All the people brought by Tian Yuqiao sneaked into the territory of the Hu people, and the group was divided into several parts.

She, Gongsun Yu and murongbo, together with the young monks of Nanshan Temple, were arranged to cook for others, while Hou San and the Horqin tribe were responsible for spreading rumors.

Horqin tribe has been dealing with Hu people for a long time. It is said that a hundred years ago, they were actually a tribe. Later, I don't know how, they fell apart.

On the first night of Tieyi's arrest, the annoying place of detention caught fire and many people died, most of them Hu people.

At noon that day, Tian Yuqiao had cooked in person.

"Hey, aren't you going to put something in the food?" Murong Bo asked the thief.

"Are you stupid? You just came here now, and it's clear that it's a small stove for the Hu leader to eat. If you take medicine at this time, you're looking for death."

"Oh, I see. You're going to wait until they're enough to appoint us, aren't you?" Gongsun Yu said with a smile.

"Hey, sure enough, you've become stupid with this black charcoal head. I'm giving Tieyi and Hou San time. Now there's no civil strife in the Hu tribe." Tian Yuqiao said helplessly while scooping the broth in the big pot with a spoon.

"Hey, heitantou, help me get the radishes over there. And your grandson, now that they are all dead, don't put on the airs of a young master and help me cut the potatoes."

Tian Yuqiao wore an apron and gave directions. He was so small that he directed two teenagers who were much taller than himself.

Yuanji they were arranged to hold firewood and pick up horse dung, which made Yuantong very depressed.

"Hey, the smell has come out of the big pot over there, sister Qiao. It's annoying that we have to face these damn feces here."

"Come on, we're here to protect Joel. It's not the time yet, so we can only bear it." Yuantong comforted.

Tian Yuqiao stewed a large pot of yak meat and potatoes this time, and made a radish mutton soup. She added her secret spices and powdered coriander, so that people couldn't see what was put.

Fragrance son soon brought the hu man who was responsible for looking at the group. With his big mouth, he grabbed the spoon from Tian Yuqiao's hand.

He scooped a large piece of beef in a large pot, simply blew two mouthfuls and swallowed it in one mouthful.

He bared his teeth, but he was still reluctant to spit out the meat.

"Hiss ~ it's hot, but it tastes great. I said boy, your skills are good, OK. You can cook the food for our leader in the future. You don't need to serve the soldiers, so you can relax a lot."

When Tian Yuqiao heard the speech, he quickly made a servile face, smiled and filled the pot next to him with a full stew, and then handed it to the man in charge.

"Sir, it's really hard for you to watch us all day. This mutton and radish soup can clear away heat and fire, and it tastes better than beef. Take it back and try it. If there's anything bad, you'd better remind the boy in time."

Seeing this, the man immediately took the pot from Tian Yuqiao with a smile, and didn't forget to give her his thumb.

"OK, your boy can handle affairs. In the future, you will be their leader. There are 70 people in this shed, all of whom belong to you. When you rest at night, you can also go to the small tent over there, where 10 people sleep in the first tent."

"Thank you, sir. Sir, take your time."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and sent the hu man away. In fact, Gongsun Yu and Murong Bo had secretly spit in the earthen pot~

When the leader is privileged, Tian Yuqiao's cooking skills at lunch immediately made the manager praised by the leader. When he is in a good mood, he will naturally treat Tian Yuqiao well.

With a smile, he took a roast lamb leg, handed it to Tian Yuqiao and said, "boy, this is a reward for you. Take it. We will continue to do this in the future. Don't let the boss down."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and took over the roast lamb leg. After thanking him piously, he returned to the tent where only a few people could go in.

Gongsun Yu and murongbo naturally joined her. Fortunately, there were not enough people inside. After adding the three of them, there were just enough ten people.

Tian Yuqiao directly distributed the roast lamb leg to the other seven people in the tent. They all had some means.

Very impolitely accepted Tian Yuqiao's kindness, and then talked together.

"How long have you been here?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a smile.

The gang tore a large piece of meat on the roast lamb leg one after another. After passing it on, there were only bones left in the lamb leg.

"Hey, I've been arrested for more than a year. Because my father is a blacksmith, I can make and repair weapons for them."

"I've been arrested for half a year. These damn guys pity my wife and children. They're all over Tianshui city."

"I was miserable. Three months ago, my mother-in-law was going to have a baby. I was anxious to go home, but I didn't make a detour. I passed Tianshui City, but we were caught by our own army and dedicated to the hooligans."

Tian Yuqiao was stunned when he heard the speech and asked, "what? Do you mean that the officers and soldiers of Tianshui City collude with the Hu people?"

"Well, that's good! We didn't expect it. We thought there were our army here and it could be safer. I didn't expect that these people, spending our taxes, would help the enemy and harm their own people in the end."

Gongsun Yu and murongbo both turned blue with anger. Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that the eldest prince should go so far. She was so angry that she bit her lips that she said it was best to take the opportunity to destroy the Hu people to remove the eldest prince.

Tian Yuqiao shuddered at the thought that he could attack the dandy little fat man. If these goods really become emperors in the future, the people will not have a good life.

At night, while she was cooking for the Hu leaders, she had already opened a small stove for her own people. He also took out a lot of food from the virtual environment, mixed it in the food and distributed it to the poor people who were caught.

Their bodies are too weak, especially with women and children. Now men and women are locked up together and there are no human rights at all.

"Thank you, little brother, but if there is too little food, the Steward will find it."

"It doesn't matter. You can eat. The steward praised me for my good cooking today. I shouldn't be embarrassed."

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