After three days of tossing in the virtual environment, Tian Yuqiao's proficiency in loading gunpowder has reached a peak. You can even pour gunpowder into the porcelain bottle without a funnel.

Two days later, those damn porcelain bottles were finally full.

After rubbing some sour wrists, Tian Yuqiao finally breathed a sigh and said that the boring work was finally finished. Should we go on to the next step?

Eating hot boiled corn and roasted sweet potatoes in the virtual environment, Tian Yuqiao had thought of what to do next.

Now she has a good relationship with those small leaders of Hu people, so she decided to take this as a breakthrough and get some good things for them.

So Tian Yuqiao began to make the design drawings of the first pair of mahjong cards ~ of this era. As for the next thing, it is natural to ask the little monks to help.

Anyway, the Hu people are careless. They don't care about the workmanship of mahjong. Just have fun.

The next morning, the little monks died. Each of them had a few pieces of wood and a carving knife in his hand.

"Joe, what are you going to do?" Gongsun Yu asked, looking at the knife and wood in his hand in surprise.

"No, this is a drawing. Each of you carves a pattern. Since you and Murong are stupid, you can choose the color first."

Gongsun Yu had a black face, while Murong Bo was as cold as ice.

"Hum, who says we're stupid? I'll choose the most beautiful ~ bird!" Gongsun Yu said, pointing to the Yao chicken on the drawing.

Murong Bo did not show weakness and chose the "hair" with the most strokes.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and then asked the little monks to choose.

"Ha ha, I like big cakes!"

"I'll just choose the door frame."

"There is an East character in my French name, so I choose this word, which matches me very well."

A group of young monks, all very excited, began to choose the colors they wanted to carve, and soon attracted the Hu people in charge.

"Are you going to rebel? If you don't go to work, why are you all chirping here?"

Seeing Tian Yuqiao here, he didn't wave a whip at those noisy boys.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile: "my Lord, I thought of a very fun game. Recently, I saw several adults worried about not being able to send troops. Seeing that other tribes can make achievements, the boy can understand this mood. In order to solve problems for adults, the boy is not talented. He thought of a gadget in his hometown that can be used for adults to entertain."

After looking at the mahjong pattern handed over by Tian Yuqiao, he said, "hahaha, it looks fancy and interesting. OK, I'll take good care of you. Do a good job. By the way, they don't have to work today. Get this good thing out quickly."

After that, the man took a small pot of stew from Tian Yuqiao and left with a smile.

On the first day, a pair of carved mahjong cards came out. At dinner, Tian Yuqiao told the hu man how to play the mahjong cards.

He widened his eyes and sat down with Tian Yuqiao, gongsunyu and murongbo, trying to hit two. Then he was ecstatic and went to offer treasure with those rotten wood, like crazy.

"Joe, this is also your plan?" Gong SunYu asked curiously.

"Yes, I'll get more of these things in the future, and then let Tieyi and them go to Hou San and give them all to those Hu leaders."

"Oh ~ you're going to make them lose heart?"

Murong Bo smiled brightly. After all, the head there also had his own credit. In order to carve the words "hair", his fingers were broken several times.

"Smart is not only the top level of Hu people, but also those businessmen can make them indulge in it. Whether it's useful or not, as long as it's good for us, it's OK to do it."

Soon, mahjong, an entertainment activity, was promoted in the whole Hu territory. Tian Yuqiao didn't expect Hou San's speed to be so fast. He just asked Tie Yi to give them the playing method and pattern of mahjong, and the result was such a great effect.

It is said that the people of Horqin tribe also said that when the war subsided, he also planned to get a set and go back to play with his wives.

"It seems that your method still has some effect. It's not in vain. My young master's wrist has been sore for several days." Gongsun Yu said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll write down the credit for you. When you go back, just go to the emperor and ask for a reward."

Murong Bo turned his head and said proudly, "hum, who cares!"

"I know your family doesn't care about the emperor's reward, but you don't have to say it." Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes.

Soon, mahjong appeared in front of the Hu leader. He was telling the two hot Hu women next to him to help him with his horse cards.

"Grandma, why is this thing so small? Let someone make a bigger one for Ben Wang another day."

"Yes, I'll arrange it now."

"Oh, by the way, this good thing can't be entertained by me alone. Let people give it to my worthless sons to play with."

What he didn't expect at this time was that the useless sons in his mouth were ready to take his place by the rumors on the market.

Originally, the top leaders of these Hu people were still studying how to annex Tianshui City and then occupy Horqin tribe. But now the voice of the main war faction seems to be much weaker, replaced by the sound of horse cards and pushing cards all day.

A counselor of the Hu people couldn't help reminding the leader that he must not play with things and lose his will. As a result, the next day, when he woke up, his head moved from his neck and was strangely hung outside his door.

All of a sudden, it attracted more people's criticism. People said that the leader did it.

After success, Tieyi and others who hide in the crowd to watch the excitement are also the most excited at this time. Although they can't speak Hu dialect, they can follow the cry and create momentum.

What's the rhythm? They've done it many times these days.

But those who can stir people's anger, Tieyi and others are always happy. The people of Horqin tribe took the opportunity to create all kinds of chaos everywhere, which made people panic.

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