Now the mountain has been under construction for three days. After Tian Dahai handled his affairs with the Ma family, he went to the town to try to find a job. As a result, they ran into a wall everywhere. Either they paid less money or they didn't have enough strength.

In short, for various reasons, he never found he's job.

In desperation, he could only carry the things he bought for his parents and sisters and went back to the mountain village.

When he learned from Tian Guihua that the mountain was in charge of a meal every day, he went to discuss with old man Tian and Li.

"Dad, mom, I'm going to help in the mountains, too." Tian Dahai took a sip of the thin corn flour in his thick porcelain bowl and said.

"Old four, you are a scholar. People in the mountains sell hard and hard. I'm afraid you can't eat that hard." old Tian frowned and said.

Li Shi also said, "your father is right. You are the only scholar in our family. You can't do that kind of cheap work. Now there is still the silver given by Joel at home, which should be enough for a period of time."

"But mom, we can't just rely on other people's help. I've planned to buy some land with the rest of our money. No one is born to grow land. I can learn from my father. Of course, I'll try it on the mountain. Maybe I can calculate the materials for them."

Tian Guihua said, "fourth brother, my hands are almost raised now. You can take some embroidery work. Don't worry, our family is not short of money. You should continue to study. After all, being an official is your way out."

"Oh, I don't want to. Your brother, I don't have that talent and don't intend to waste time there." Tian Dahai waved his hand and said reluctantly.

Tian Dahai found the village head and said he planned to buy land. This makes the village head a little worried, because now the people in the village have become rich. The villagers have bought almost all the wasteland in some corners.

"Hey, it's not that I don't help you. In fact, I really want to get two mu of land for your family, but your father should know the situation in the village."

"What? Uncle village head, you'd better tell me straight. After all, I haven't been in the village for years and I'm not very familiar with the situation in the village. Now I just know that people are rich. Only our family has been defeated by my brother, leaving only an empty shell."

The village head smiled helplessly and said, "now the people in the village are richer. You know, we are all people who dig and eat in the soil. With money in our hands, what we have to do is to build a house first, and then start buying land."

"You mean all the land in the village has been sold out now?" the scholar asked in surprise.

The village head nodded and said, "yes, now there is no land in this village, unless you buy it in another village. The land in Chenjia village is cheaper. You can ask Dalang's daughter-in-law. Her mother's house is just over there."

When people in the village buy land outside the village, it doesn't belong to him.

Reading Lang ran home like a gust of wind and told Da Lang his plan. Dalang didn't say anything more. He went directly to Chen and discussed with her whether to go back to his mother's house and help ask about the land.

"Dalang's daughter-in-law, please do this. Here is a deposit of three Liang silver. When you go back and meet the right land, help me fix it first."

"Don't worry, fourth uncle. We will certainly choose a few mu of good land for you. Moreover, the price of land over there is cheaper than ours. I'll take care of it." Chen said with a smile.

Reading Lang nodded, did not speak again, and went back to the upper room to have a rest.

Early the next morning, Dalang took Chen back to Chen's mother's Chenjiazhuang.

"Old four, the food today is good, and there are fat meat slices in it. You eat more. It's hard for you to run around these days." old Tian said kindly.

Li Shi was more direct. He used his chopsticks to help his son pick out a large piece of meat and put it directly into his bowl.

"Eat more. I've suffered in the Ma family these years. Now my parents must make good compensation for you and flowers."

After dinner, the reading Lang said to old man Tian and went up the mountain with a small burden.

Originally, he wanted to go directly to Tian Yuqiao, but when they took out the one hundred Liang silver, he couldn't bother them again. Otherwise, it would be shameless and insatiable.

Fortunately, the village head also went up the mountain today. He was checking the villagers to see if anyone was lazy and humiliated himself.

"Oh, old fourth of the Tian family, why did you come up the mountain?"

"Uncle village head, what a coincidence! Are you here today?"

"Yes, what are you doing here? It's noisy and messy everywhere."

"I want to ask, do we need civilian workers here?"

The village head frowned and thought, "civilian? I have to ask you this. Sit over there and wait a minute. I'll tell you the result later."

He then left and walked towards the front yard of Nanshan Temple.

Reading Lang found a piece of stone for building a cemetery and sat directly on it, waiting for the village head to bring him good news.

Not to mention, xueshulang is very lucky. He just lacks a scholar who is responsible for budget materials. But the whole village can't find a suitable one. Prince Jing is worried.

Can't you bother Tian Yuqiao about everything? So now he needs a civilian.

The officials of the Ministry of rites know how to understand words, but they don't know how to calculate. If you ask them to help, you might as well send the silver directly to their pockets.

The village head quickly ran out with a smile and said to Tian Dahai, "old four, you're lucky. Hurry in. The old housekeeper followed by Joe said he wanted to test your arithmetic. If you know how to calculate, you can stay and help. Moreover, your salary is different from others. It's 150 Wen a day."

As soon as Tian Dahai's eyes lit up, he immediately thanked the village head, and then followed the village head to the front yard.

Prince Jing talked with him for a while and confirmed that the young man was really a scholar and could figure out the materials to be used, so he decided to appoint him as a clerical position.

"Hahaha, 150 yuan a day. Will you come to work today or tomorrow?"

"Old man, I want to come over now and give me half a day's salary." Tian Dahai said with a smile.

"Well, I'm a sensible young man, and I don't need those tens of Wen. Even if you're full of work today, you can go with the village head and report your name first, or distribute the wages at that time. Oh, by the way, you'll be responsible for the settlement of the wages of the workers in the future. It's very hard."

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