Tian Dahai found a suitable job on the mountain. As long as he wrote and calculated there with the charcoal provided by Tian Yuqiao every day, he could earn five times the salary of others, which immediately made him find some self-esteem.

This time, he came in not because of Tian Yuqiao's face, but by virtue of his ability, so he didn't feel ashamed at all, but felt very proud.

Tian Yuqiao also knows that xueshulang works in the mountains. She has no opinion about it. Anyway, anyone can use it. As long as he can do well, he can relax. Why not?

In the first days, Tian Yuqiao was very serious and went up the mountain to punch in every day. After that, she became more and more lazy.

I have to build a mausoleum for the hateful son of the great prince. I have to do it myself. Bah! It would be nice if I didn't spit on his grave.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt oppressed, so she simply ignored it directly. Anyway, in the beginning and end of the two days, just dress up in official clothes.

"Go and see if Tuanzi's injury is cured."

It is rare for Xiaoyu to see her young lady in such a good mood. Her mood is much better.

The gauze on Tuan Tuan's leg has been removed. Although the hair on the wound hasn't grown yet, the wound has grown well.

"Miss, why are you so happy today?" Xiaoyu asked with her head askew.

"Because I'm in a good mood, I want to go hunting. I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time. Call my cousins and cousins. Let's take Tuan Tuan, Xiaobai, Dahui and Erhui along the path up the mountain. Don't disturb the people working on the mountain."

"Wow, miss, your lineup is too strong?" Xiaoyu exclaimed.

Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "Oh, it's natural. This is probably the last time we hunt in Nanshan. Just indulge it and leave a deep impression on the wild animals there. At least let them dare not go out of the mountain to harm the villagers for 30 years. Go quickly."

Xiaoyu ran away to find the Wang family. It was getting late. She was worried that those people would go to the melon field, so she had to hurry.

Wang Decheng and Wang Dehai were supposed to take their sons up the mountain to weed the melon field. When they saw Xiaoyu running panting, they stopped and asked, "Miss Xiaoyu, what are you going to do?"

"My lady said she wanted to go hunting up the mountain. She wanted you to put aside your things today, prepare well, and take the path up the mountain later without disturbing those working people."

"Just go up the mountain. Let's go closer from Nanshan Temple." big tiger frowned and said.

"Ha ha, miss, I'll take Xiaobai and Tuan Tuan, as well as big ash and small ash this time." said the little jade thief.

The two tigers asked, "who are big gray and small gray?"

"I'll sell it first. You'll know when it's on the mountain."

"Sister Xiaoyu is the worst. She always makes people want to eat." the two dogs said with a small mouth.

They cleaned up here, and Xiaoyu ran back and put on a man's suit. Tian Yuqiao was also a man's dress. She stood her chest in front of the bronze mirror and couldn't help feeling lost.

Alas, at least in my previous life, I was also a 34d. Now I can run a plane. It's terrible.

But at the thought that he was still young, Tian Yuqiao suddenly had a little more confidence.

Xiaoyu hid at the door and looked at all this, even laughing.

"Xiaoyu, you bad girl, dare to laugh at me. I won't tickle you ~"

The two fought together. Xiaoyu's tears came out and begged, "Miss, I know I'm wrong. I don't dare to laugh at Miss's lack of breasts anymore."

"How dare you say ~"

Tian Yuqiao suddenly became angry again, and then Xiaoyu's begging for mercy and laughter came from the room.

When the Wang brothers came with their sons, Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu sorted out their clothes, took the lunch prepared by Zhao for them and walked outside.

"Joe, you girls have to be careful. If you have any mistakes here, how can I tell your mother?"

"Grandma, don't worry. Run if you can't fight. I can do that."

"You can't say that. The beast with four legs must run faster than you with two legs. Alas, you two uncles are really fooling around with the children." Zhao said angrily.

"Niang, it's rare for qiao'er to come back once. It's uncertain when he will come back next time. Our niece put forward such a small request. Can we be uncles? Don't worry, there is Xiaobai and thunder god. Now Thunder God is the overlord of the mountain." Wang Decheng said with a smile.

Zhao waved his hand and said, "come on, you go. You must remember not to get hurt. Yo, Tuan Tuan also goes. Wasn't it hurt before? What can you do with it?"

"Hey, grandma, the secret of heaven must not be revealed. We take it to find good things. Don't worry, we will come before dinner."

When he got out of the gate and came to the hillside, Tian Yuqiao could vaguely see Zhao standing at the door, some bent figure, still looking here with concern.

"Hey, if I had known this, I would have told grandma that we would go up the mountain to see the melon field." Tian Yuqiao was a little annoyed.

"Joe, it's not good to lie. Let your grandmother know then. We'll be miserable as uncles," Wang Dehai said.

"Grandma has been very diligent recently. When she was able to teach my father and my second uncle a lesson, she never bothered to talk nonsense. Before, she specially asked Uncle Zhu to go to the town and buy her a hardwood crutch. At first, we wondered why grandma wanted to buy a crutch because she was healthy. Later, we learned that it was actually used to beat my father ~"

Everyone is very happy about erhu's frankness. However, his father and second uncle swung a stick and ran after him all over the mountain.

"Hey, you run slowly. Don't lose your strength to chase your prey later." the big tiger shouted with a smile.

"The sun is coming out. Hello, happy Luo langluo..."

Tian Yuqiao sang as he walked. The beautiful sound like a lark soon rang through the mountains and forests.

"Wow, the young lady sings really well. She can not only sing grassland songs, but also sing such beautiful folk songs." Xiaoyu immediately worshipped her young lady.

She has been with her young lady for so many years, but she doesn't know what skills she doesn't know. You can shock and worship yourself every time. Miss is so profound and powerful.

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