The emperor got a shocking news from the beard that his favorite minister was a nail arranged by the Hu people.

When he returned, his mind was spinning rapidly. I don't think it's necessary for the two prisoners to deliberately lie to deceive themselves. After all, when people are about to die, how can they still want to harm others?

They directly arranged the most powerful dark guards in the palace and asked them to monitor every move of the Shangshu mansion of the Ministry of war.

"Dear Ai Qing, I can trust you. It's better not to make a public about this matter now. Tell me to transfer the two men to the inner palace prison and say they are dead. Let someone set a fire in the prison."

After the emperor ordered, he waved his hand and asked them to go down. He was a little tired.

Marquis Wu did not directly return to the house, but went to Tian Yuqiao's house.

He called all the Tian family, including Chen Jiabao.

He said solemnly, "it was originally a matter between domestic slaves, but I didn't expect it to be so big. Now it's disturbing your majesty to come in person, so you must keep your mouth shut. The old man Zui chunlou has been locked up, and the building has been sealed up by the government."

He then hurried away, while the Tian family looked dignified. Especially Wang and bao'er's daughter-in-law, the two women were scared to cry.

"Mom, you can't be sad at will. Our family has made great achievements in this matter. Although it's just unintentional, it's a great event for the imperial court after all. As long as brother bao'er doesn't go out and show his face these days, let's let him go back to the mountain village to deliver coal and help Guadi in the spring."

Tian Yuqiao sent Chen Jiabao away overnight. She also protected him. Old lady Chen and bao'er's daughter-in-law have to pretend to be nothing. After all, Chen Jiabao was not caught as Tianji fresh fruit.

Tian Yuqiao returned to his room and sighed. He had a feeling that wind and rain were coming.

"Miss, what's the matter with you? Brother Bao's meritorious service is obviously a good thing." Xiaoyu asked in some confusion.

"Hey, the imperial city is about to change. Your majesty has endured those ministers for so long, I don't believe he can resist it this time. It's estimated that many officials will be unlucky. We'll close down for rectification during this period, and it's said that the shops need to be renovated."

Xiaoyu blinked and said, "but miss, in that case, the family's money will be lost, young and old."

"I can't manage so much. It's important to keep my life. Wait until the wind of this affair has passed. If you have time, let people go to the old man's side to have a look. I don't know what's going on with him."

After Xiaoyu went out, Tian Yuqiao entered the empty realm. The eight eggs have been hatched by gold and two bears, and are now thriving.

Three days later, the imperial court came down with the imperial edict, which was just a secret edict, which was personally sent by Lord Jing to Tian Dahe.

The content is probably that the Tian family made great achievements this time, so the drunken spring building seized by the government was rewarded to the Tian family as a reward.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that your Majesty would reward meritorious people with a brothel. Tut Tut, it's a pity that all the girls were beheaded." Prince Jing straightened his beard and smiled.

Tian Yuqiao, with a black face, quickly took over the house deed. Then he said with a smile: "the signboards of Zui Chun building have been smashed. In the future, I plan to refit it into a snack shop."

"Snack shop? What's that?" Prince Jing asked curiously.

"Hehe, this is the business secret of our family. I'm sorry I can't tell you," Tian Yuqiao deliberately sold it.

"I'm going to partner with you. What do you think?" Prince Jing said with an old face and a smile.

"Ha ha, to tell you the truth, Lord, we have cooperated with the prince of Horqin tribe. I'm afraid he doesn't want to cooperate with the officials of the imperial court, so I'm really sorry." Tian Dahe arched his hand.

Prince Jing also knew that his proposal was somewhat abrupt, so he didn't say anything more.

Tian Jiaping got such a big drunken spring building for no reason and took out the back three into the yard, which is something worth celebrating.

So today, another banquet was placed in the yard of the Tian family, and the neighbors of the next two families were invited to come.

The two families were also welcome. They all came with their families and had a great time.

It's spring now, but it's still cold outside. The little guy has gone to the Academy for class, which makes the family less fun.

The joint assessment of academies originally scheduled for early March was delayed until May because the imperial court wanted to eliminate crafty and crafty people. This makes those children who have little confidence in themselves feel good and can review for a period of time.

The little guy said with a sad face all day, "Hey, it's really troublesome to wait so long."

Liang Fuzi greeted him with a ruler again. He didn't know how to practice it now, as if the ruler was a Taoist magic weapon. As long as the little guy's words are wrong, the ruler can appear anytime, anywhere, and then shoot it on his forehead accurately.

"Oh, master, don't always hit me on the head, will you? People are stupid by you." the little guy tooted his mouth and said a little depressed.

"Smelly boy, you can't help but want to show off? Didn't you think it was lively enough to make a fuss in the imperial palace before? Hey, I really don't know what to say about you. I'm so competitive at a young age. It's bad for your future development."

"I know I'm wrong, master. I heard something big happened in the imperial court?" the little guy asked tentatively.

"It has nothing to do with you. It's not something we should get involved in. Alas, now your family is involved. You'd better not go to school at this time to avoid danger." Liang frowned.

The little guy was at a loss and asked, "master, it's clear that our family has made great achievements and won a big house. My father said that the location there is better than our Xianxiang hall. How can it be dangerous? Haven't all the bad guys been arrested?"

"Hey, you're not convinced that you're young. Now the emperor is still secretly arranging to catch all those people. If those people know that this thing was made by your family by mistake, do you think they'll want revenge?"

The little guy trembled when he heard the speech. After all, he had been kidnapped before. Although he finally escaped, he still left a big shadow in his little heart.

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