Boss Ma learned that the granddaughter of the Tian family was now granted an official by the emperor. Although he didn't know what the county leader was, he also asked people to inquire.

When the inquirer came back, he reported that the county Lord had a 1000 mu fief, which was equivalent to an earth emperor. Boss Ma immediately raised his mind to curry favor with the Tian family. After all, xueshulang has made no progress in his official career since he returned to the county.

Originally intended to use money to get through the relationship and buy him an official, but there was no way. As soon as he arrived at the county magistrate, he was directly blocked by Gongsun Changyin.

This also has something to do with offending the Tian family. After all, he robbed the only scholar in his family and became his door-to-door son-in-law, which is more or less unnatural.

Ma's eyes lit up when he learned that the little girl had become an official after only a few years, and there was a large area of land.

Originally, he scolded Tian Dahai, but now he began to be considerate. That docile appearance, like a little sheep, made Tian Dahai goose bumps all over.

"Xianggong, husband ~ we haven't been home for a long time. Have we? Although my father had some estrangement from your family, after all, they are real relatives. Let's clean up quickly. Oh, by the way, I'll buy some gifts for my parents and take them back today."

Tian Dahai said stupidly, "Saihua, did I hear right? You let me go home and let me buy gifts for my parents? Is this true?"

Ma nodded and said, "it's natural. I heard that our eldest niece has come back. Hehe, we haven't seen them since my second brother died. Hey, when I gave birth to lin'er, if I hadn't had the help of my second sister-in-law, it's estimated that our mother and son would have died."

When she finished, she even made a pitiful look. I'm used to seeing Tian Dahai with her spicy appearance. I'm really not used to it.

Seeing his man standing there, Ma immediately slapped him and said, "I don't beat you. Aren't you used to it? I'm really a cheap leather. Call someone quickly. Let's go shopping and go back to your house tomorrow."

"Oh ~" after Tian Dahai answered, he went out happily.

I think when he was in the Tian family's old house, he was brought up by his parents and the whole family. Now, since I entered the Ma family, I am inferior to those servants.

Who let himself do evil at the beginning? Between Ma and the child, he even said to "protect the small". Perhaps it was because of a wrong choice that I made at the beginning, which reduced me to the current situation.

Ran out of the house like crazy. After a long sigh, it seemed that all these years of suffocation had been vented.

"What's the name of the ghost? I don't know. I thought our family was bad for you. When you get back to your house, you should know what you can say and what you can't say?" Ma threatened.

"I know." Tian Dahai nodded mechanically.

Qilang Tian Yulin is three years old this year and looks very lively and lovely. Ma took good care of him and raised him like a Golden Doll holding carp on the New Year picture.

With a towering braid on his head and his small hands open, he came towards Ma's shop.

The little guy's steps were somewhat vain and staggering. He stepped on a stone and nearly fell. Fortunately, Tian Dahai stepped forward quickly and hugged Yulin.

"Lin'er, are you okay?"

"Dad ~ Dad!"

Reading Lang looked at his son with doting eyes. At ordinary times, Ma Ma didn't let him hold the child. He said he was afraid that his son would be infected with the smell of mud legs by him.

When they were in front of outsiders, they were a perfect couple. However, when he got home, once he closed the door, Ma immediately turned into hell Shura and scolded Tian Dahai.

At the beginning, the scene of giving birth to children seemed to be staged in front of me every day. Now three years later, this is still a nightmare for Mahalanobis.

However, at this time, she would take it out on Tian Dahai. Who will you beat if you don't beat him? When he was fighting to give birth to his son, his life was on the line. The amorous man chose to give up himself and keep his son.

They fully purchased cheap goods of a large carriage, but these things are very good compared with those in town.

"Hey, don't have a sad face of dead dad. Let's go back tomorrow. You can't look like this." Ma said coldly.

"Well, I know." Tian Dahai promised expressionless.

The next day, as soon as the city gate was opened, the horse's carriage staggered out of the county and walked towards the mountain village. When passing Qingfeng town, Ma stopped the carriage, found a breakfast shop and ate some steamed buns.

His servants were sent out and spread everywhere that Tian Dahai was filial to the Tian family. Although he was a door-to-door son-in-law, the Ma family was also very generous. Isn't it? A family of three came back to visit their relatives with a cart of gifts.

The people in the town didn't know what was going on, and they all praised the Ma family as a family of benevolence and righteousness.

From beginning to end, Tian Dahai ate porridge with his head down and bit the steamed stuffed bun in his hand. He never said a word from beginning to end, because he knew the purpose of Ma Ma's return this time, so he felt ashamed.

The reputation of the horse family was almost spread. Ma Ma got on the carriage with his child in his arms.

"Oh, the Tian family is blessed to have married such a good daughter-in-law. Tut Tut, look inside the big carriage. It looks like all good things."

"It's not why. Look at the old marks on the carriage. I know there must be a lot of things in the carriage."

"Hey, it's really enviable. That's what a talented woman looks like. That baby looks good, and the scholars are filial."

Listening to the voices of the people behind the carriage, Ma's face finally showed a smile.

The carriage went all the way back to the mountain village. Today's mountain village is not what it used to be. Driven by the Wang brothers, the villagers have made a lot of money in the past two years.

Most of them are the wages from digging coal up the mountain, as well as the money for showing the melon land to the Tian family. Occasionally, the Tian family makes big moves and needs to build houses. They can earn money for many days.

Now people are a little lazy to farm. After all, farming can only get a few silver money a year. It's better to dig coal for the Tian family for a month.

"Oh, you people in the village have made a fortune, tut Tut," Ma raised the curtain of the carriage and said with his mouth tilted.

Tian Dahai looked at the scene in front of him, and his eyes were wet.

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