Tian Yuqiao came home dusty and learned that his little sister had a full moon.

When Wang Shi saw her, he immediately greeted her with a smile and said, "Joe, your father's side wrote a letter and said it was our Erya's name that asked you to give it."

Speechless, Tian Yuqiao found that there were many pots of orchids in the house, so he smiled and asked, "Mom, why are there so many old orchids at home?"

Before Wang said anything, he smiled and said, "these are the rewards of your majesty, because your father worked hard to guard the border, and even his daughter didn't have time to come back. Alas, if you say this, your majesty is really hard hearted."

The meaning of her words was very obvious. The emperor put his son under house arrest in the Imperial City, and didn't let his father come back to see his daughter when she was born, but she couldn't say it clearly.

"Niang, Erya's name doesn't sound good. If my sister's name is Erya, won't I become a big girl? Hehe, it's better to call my little sister Lan'er, and my big name is Yulan?" Tian Yuqiao suggested with a smile.

"Good name, Tian Yulan, good." Wang's eyes were bright.

"Joe came back just in time. Lan'er was full moon. It's better to hurry up. Brother Dahe said that when your family went to the west, he just called the whole city's soldiers to hold a hundred day banquet for the children." he said with a smile.

Wang was a little embarrassed and said, "Hey, my child, her father is really a little thoughtless this time. How can anyone give birth to a daughter and arrange a banquet twice?"

Tian Yuqiao blinked and said, "Mom, you can't say that. What's wrong with the girl? The girl is not necessarily worse than her son."

Wang Shi and he Shi all laughed, especially he Shi. Looking at Tian Yuqiao's angry and jealous look with his mother, he smiled and burst into tears.

After Wang smiled for a while, he said, "yes, my mother didn't think about it. Our daughter can hold up most of the sky. Our children are all precious and good. It's just that we have a banquet and people have to give gifts. It seems a little unkind."

"Sister, what's unkind? Your family will place a full moon wine in the imperial city once, and the next time it will be in the northwest. The people here have followed the members, so naturally they won't follow the members for the second time. Besides, the soldiers over there should celebrate the addition of gold to the master's family."

After hearing what he said, Wang nodded and stopped worrying about what others would say about his greed for money.

The wedding invitation of the Tian family was soon sent out, and almost all the xungui and rich families in the Imperial City knew it. In order to celebrate the second lady's full moon, Xianxiang hall and Tianji fresh fruit are all engaged in activities.

For example, buy ten kilograms of fresh fruit and give an extra pound of crab rice, or spend more than one hundred liang of silver at the Xianxiang hall and give ten liang of Tianji fresh fruit voucher

"Oh, what's the good thing about your boss these two days? It's not a festival until the new year. Why do you suddenly send rice? I'm afraid you can't buy it with gold?"

A middle-aged man in a navy blue staff cloak looked at the crab rice with his eyes. He was attracted by the small pearls.

"Ha ha, our wife has just given birth to a little girl. The whole family is happy."

"I see. We can't miss this good thing. We must go to the house to support it at that time. By the way, there are several distant relatives in our family. We also want to see the banquet in Pingxi house. I don't know when..."

"Yes, yes, madam and the eldest lady said. Just bring your family to eat."

"Hahaha, you're welcome. Give me ten kilograms of fresh fruit first. I want the big cherry, mangosteen and litchi. It looks like it."

Soon it was the right day. Yulan was wearing a red five poison suit. The patterns on the top are all prominently embroidered and look vivid.

The red tiger head is worn on the head, and there is a small tiger tail behind it. It looks very playful.

The layer of fetal hair on the little girl's face when she was born has retreated a lot. Now the little face looks pink and looks so pro friendly.

Occasionally, she spit out two saliva bubbles from her small pink cherry mouth, and then she teased herself.

Looking at this lovely little doll, when there were many people, he not only didn't cry, but stared at the people with big eyes like black pearls.

If someone came to tease her, she would open her mouth and throw her smile out like money.

"Hey, my little sister is so young that she can already steal the limelight." the little guy said a little depressed.

Usually, there is a big and small situation at home. It is usually others who praise him. He is said to have good knowledge. At a young age, he is an imperial bachelor or something.

Now, as soon as Lan'er was born, he is like a smooth and bright pearl, which makes everyone else colorless. No way, just the full moon is like a demon. It's so cute. It's hard not to attract attention.

The full moon wine was well prepared, but on that day, Prince Jing and his team had also returned.

The old man didn't have time to go into the palace to report to the emperor about the mountain village, so he came to sit at the table.

"Hahaha, qiao'er girl, it's lucky that I came back in time, otherwise I would miss such a big meal." Prince Jing said with a smile.

"Look what you always say. When you want to eat, you can come to eat at any time." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Hey, I'm sad to think you're going to the northwest." Prince Jing sighed.

Marquis Wu went up and punched him on the shoulder and said, "you old man are greedy. Hurry up. There are too many people coming today. The crab garden is full of banquets, and our front hall is used. Hurry up and tell your servants to make room for your yard."

"Hahaha, OK. Just use the yard. Tell me about this little thing. Just put it in."

Because the male host of the family was not at home, this time Laner's full moon wine was organized by Wuhou and Wulang.

The banquet was very decent. Almost half of the imperial city could smell the smell of Tian family food. Even the emperor's Majesty in the palace smelled the smell and came to rub the meal. However, at this time, Tian Yuqiao smiled at the emperor again, and his eyes were a little cold.

The most poisonous emperor's heart, dare to let her brother stay as a hostage, then be ready to be pushed down from the throne!

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