The road back to the imperial city was very smooth. Even Prince Jing wondered why he didn't even see a wild animal when he passed the deep mountain path.

It's incredible how smooth it is, but Tian Yuqiao knows the clue here.

Xiaobai doesn't come back these days. She doesn't care what she wants to eat, and there's no shadow as soon as she runs out. Every time he came back, his body was full of blood. Tian Yuqiao knew that this guy must be mixing with Fang Wenhao and hunting by the way.

"Girl Qiao, I don't think I'm right. The hunters who helped us defeat the bandits seem to still follow us. I'm afraid they have some bad intentions?" Prince Jing asked with a frown and a beard.

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "hehe, they have a good relationship with my Xiaobai these days. It's estimated that they intend to go with the army and fight more prey to get back for the winter. Moreover, they seem to be helping us clean up the obstacles all the way. How can they have bad intentions?"

"Hahaha, you little girl can really tell lies with your eyes open. Alas, the head boy, those two eyes are sneaky and sneaky. It's not a good thing at first sight. Joe, you should be careful. He seems to be very interested in you."

Tian Yuqiao knew what king Jing meant, and at this time she could only pretend to be an idiot. Han smiled and said, "what can he think of me? At most, he just wants to take advantage of Xiaobai. With Xiaobai, it will be much less difficult for them to hunt."

On the hillside not far away, Xiaobai was eating a roast pheasant thrown by Fang Wenhao. As a result, he sneezed several times in succession. Chicken bones are sprayed out of the mouth, and the image is very embarrassed.

Fang Wenhao took the half eaten chicken leg in his mouth, pointed to Xiaobai and said with a proud smile: "ha ha, Xiaobai, do you hook up with a female tiger in the mountains these days, which is concerned by others."

Before he finished, he sneezed several times.

"Ao Wu ~" Xiaobai proudly rolled his eyes.

Big head, while reacting to the barbecue stick in his hand, grinned and said, "Hey, hey, I just said Xiaobai. Is there another girl who wants you now?"

Fang Wenhao shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't think it's easy to say. It's still possible to scold me."

He couldn't help but raise his hand and touch his lips when he thought of the kiss he stole on her pink face that day when the little girl didn't pay attention.

This time, Tian Yuqiao didn't let Honghong go back with her in advance, but walked slowly with the brigade Wu. Every time we meet a slightly larger town along the way, the team will live.

Because there was still a lot of time left for the emperor, we were not in a hurry to go back. Lord Jing ordered that without disturbing the people, you can buy some things here and take them back to your family.

After all, it's not easy to come out once, and these officials have more or less benefited from building a mausoleum for the great prince this time.

The salary that should have been paid, because the bandits joined, so this part of the money was saved, which is not a small expense.

Prince Jing is not a haggard. He didn't get any benefits. Instead, he gave it to the guards and soldiers under his hand.

The officials of the etiquette department were all taken care of, so no one would say anything more.

The farther south, Tian Yuqiao found that the leaves on both sides of the carriage road became more golden. After walking for a while, I saw golden rice ears, which means autumn is coming. I don't know how Wang and the little guy are now.

Pinching his fingers and counting the days, Wang should be giving birth soon. So when Tian Yuqiao was less than a thousand miles away from the Imperial City, he proposed to leave first.

Prince Jing also knew that Wang was pregnant, so he nodded and agreed.

Tian Yuqiao changed his men's clothes and left with Xiaoyu.

When night fell, some fat red ran down from Tian Yuqiao's waist, turned into a dragon, and carried them straight to the imperial city.

It flew very well along this road, and met several Raptors along the way. However, this time the two sides didn't fight. On the contrary, those Raptors lined up and flew on the red side.

It feels like Tian Yuqiao hired a group of air escorts.

Seeing that he had reached the Imperial City, he suddenly heard a whistle from below, and then the Raptors landed in a house outside the suburbs.

After letting Honghong land, Tian Yuqiao saw the old man smiling at himself.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to have effect so soon. These little guys fly not slowly." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Hahaha, that's natural. These are all good things Xiao Gu got from others. Six haidongqing, tut Tut, are only found in the desert. We rarely see them here." the old man said proudly.

Now those Daimei children have grown up and worked under the command of Hao Tianjun. These haidongqing are still wild and need more training from Yelao.

"Oh, I'm chatting. By the way, Joel, just a month ago, your mother gave birth to another sister for you. On your father's side, I've sent two birds to send a message. This is their first mission, and I don't know if they can succeed."

"Have confidence in yourself. After all, they are all the descendants of Daimei. Er ~ I won't tell you. I have to go home to see my sister."

Tian Yuqiao said that, he found an open space and directly let Honghong show up. Then he flew over from the top of the high wall and fell in a place where there was no one in Tian Fu.

The people in Tianfu are not surprised at her sudden appearance, because people here have heard old lady Chen say that Miss Chen has two big eagles and can fly with people.

So Mrs. Chen told us that if the eldest lady suddenly appeared and asked everyone to keep quiet, it must have been brought back by gold ring or silver ring.

The two sculptures are known to be nothing. If Honghong and the small broken tail are seen, it will be a big trouble.

When I went directly to the inner house, I saw Wang's arms holding a little fat girl. The baby's fat little face was hung with a touch of glittering and translucent saliva.

He Shi was teasing her with a rattle while she wiped her mouth with a silk handkerchief. For Tian Yuqiao's return, neither of them found it.

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