The poisonous insects in the body woke up in advance instead of according to the arrangement of the great wizard because of lightning. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help worrying because she was worried that these insects would be the eyes and ears of the new great wizard of the Hu people. At that time, she was afraid to rely on the mountain village.

Prince Jing did not have much concern, because relying on the mountain village had nothing to do with him. Just bury the eldest prince according to the emperor's order.

Seeing Tian Yuqiao frowning and looking worried, Prince Jing brought her a cup of tea.

"Joe, I brought this tea from home. Drink it."

Tian Yuqiao took it with a bitter smile and took a sip. Then he said, "good tea! The Lord has prepared it well."

"Hahaha, you little girl, don't think I don't know. Your master gave you a precious brocade bag. I heard that a small bag can hold heaven and earth. I don't know whether it is or not?" Prince Jing asked with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "there's such a thing, but it's not as exaggerated as you said. It's just that he can barely hold some carry on clothes and food."

"It's also very good. I envy you that you can know so many experts. By the way, qiao'er, do you have outstanding people there? If you are experts, you are willing to live in seclusion there?" Prince Jing asked with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao said in a show of hands, "those two experts went there because of the twelve princes. In fact, we were very poor at the beginning. Oh, by the way, Wang Ye, in order to help my father escape the pursuit of the great princes, we claimed that my father was dead, and his body was buried near the mountain range where we dug coal. Don't forget it."

Prince Jing looked suspicious. Then he pointed to Tian Yuqiao's nose and said, "you little girl, how can I say you? I let your father die so alive. I really have you."

Seeing that he was smiling out of sight, Tian Yuqiao shook his shoulder and said, "what can we do? At that time, our family was just able to meet the problem of food and clothing. You didn't see what our family was like before. It was poor and had nothing. Fortunately, it was taken in by the monks of Nanshan Temple."

"Hey, I'm not right. I didn't expect your family to be so difficult. No wonder you're like a little fox. You dare to negotiate with everyone."

The Four Eyed Taoist priest stretched out and came out of the inner room. Very free and easy to wipe the eye droppings from the corners of your eyes, and then flick them with your fingernails~

Tian Yuqiao felt that he was a bad person. He said in his heart that the old Taoist priest was more sloppy than his master Huang Banxian! Are the Taoists of this era graded according to the degree of sloppiness?

She doesn't know whether the more sloppy the Taoists are, the more capable they are. However, she has fully seen the characteristics of Taoists who are greedy.

"Hey, listen to the little apprentice. Miss Qiao Er is very good at making trouble and eating. I want to come and ask for a bowl of leftover soup. Do you have any more?"

Tian Yuqiao was stunned. He looked at the sky outside and said that it was not time for dinner. What was the old Taoist crazy?

"You may have misunderstood. We were just cooking tea. If you don't mind, I still have half a cup of tea."

The Taoist didn't dislike it either. He directly picked up the tea cup in front of Prince Jing, raised his neck and gave a thump ~ the charm of drinking tea was completely destroyed by him.

"It's bitter, but there's a kind of sweet return. It's good. It's a good tea."

Prince Jing didn't expect such a sloppy Taoist to know how to taste tea, but his just move is not to taste, but to drink!

"It seems that Taoist priest, you also have great insight. It's not time to cook. If Taoist priest is hungry, I have only some snacks here."

Tian Yuqiao said and handed over half of the exquisite cakes left on the table.

"Hahaha, thank you, benefactor. In fact, my worthless disciples like to eat it. This is for them. Don't delay, so as not to starve those boys."

When he finished, he waved his fat but shiny sleeve and directly scraped away the plate of snacks. Tian Yuqiao flattened his mouth and said it was too much. The plate was carefully cooked by himself. It's rare, okay!

At night, Tian Yuqiao was lying on a bamboo couch, sleeping soundly. Suddenly, he heard a great mess outside.

Put on your clothes and take Xiaoyu out to watch. Gold and wealth are also hidden in the dark.

Xiao Ruan squirmed in Tian Yuqiao's ear. Then he chirped and said, "master, it's those dead soldiers. Their bodies are also controlled by insects."

"Haven't you eaten all those poisonous insects?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

"Gee, these are high-grade insects. Only people can eat them. They can't even kill their children and mothers. Maybe they will become the food for those insects." Xiao Ruan twisted his body proudly.

Tian Yuqiao immediately frowned and said anxiously, "will this thing be contagious?"

"What is infection?" asked Xiao Ruan, wondering.

"That is, whether it will be transferred from one person to another."

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Ruan said, "it should not be. Although they are high-level, they can only control the dead, and the living people who are scratched by the dead and are about to become dead. The old Taoist dealt with it very right. Now these injured people should not be invaded by insects."

"That's good. I was worried. Now, ah ~ OK, go to bed. Don't follow me and help those Taoists."

Tian Yuqiao said, then slowly moved back to the house and went to bed.

Xiao Ruan dangled the tentacles on his head. If he could see its expression clearly, Tian Yuqiao would use the word "Sadness".

Xiaoruan turned into a light spot and directly joined the Taoist team.

Seeing that the four eyes Taoist priest didn't even have time to wear shoes, he directly half exposed his chest and flew up and down with a peach wood sword in his hand.

Only those corpses controlled by insects are not afraid of being cut. Even when their joints were broken, they were able to continue walking, but their speed slowed down a lot.

"Damn it, it's not an ordinary corpse change. It's a walking corpse controlled by poisonous insects!" four eyes roared.

"Master, the one before was difficult to deal with. Now there are more than ten here. What shall we do?" asked Xiao Bei.

The four eyes said, "just chop them up with a firewood knife and burn them with peach branches."

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