Tieyi, without their knowledge, mistakenly regarded the people under the great prince as Haotian army. As a result, he recognized each other's identity because he fought with the prince's guards.

Tian Yuqiao asked in a deep voice, "do they recognize your identity?"

"No, the subordinates wear the clothes of the Hu people in order to make trouble in the Hu people. In addition, they should not recognize us." Tieyi said very firmly.

"That's good. Anyway, you don't have to worry if there is no evidence. Let your brothers keep their mouths shut and no one is allowed to tell about it, otherwise everyone will be in danger."

"Miss qiao'er, as far as my subordinates know, those people retreated last night. It seems that Hao Tianjun attacked Tianshui Cheng." Tie Yi frowned and said.

"Prince, they actually came to support baki yesterday, so Hao Tianjun plans to take advantage of the chaos. In fact, they are also helping us. You must have heard that the prince has colluded with the Hu people for so many days?"

Tie Yi's face changed and said, "this ~ subordinate doesn't know, but it's the prince after all. Shall we save them?"

"The purpose of our coming out this time is to let the Hu people fight inside, not to destroy Hao Tianjun. If you are really so free, you'd better run him for ten kilometers." Tian Yuqiao's face immediately became gloomy.

On an unknown sheep intestines path, there are steep rock cliffs on both sides. The big prince and his party were blocked here.

In front was a snow-white tiger blocking the way, and in the back was Hao Tianjun waving flags and shouting that he wanted to capture the prince alive.

His ordinary soldiers have become his shield, and there are few dead. There were only the bodyguards in the big house. There were less than 20 left, and they were all wounded.

The great prince looked up at the sky and sighed, and his eyes were about to crack. Roared: "Hao Tianjun? Hehe, Tian Yuhao, you wait for me."

"Come on, let's have a one-on-one duel. If you can beat the sword in my hand, let you go. Let my revenge go and don't bother you again."

Fang Wenhao stood on the horse with a sword, sending out bursts of strong murderous Qi to the outside.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be the master of Hao Tianjun. Well, I didn't waste my crown prince's respect for you at the beginning. I actually avenged you with kindness. Ha ha, ha ha, I was blind."

"It's no use talking more. Come on. I don't care to talk more nonsense with you who can poison your own brothers. Don't expect someone to save you. You have no choice but to stand with me now."

The great prince is also a tough man. Seeing that the situation has reached this point, he asked the bodyguards behind him to step back. He himself straightened his waist with a gold sword and stood in front of Fang Wenhao.

The two brothers looked at each other, and then it seemed as if the air between them had been drained.

The next second, the sound of two swords colliding came from the air.

The great prince's Kung Fu is not weak, and Fang Wenhao is difficult to win for a while.

Brothers, you come and I go. Thirty rounds soon passed.

Because the Grand Prince had no bottom in his heart, he felt that he was going to finish the Vietnam War. One didn't notice and tripped over a stone.

Fang Wenhao took the opportunity to jump forward and directly stabbed his sword into the prince's heart.

At the moment when their bodies crossed, Fang Wenhao whispered to him, "brother, unexpectedly, we Wenhao changed our body to avenge you."

"Ah ~ you, you say you are... No, it's impossible!"

When he finished, he fell back heavily. His eyes were full of unwilling and surprise. He couldn't believe what Fang Wenhao said.

turn in one's grave! His ambition and ambition all came to naught with the passing of his life.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, the golden crown of Fang Wenhao's hair fell off and his hair spread out. Stand with a sword in the cold wind, kill your eldest brother and avenge yourself!

Now he makes both the Grand Prince's guard and Hao Tianjun feel very afraid. Because he was like the Shura who came out of hell with a sea of corpses, his laughter was particularly harsh.

The prince's chest is still puffing blood. Maybe this guy eats too well at ordinary times. There is more blood.

"You guys go, take his body back and bury it well."

As soon as Fang Wenhao closed his eyes, he asked those people to go back with the body of the eldest prince.

Those bodyguards were immediately pardoned and looked unbelievable.

"What? Aren't you afraid of our revenge if you want to let us go?"

"The great prince colludes with the Hu people. Are you willing to do something for the tiger?" Fang Wenhao asked coldly.

The bodyguard knelt on one knee and said, "once we go back, we will certainly die. Now it's not good to protect the prince. It's better to hide your name and be a dead man."

"Whatever you want, but our heavenly army won't take you in." Fang Wenhao said and left with people.

He held back his mind to find Tian Yuqiao, because he returned to her. Now there are bodyguards in the imperial palace.

If those who are loyal to the emperor know, they will certainly report to the emperor. For Tian Yuqiao's safety, he can only hold back the little excitement in his heart.

"Newspaper, I found a man from Xiaobo Horqin tribe."

"Withdraw!" Fang Wenhao was very decisive and withdrew directly with people.

Those bodyguards were taken in by Tieyi and others who arrived later, but they could not return to the palace again.

"Miss qiao'er, can I ask you something?" Tieyi knelt down on one knee and bowed down to Tian Yuqiao so solemnly for the first time.

"You say, as long as you don't let me help you collect the body of the great prince." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Tieyi smiled bitterly and said, "these people used to train with us and match each other as brothers. It seems that there are no bodyguards with high Kung Fu around you. Their Kung Fu is not weak."

Tian Yuqiao blinked and said, "do they eat much?"

"Er ~ my subordinates eat very little. Just two meals a day," said the injured Prince's bodyguard.

Tie Yi frowned and said, "they can sign the deed of betrayal, but the name needs to be changed. My subordinates will take back the body of the eldest prince, and then say that he died in the hands of the Hu people. Alas, that's all I can say. As for their families, my subordinates will find a way to bring it out."

"Well, since Tieyi said so, I'll give you face. Sign the dead deed and Tieyi will be the guarantor." Tian Yuqiao said indifferently.

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