On the fifth day after Tian Yuqiao joined the Hu tribe, he was already fighting with the coolies who were also caught. Not only that, but even those in charge of Hu people fell in love with her exquisite cooking.

At night, when others are asleep, they also sneak into the virtual world.

There are many materials for making gunpowder there. She needs to start trying according to the proportion in her memory.

Naturally, I don't worry about making too much noise, because the virtual environment is completely isolated from the outside world. From the inside, you can hear the sound outside, but the outside world can't hear the movement inside.

I made a fist sized bomb with a small porcelain bottle containing medicine. I plan to test the effect. In order to ensure his safety, Tian Yuqiao also specially put a small wooden basin on his head, and even put a cotton padded jacket on his body and a leather jacket on his outside.

Fortunately, the dosage was not much this time. She just wanted to make sure whether the method was feasible.

Light the lead and throw the small porcelain bottle into the virtual lotus pond in the backyard. He covered his ears and squatted on the ground.

With a bang, all the herbs planted in the front yard were shaken off by the shock wave caused by the explosion.

There was enough "rain" for half a cup of tea in the virtual land, and the virtual land lotus pond, which was originally calm and without waves, was in a mess at this time.

Reiki is rapidly recovering by itself, and the water blown out is constantly replenishing itself.

Wealth was so angry that he roared, "I've never seen such a bad master like you. Are you going to destroy here?"

"Don't, don't be angry. I'm just trying my power. Who could have thought that it was just a bomb the size of a artillery battle, and there could be so much movement."

Caicai was still depressed and went to inspect the backyard. After confirming that it didn't lead to the explosion of the space here, he twisted his ass back.

"Hum, the things you use have been kept here for a long time. They were originally of low quality, but now you should see them too." Caicai said angrily.

Tian Yuqiao held out his hand, scratched his head and said, "Hey, yeah, I really forgot the beauty here. Unexpectedly, those things with a lot of impurities can be purified."

Tian Yuqiao was relieved when he learned that the saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal had all been purified.

Rolling up her sleeves is dry, driving the two bears to grind and grind the charcoal into very fine powder. What she has to do is to take a small scale and start mixing explosives.

She planned to fill up thousands of small porcelain bottles left because of laziness. At that time, give everyone a dozen of them in their hands. This time, we must leave a very "sound and movement" impression on the Hu people.

Aunt, I cooked the meal myself. Can I give you free food? But if the dead are dead, it's another matter.

After a while, she felt that the process of mixing these things was more troublesome, so she had an idea and took out the popcorn pot, an alchemy artifact.

Carefully pour in the three materials respectively, and then shake the popcorn pot slowly. This time there was no ignition, just shaking like that.

Soon the three materials were mixed evenly, and then she began to bottle carefully.

It also needs to be sealed with clay, but that's too troublesome. Seeing that the number of Gu insects in Syria had reached a terrible level, Tian Yuqiao smiled and carried out xiaoruan.

"Let those poisonous insects block up the bottle mouth. Once the bottle explodes, if there are still alive among them, they will sneak into the bodies of the injured people. I allow them to eat a lot. There is no limit this time."

Those poisonous insects haven't eaten people for a long time, and their small mouth has been hungry and thirsty for a long time. Now, after Xiao Ruan conveyed Tian Yuqiao's order, those poisonous insects swarmed and recklessly began to block the mouth of the porcelain bottle.

Tian Yuqiao believes that these poisonous insects are definitely better than yellow mud. The most important thing is to save effort.

Looking at Caicai in a daze, Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "Caicai, you haven't worked for a long time. You're all fat. Come and help."

"People don't want to. They're in a bad mood and don't want to move."

Later, after Tian Yuqiao's hard work, Caicai fell under the temptation of delicious food. Instead of Tian Yuqiao's arm, he rolled the handle on the popcorn pot and began to shake the pot at a slow speed.

Ignoring Caicai's sad and depressed eyes, Tian Yuqiao still bottling himself. She was going to let Xiaoyu do this job, but she didn't want to reveal the secret of the virtual world, so she had to work hard by herself.

In Syria, the sound of grinding things, shaking popcorn pots, and the rustling sound of insects pouring into the bottle mouth. Occasionally, a woman feels depressed because she repeats the same action for a long time, and roars from time to time.

With more than 100 bottles of explosives, he felt that his wrists were a little sore. Tian Yuqiao took a bath and then went out to rest.

Except for her, all the others here are men, and they are "smelly" men. They don't wash their feet, let alone take a bath, which makes Tian Yuqiao very depressed.

Fortunately, Gongsun Yu and murongbo were on her left and right sides, which isolated the taste of others.

She took out some wormwood from the virtual environment, made several oversized masks and distributed them to them. Then she put them on herself, so that she could sleep safely.

Fortunately, it's very cold now, and the lice and fleas on those people haven't bred yet, otherwise she'll go crazy every minute.

In the following time, Tian Yuqiao would find time to configure gunpowder in the virtual environment every day. Now the explosive powder has been mixed evenly, and all the other partners are idle. Only she has to work very hard.

He looked at the red on his waist and said, "Hey, you've rested long enough this time. Do you want to exercise your muscles and bones?"

"I can only rain, but I can't learn anything else." Honghong blinked a pair of innocent big eyes.

"Hey, I know you can't use it. Really. If only the little broken tail were here, it's much more real than you."

At the mention of the small broken tail, Tian Yuqiao seemed to feel red ~ blushing?

These days, the Hu people outside seem to be ready to move. They feel that something big is going to happen. So she counted the spirits with the distilled height, intended to intoxicate the greedy hu man in charge, and then asked something from his mouth.

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