The body of the great prince was subdued by the suddenly arrived four eyes Taoist priest and his four disciples. Then Tian Yuqiao looked at the five teachers and disciples very speechless. At this time, he even sat on the lid of the coffin pressing the body of the great prince.

Prince Jing frowned and said, "Taoist priest, the body under your buttocks is the great prince of this dynasty. Would you raise your buttocks and let me bury the body again?"

When the Taoist priest with four eyes heard this, he immediately showed a squint expression. He kicked all his disciples one by one.

"Hey, it's the Lord. I'm disrespectful and disrespectful. Why not? It seems that those soldiers have been injured just now. It's terrible. Maybe they will be poisoned. Can I help them heal?"

Since Taoist priest Si Mu offered it, Prince Jing would not refuse. Because just now he also saw with his own eyes how fierce the body of the great prince jumped.

"Thank you for your mercy, Taoist priest. Please show my soldiers." Prince Jing said with a smile.

"Come to the Taoist temple with me. Anyway, there are only five of our teachers and disciples. Alas, our Taoist temple is poor. I hope some noble people can give more incense money so as to make gold bodies for ancestor Sanqing again."

Taoist priest four eyes looked compassionate. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but want to take out his pocket.

Prince Jing didn't take money seriously and said directly, "it's easy to say. As long as the Taoist priest helps cure all the soldiers under the king, and then escort us to the destination along the way, how about 500 liang of silver?"

"Hahaha, I believe the prince's character. It's just that it takes money to buy Herbs to cure diseases. Let's give us one hundred Liang first, and then four hundred Liang. After all, it's my duty to save the dead and heal the wounded. These five hundred Liang are all the money to buy medicine to save people." the Four Eyed Taoist priest smiled a little obscene.

Prince Jing was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He directly handed over a few silver spindles, twenty-one.

The next scene was a little funny. I saw five teachers and disciples brushing together. One of them held a big silver ingot, put it directly into his mouth and began to chew it.

It was not until they confirmed that the silver was true that they threw the prince's body in the coffin like garbage with a smile.

Then he covered the coffin that had been sat by their buttocks and covered it carelessly. The lid of the coffin had just been cracked by thunder and could not be used at all. We had to wait until the next place and spend money to find someone to rebuild it.

After walking for less than half an hour, a two-story wooden building appeared in front. The place is not big, but it is not very small. At least it is OK to arrange Tian Yuqiao and the accompanying officials.

The soldiers and the accompanying honor guard had to set up their own tents outside. Because they had no experience, they didn't set up their own tents until the evening.

The four eyes Taoist priest asked the injured people, regardless of the size of the wound, to lie in the yard waiting for examination. Then he ordered his disciples to boil water and find someone nearby to buy some glutinous rice.

All the disciples were busy separately, while the Taoist priest with four eyes personally examined the soldiers' wounds.

Some people who were just bruised were rubbed with glutinous rice water, and then let the soldiers leave first.

As for those with scratches, he sent them some glutinous rice and asked them to carefully apply the glutinous rice to the wound.

As for several people bitten by the Grand Prince, although the wound is not very deep, after all, they are also the most poisoned. Not only is the poison carried by the corpse itself, but also it may be entered into the body by poisonous insects.

This is Tian Yuqiao's secret help.

She has ordered xiaoruan to look for "delicious food" in the whole team. If anyone is found with a poisonous insect, he will directly let it devour it.

Therefore, the soldiers who were bitten did not have to worry about being invaded by insects.

But Taoist priest four eyes didn't know and still gave special care to those people.

Xiao Nan picked a lot of lotus seeds and dug out the green core with a knife. He planned to boil water for the soldiers bitten by the prince.

Xiaodong has been boiling water to bathe the scratched soldiers. Now his face has become the kitchen god, one by one.

The simplest thing is Xiaobei's work. All he has to do is buy some glutinous rice. By the way, he also stole some money and secretly bought a pearl flower for his beloved sister.

Xiao Xi went to catch snakes in the bamboo forest in the backyard. Those snakes were personally fed by Taoist priest four eyes, which has a strong effect of restraining corpse poison.

Tian Yuqiao saw that they were busy and felt that these were very similar to the films he had seen in his previous life. It's just that the practice of opening the forum is omitted. I always feel that it looks like some Shanzhai, especially two pieces of glass are hanging on the four eyes' face.

There are not so many wooden barrels, so people can share a bucket of water to take a bath. This made Tian Yuqiao speechless and disgusting.

However, those soldiers naturally ignore it. After all, everyone is a man. Bathing with other people's bath water is better than poisoning themselves.

Seeing the power of the insect, they all listened to the four eyes Taoist priest's manipulation.

"You jump into that big barrel one by one, right."

The first person went first. A lot of glutinous rice was added to the water, which was milky white at this time. Then Xiao Xi came back and threw a basket of small green snakes into the barrel.

The soldiers who used to bathe in glutinous rice were soaking comfortably at this time. After suddenly feeling the cold and slippery thing, he jumped out of the barrel naked.

"Don't jump out, or you'll die. I don't care about you."

The Taoist priest with four eyes shouted, and the soldier jumped in again.

Fortunately, the little green snake didn't bite at all. He was relieved. He picked up a small snake and took it as a bath towel. He straightened it and rubbed it along his back.

Prince Jing sent someone to watch the soldiers take a bath, and then came to Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu's house.

"Joel, it's a big deal. Do you think you can take a dip?"

When Tian Yuqiao heard the speech, he immediately said with a bitter face, "no, no, no! I have nothing to do. Thank you for your kindness."

After seeing off Prince Jing, she breathed a sigh of relief. The heart said that there were only two big wooden barrels here. Now they have been used by men. If you really let yourself take a bath in the bucket they used, you might as well kill yourself.

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