The next journey went smoothly and soon reached the boundary of Sunan Prefecture. Prince Jing was warmly entertained by the magistrate in Sunan mansion. The whole team also had a good life here.

After staying for two days, the military appearance has been much tidier. The honor guard, which had been embarrassed by the long journey, now seems to have regained its former spirit.

"Hahaha, it should not be far from the mountain village here. We should be there in less than half a month." Prince Jing sat on the horse and smiled very happily.

Now the days have become longer and longer, so the marching speed of the team is much faster than before. Seeing that he was about to return to his old house, Tian Yuqiao had a feeling of homesickness.

Along the way, she was always on guard against the assassination that might come from the Hu people. As a result, things went surprisingly well. Now, when he arrived at Sunan mansion, Tian Yuqiao's heart had been put down.

Everyone's heart also relaxed a lot, and laughter continued along the way. Four eyes, their guys are very good at telling stories, especially the supernatural stories of subduing demons and subduing demons.

Tian Yuqiao felt that Xiaonan and Xiaobei were bragging, but the Four Eyed Taoist priest was very proud like a proud crane. Standing in the crowd, I really thought I was an omnipotent magic subduing master.

The process of bragging is very enjoyable. In the whole team, you can always see a young Taoist with ragged clothes telling the story of subduing demons and subduing demons with his master.

Originally, the journey was very boring, but with the participation of the five teachers and disciples, the fun in the team immediately increased a lot.

"You don't know. The old guy who doesn't know what dynasty he is still restless after death. It's said that a fallen thief accidentally stole a bead in his mouth. Tut Tut, the result ~"

Xiao Xi didn't say anything when he was half talking. The official of the etiquette department immediately scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Taoist priest, do you hurry to talk? Then what happened? Did you win the war later and come back alive?"

Xiao Bei said like an idiot, "I said you were still an official? How did you become an official? Alas, do you have a lot of silver in your family?"

No wonder he was suspected of his IQ. If the four teachers and disciples died, who is bragging in front of him now?

"Predict what will happen, take two Wen and tea money first." Xiaoxi proudly spread his palm.

Soon there were people who wanted to listen to the story generously. Anyway, a story costs only two Wen, which is not expensive at all. After all, everyone came out of the capital, so they think the prices here are very cheap.

After receiving the two Wen money, he wiped the copper money on his greasy Taoist robe. Then he carefully put it away and continued to boast.

Xiaoyu also listened curiously. As a result, she came back and began to learn for Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao almost laughed and hurt his stomach. He rubbed his stomach and said, "Xiaoyu, those people are bragging. If there were so many terrible monsters, people would have died long ago."

"But miss, the red in your waist ~" Xiaoyu said curiously, pointing to Tian Yuqiao's waist.

"Honghong is a different kind of existence. Let's not mention it. My master Huang Banxian is powerful enough. I don't think the old Taoist can beat him. Why don't we make a bet? Let's bet on which of them is more capable." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Xiaoyu shook her head like a rattle and said, "I don't dare. I haven't won a bet with miss every time. The hard won reward will return to miss's hand at that time."

Seeing the way she held her purse tightly, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing again.

"You are really stingy."

Tian Yuqiao frowned while looking at the busy market outside and said, "Xiaoyu, is this Huai'an county?"

"According to the time, it's almost here." Xiaoyu stared and looked out.

The bodyguard of King Jing's residence came and reported, "miss qiao'er, the LORD said, let's live in Huai'an County today and go directly to the village tomorrow."

"OK, I see." Tian Yuqiao said, moving his sore neck and preparing to get off the carriage.

Prince Jing went directly to the post station at the head of the county city and settled the large army to prevent them from harassing the people here. Then Prince Jing smiled and said to Tian Yuqiao, "it's not good for you to come back empty handed this time. I'll give you some time today. Take someone to buy some gifts for your family and take them back."

Tian Yuqiao was in a good mood and thanked Prince Jing directly. Then he took ten disguised bodyguards from Prince Jing's house, took Xiaoyu and rushed to a snack shop.

Other accompanying people were also released in batches. If anyone wants to buy some specialties, he can also take this opportunity to buy some and take them back.

However, most people buy things for women, because the jewelry here is much cheaper than that in the imperial city. It's also cost-effective to buy some to coax the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at home.

Jewelry shops and silver houses were crowded with people all at once. The boss was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He warmly greeted the guests who spoke with a Beijing accent.

A clever guy greeted the guests with a smile and asked, "you must be all distinguished people from the imperial city. I don't know what's good about coming to us this time?"

"Hey, actually, there's nothing to keep secret. We all came back to visit our relatives with Miss Zhutian of Fengyang County and offered a memorial to the twelve princes."

"What kind of official is the county leader? Isn't there a county magistrate in our county?"

"Hey, I don't understand what I told you. Anyway, she is a little girl. She lives in the mountain village."

Tian Yuqiao's name soon spread out. At this time, in a shop selling rouge and gouache, an old man was squinting and shaking a big Pu fan, as if thinking about something.

"Go and call my uncle."

When the servant heard the speech, he hurried to the inner house and called out a beautiful man with a haggard look.

"Hai Hai, it's said that your niece became the county leader. Now she's returning home with the old men and horses. Hurry up and take your daughter-in-law home. Don't you always miss your parents? I'll let you go home this time."

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