

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