More than a hundred bodies soon lay on the ground. Old lady Chen, who was so timid, was scared out of color. Looking at the corpses all over the ground and half of her intestines hanging on the carriage, she couldn't help vomiting.

Fortunately, Wang didn't see the bloody scene, but he was frowned by the strong smell of blood.

"Qiao'er, our people outside don't know how many deaths and injuries?" Wang frowned and asked, his face a little wrong.

When it was determined that there was no danger outside, Tian Yuqiao ordered Dahui and Erhui to pull the carriage to a clean place.

She herself turned and looked back down the slapped window on the left side of the carriage, and her stomach couldn't help tumbling. Unexpectedly, those who were made into puppets were the officials who had been poisoned by the emperor before.

The most conspicuous one was the Minister of the Ministry of war. Unexpectedly, the emperor wanted to keep their whole bodies, and the bodies of these people were used by those who wanted to make puppets.

"Oh, it's really sad." Tian Yuqiao couldn't help sighing.

When Wang heard the speech, he immediately asked nervously, "qiao'er, have a lot of people died outside? My mother choked at the smell."

Tian Yuqiao also turned pale. After all, the Raptors outside were too fierce. The puppets killed by them were terrible.

Those red and white, as well as colorful ~ all paved the ground, and attracted many crows in the mountains and forests. If they were not afraid of haidongqing's bravery, they would have come down to dinner.

"Report to madam and miss, we have lost 13 people and injured more than 30 people this time. The enemy has been completely annihilated by us."

This man is a small leader of Haotian army, named Liangzi. He has a flexible mind and good skills. Fang Wenhao arranged to protect Tian Yuqiao this time.

"Liangzi, send one hundred Liang silver to each of the dead brothers as compensation. The injured brothers, hurry to find a place to bandage their wounds." Tian Yuqiao ordered.

"Yes, but miss, when I was in Haotian army, the compensation for the death of a brother was only five Liang silver ~" Liangzi kindly reminded me.

Tian Yuqiao smiled bitterly, waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter. After all, they died to protect us. Just do what I said. Do you think Miss Ben's life is not worth a hundred liang of silver?"

"My subordinates don't dare. I'll arrange it now."

After the battlefield behind him was simply handled, the crows were allowed to clean up the mess.

"Niang, those people are all damned people. They are criminals caught by my godfather. They were all killed by the emperor. I didn't expect that they were actually used now. The bodies were controlled by insects, so they were so strong."

It was clear that she wanted to comfort Wang Shi. However, after she said so, Wang Shi seemed even more afraid.

"Joel, you said it was already a corpse that attacked us before?"

"Er ~ Niang, don't think so much. This is the eight treasure porridge I just cooked for you. You can rest after eating some. This carriage has been improved by me and is very comfortable."

When she finished, she filled Wang's family with some eight treasure porridge.

However, when she saw the red capital and lotus seeds in the pot, she immediately felt a bout of nausea. Thinking of the colorful things I saw before, it is estimated that I will never want to eat the eight treasure porridge again in the future.

After Wang ate some, Tian Yuqiao buckled the mechanism under the chair of the carriage. Then the chair was laid flat, about the size of a double bed.

Holding xiaolan'er sleeping in her arms, the little girl seems to be particularly strong. There was so much noise outside that it didn't affect her sleep at all.

In his sleep, the little mouth occasionally smacks twice, which looks particularly cute.

Seeing Wang asleep, Tian Yuqiao went out to check the bodyguards' injuries. Everyone who was injured got the golden sore medicine made by Tian Yuqiao, but those people were reluctant to use it.

Looking at a bodyguard with a baby's mouth cut in his arm, he took the golden sore medicine just given to him into his arms. He didn't use it. Tian Yuqiao was speechless.

Asked, "why don't you use medicine? Do you want your arm to be useless?"

"My subordinates have long heard that the golden sore medicine of the waiting house in Pingxi is unusual, so I really don't want to use it when my life is at stake. Such a rare good thing can save my life at a critical moment. This little injury is nothing. It will grow up in more than ten days."

Tian Yuqiao's face was black and forced those people to take medicine. She went back to the carriage after they had treated the wound and put the medicine on it.

After thinking for a while, he took out a box of golden sore powder and golden sore pills from the virtual environment.

He called Liangzi and asked him to help distribute the medicine.

"Hey, they won't cherish what they got for nothing. One or two silver bottles. Injured people can buy up to five bottles at a time, and others can buy up to two bottles." Tian Yuqiao ordered.

Liangzi was very happy when he heard the speech. He bumped his ass and moved out the two big boxes. Then he became the focus of the crowd, surrounded by the guards of marquis Wu's house and King Jing's house.

For haotianjun, their standard configuration is to use this golden sore medicine, and they are all free. No way, this is the advantage of their boss's handsome appearance, so they didn't come forward. They still surrounded the Tianjia carriage and looked around very vigilantly.

The two boxes of golden sore medicine were soon divided up by the bodyguards of the two families. There were only two empty boxes left, which were full of silver horns of different sizes.

Two boxes of medicine and two boxes of silver. However, no one thought about the silver, because Tian Yuqiao waved his small hand and said, "take all the silver to the families of the dead brothers. If not enough, go to Aunt Chen for it."

Aunt Chen, of course, means old lady Chen. She has great power now. After all, she is an old man trusted by her wife.

After counting, the silver was not only enough, but also several hundred Liang. Tian Yuqiao was also generous. He gave three liang of silver to each of the injured guards, while the other guards gave one and a half liang of silver to each of them.

When everyone was happy to share the money, there were trouble makers outside.

The clothes on those people looked familiar. Tian Yuqiao couldn't remember where he had seen them for a moment.

The red on his waist shook his small body uneasily and said, "it's the people of poison King's Valley! I still remember their breath."

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