In the imperial court, the emperor can trust few people. After all, after this attack, even the Shangshu promoted by himself can be spies planted by the enemy, not to mention others.

Now the only generals who can be trusted are the Marquis Wu, while the only courtiers are prince Jing. However, Prince Jing is a crafty man. He can hide from such things.

It is said that after washing his hair at home, he stood outside in the yard to blow the cold wind. Then the next day I got typhoid, caught a cold directly, and was bedridden with a high fever.

The emperor was a little depressed. He couldn't find a suitable hand in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. At this time, he suddenly thought of the little Tian girl who smiled as pure as the bright moon in the sky.

For the Tian family, he doesn't know why. Since he gave Tian Yuqiao the death free gold medal, he has a good impression of the Tian family and thinks that the family can be trusted.

So that night, he went out of the palace and came to the Tian family.

When I met Tian Dahe and Tian Yuqiao alone, I explained my intention simply and rudely.

Tian Yuqiao was stunned. She just wanted to be a rich businessman. How could the emperor get involved in the affairs of the imperial court?

Tian Dahe is even more depressed. He offended a prince before. Now his father comes to him for help. How should he refuse?

Then he knew why Prince Jing next door suddenly stood outside in a cold wind with wet hair.

If I had known this, my whole family should have followed the cold wind.

It seemed that the panic and anxiety in the hearts of the Tian Jia and his daughter were seen. The emperor laughed and said, "I can't help you in any way. It's not a big deal, but it's what you can help us secretly investigate.

"But your majesty, we are just cloth clothes. It seems that there has never been one since ancient times to check the words of officials." Tian Dahe arched his hand.

"Alas, I don't trust other officials, and I'm worried that they will leak the news. Only your family doesn't have much contact with those imperial officials."

Tian Yuqiao blinked and said, "but Marquis Wu is my godfather. Prince Jing's childe and my brother are also good friends."

"Hahaha, you little girl can be lazy. I just gave you such a big shop and asked you to do something instead. Don't be so outspoken."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. Unexpectedly, the emperor was so black.

"Little girl, you are very smart, so I believe you. Since you can get a shopkeeper to pull out the Minister of the Ministry of war, I believe you will have a way to follow suit and pull out all the people to me. I know your family wants to compete for the position of an imperial merchant, and I promise you that as long as this thing is done, the imperial merchants in the southwest and northwest will come out It's all yours. "

Seeing Tian Yuqiao, it seemed that the emperor added a handful of firewood and continued to say with a smile, "your imperial merchants can be inherited without competing with others. How about this?"

Tian Yuqiao's eyes immediately emitted light and nodded mechanically. He didn't see the worry in Tian Dahe's eyes.

"Now that the matter is settled, please write the imperial edict now."

"Write ~ what imperial edict?" this time it was the emperor's turn to wonder.

She smiled and said, "the imperial edict to seal our family's hereditary western imperial merchants. Only holding this edict can I sleep at night. When I'm happy, my mind will naturally come alive, so I can think of a good idea. Don't you think so?"

The emperor laughed and drank two more glasses of wine before he left the Tian family with a smile.

At noon the next day, marquis Wu came to the Tian family with a smile.

"Joel, you are so bold that you dare to make terms with your majesty. This is your decree. Your majesty secretly stuffed it into me today. You should keep it."

When he finished, he handed the bright yellow imperial edict to Tian Yuqiao. Tian Yuqiao smiled and took it with both hands. He looked carefully. Yes, the content above was the same as the conversation last night.

"Hehe, it seems that the emperor is very trustworthy. Well, godfather, it seems that we still need your help."

"Hahaha, that's natural. Godfather should help you. But you are now the emperor and merchant in the west, and you are still permanent. When Joel develops in the future, don't forget to bring Godfather some silver."

Mrs. Wu Hou heard that her husband came to the Tian family as soon as he came to the court. She was a little worried, so she cleaned up and followed. As a result, she heard that her old man was taking care of his daughter and asking for silver.

She was so angry that she quickly interrupted and said, "Joe, your godfather is joking. Why would parents want your daughter's silver? It's him. We should prepare a dowry for Joe."

"Godmother, why are you here? I heard that you are a little uncomfortable these days. There are many things at home. I haven't had time to go and see you."

When Tian Yuqiao finished, he ran over with a smile and took Ho's hand.

"Hey, it's still my daughter's kindness. No one knows that my mother is uncomfortable. I heard that you're going to do something big next, and I won't ask. But I hope you must be careful not to hurt yourself."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and nodded and said, "don't worry. I'll be fine with godfather's bodyguard."

Marquis Wu nodded and said nothing. He obviously accepted his wife's public demolition.

"By the way, godmother, I'm going to refit Zuichun building into a snack shop. Let's come and discuss it."

He took Wang and he to their own house and told them their plans.

"I signed a contract with the Horqin tribe. After spring, I will build a factory there to make beef jerky, cheese and other things. There are none here. I call these things snacks, which is what we usually call snacks."

Sure enough, when it comes to eating and making money, the two women who were still a little nervous have a lot of relief. They all expressed their opinions and put forward various suggestions to Tian Yuqiao.

"Beef is forbidden to be slaughtered and eaten here. If you can get beef from there and sell it, it's really good."

"Godmother, the cattle over there are different from those here. They are cattle with long hair. That kind of cattle is not suitable for plowing, so it's OK to kill them."

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