There was smoke and fire. The northwest snow mountain boundary where the Hu people are located is now full of sorrow.

There are countless dead bodies, but some people continue to fall and become one of the bodies under their feet.

Shouts of killing shook the sky, thunder bursts, and fire lit up most of the sky.

Everyone in the Haotian army is also brave and takes the lead.

Fang Wenhao waved a horse chopping knife of more than 100 kilograms and continued to reap the lives of the great prince's subordinates. A pair of chain hammers are hung around the neck of the big head. When they are swung up, they have inertia. The power of holding the hammer is enough to have the effect of hundreds of kilograms.

The Haotian army worked hard and reaped the enemy's life. It was as powerful as a tiger down the mountain

After dormant in the cave for so long, now I finally have a chance to revenge. Especially Fang Wenhao, the great prince owes him a life.

Such a great personal hatred, at this moment, this hatred has risen to the top. He vowed to take the head of the eldest prince directly, and then take it to rely on the mountain village to commemorate his previous life.

"Remember, if you catch the prince alive, you must not hurt him. This is a military order. If you violate it, it will be issued according to the military law." Fang Wenhao waved a broadsword and roared to give the order.

The big head swung the chain hammer and flew the enemy who was going to attack Fang Wenhao from behind. Blood shot out of the man's mouth like a small fountain.

In front of the prince's horse, a soldier came and reported, "Your Highness, a group of people behind us have caught up."

"What? How could this be possible? Isn't it the territory of the Hu people over there? How can they attack us?" the great prince roared and wanted to crack his eyes.

"They have sticks in their hands and big spoons for cooking. They look like people from the Central Plains. They should be the prisoners they took before."

"His grandmother, come on, first turn around and get rid of the tail behind you. Those people are vulnerable. First get rid of them and relieve their worries." the great prince ordered.

The soldier answered and hurried away.

The army had turned back, but now it has to turn around again, which makes people a little depressed. I felt like I was fooled. I came back and ran away.

"It's really depressing. I didn't have time to eat dinner. I'm running back and forth."

"My family is all in Tianshui city. Now they don't go back to the rescue and let us turn around. Why? Pity me. I have a 70 year old mother and a newborn daughter."

"Poof!" the man immediately lost his roar when he cut it off. Looking at his boss with incredible eyes, he managed to squeeze out three words "why?"

"Those who shake the morale of the army will be killed without mercy! Without any criticism, turn around quickly. Behind us are some cooks. What are we afraid of?"

Tieyi, they have brought people here. They are great internal experts. They want to deal with these wine bags and rice bags under the eldest prince. It's like a tiger entering a flock of chickens.

Now they are all dressed in Hu people's clothes and waving their swords. They cut off the heads of the soldiers who have just returned to taste like chopping melons and vegetables.

The scene was so bloody that Tian Yuqiao couldn't bear to see it. So he summoned Xiaobai out of chaos and asked him to send himself to a safe place.

"Xiaobai, go back and reinforce Hao Tianjun and listen to the command of brother Hao'er."

After Tian Yuqiao ordered, he called out the two big bears and let them protect themselves around him.

This night is destined to be unusual. There is a pungent smell of blood everywhere. Although Tian Yuqiao was leeward, she still felt choked by the smell.

The battle lasted for a long time. Those who ran out with Tian Yuqiao and others were also killed and injured.

Most of the rest were strong men, but they were more or less injured.

After this night's massacre, the Hu people suffered heavy losses, and the big prince was even worse. In the border area between Horqin tribe and Hu people, the bodies have been piled into a hill.

This is the boundary line made of people. At this time, it is already dawn and people are still fighting. Some people have their arms cut off, but they still bite the enemy's ears with their teeth and refuse to let go.

The war is so fierce that human life is like grass mustard. Use their lives to strive for more benefits for the rulers and territory.

Now there are less than 100 people under the eldest prince, who fled back to the mountains. Hao Tianjun chased after him. If the prince wasn't around and there were also great internal bodyguard experts, his life would have been lost.

Xiaobai is killing and rising at this time, following behind Dabai.

At this time, Da Bai was besieged by more than a dozen experts, and many wounds appeared on his body. But fortunately, its skin is rough and thick. Those swords can't hurt it too deeply. It's just some skin injuries.

The little monks in their group also had tired faces and were like blood soaked King Kong.

They came to Tian Yuqiao and surrounded her. Then they all sat cross legged on the cold ground. Chanting the Scriptures together and transcending the poor lives fallen due to the war, his eyes were full of sadness.

"You don't have to be too sad. It's fate for them."

After reading the Scriptures, the little monks sat around the big iron pot. Tian Yuqiao stirred the rice porridge with a spoon and looked at them in silence.

"We were so tired yesterday, sister Joel. Please make us some porridge."

"Yes, sister qiao'er, I always hear two senior brothers say that your food is delicious. I didn't dare to eat much in Hu people's place before, hehe."

Use a spoon to stir up at the bottom of the pot, and then you can see a ball of shredded meat emerging in the rice porridge.

"This is shredded chicken porridge. Eat it quickly. We have to run after eating it."

She didn't know how Fang Wenhao was. Anyway, she heard a lot of explosions all night. If a prince died this time, would the emperor blame himself?

Anyway, it's a misunderstanding anyway.

Soon, her cooking smoke attracted Tieyi and them. I saw Tie Yi's calm face and bright red blood on his shoulders.

"It's bad for subordinates."

"You're hurt. Come and dress up quickly."

"Oh, my subordinates, damn it. Those people who went after and killed yesterday were their own. At first we didn't find out, but later I noticed that there were experts from the imperial palace. I know them. They protect the eldest prince. We trained together before."

Tian Yuqiao smoked at the corners of his mouth and wanted to laugh. But I felt it was wrong, so I twisted out a bitter gourd face.

"Hey, it's so far. No one expected them to appear here. You were also injured by mistake, so it should be a small misunderstanding." Tian Yuqiao said bitterly.

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