He just went out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den. He just got rid of the puppet sent by the great wizard of the Hu people. As a result, he met the people of poison King Valley again.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but start to feel sick. Has he done something angry and resentful recently? Otherwise, how could it be so unlucky?

Blinking his big eyes, he looked at LAN Er, who was sleeping sweetly on a thick white wolf skin mattress. She could not help but bite her teeth and said that she would fight hard. She would not keep her hands this time for the happiness of her family.

She had just thought for a moment, and the battle outside had begun.

Because of the previous reward, all the guards fought bravely this time. Under the shadow of the sword, a large number of people soon fell.

Of course, most of these fallen people are from poison King Valley. After all, what they usually do best is to use Yin moves, that is, poisoning. Fighting with those well-trained bodyguards in such broad daylight is naturally very disadvantageous to them.

Long Shao, who was hiding in the distance to watch the war, didn't expect that there were so many experts around the hateful little girl. He couldn't help shrinking his eyes, hiding his hand under his sleeve and secretly moved a few times.

A moment later, there were countless poisonous snakes and insects crawling from his feet towards the lower carriage and the crowd.

A rustling sound kept coming. Because the number of poisonous insects was huge, it was difficult not to be found.

Soon they had covered the ground below, and many tried to squeeze in through the gap of the carriage.

Tian Yuqiao felt numb when he saw the centipedes, scorpions and insects outside.

So she quickly lit the foreign stove in the carriage and smoked all the poisonous insects that climbed into the flue of the carriage.

Fortunately, the carriage was tight, otherwise she didn't know how she would die this time.

The bodyguards outside were not so lucky. They screamed one by one, and finally all fell down with blue faces.

Big grey, second grey and little white were also taken back by Tian Yuqiao at this time. She was hesitating whether to get the rest of the people into the virtual environment, when she heard a strange sound of flute outside.

"Little girl, hurry out and die. What's your ability to hide in a turtle shell? Didn't you do well with us before? My father said that if you want to be the elder of poison King Valley, you'll be spared, otherwise, hehe ~"

Long Shao's voice came, and Tian Yuqiao was speechless. It's really a narrow road for friends. NIMA met the leader of Shao Valley, long Shao.

At this time, Honghong can't be used, but at this time, the birds in the woods outside seem to have fried the pot. The singing of birds with all kinds of sounds, like a hundred birds flying towards the Phoenix, flew towards this side.

Some fell to the ground, others hovered in midair. Most of them landed on Tian Yuqiao's carriage. With their sharp mouth and claws, they began to tear up the larger poisonous insects.

As for those poisonous insects the size of peanuts, they were pecked by the birds one by one.

The distressed dragon Shao stamped his feet. These poisonous insects are his private property! Now it's the food of those damn birds.

Angry way: "dragon seven, dragon nine, how do you two fools do things?"

Looking at his master's appearance that he was about to eat people, the two people who were named immediately knelt on one knee and said, "young master, we have indeed dealt with the birds in the mountain forest before. Moreover, my subordinates specially waited for the puppets to disturb the birds before they sent a signal to you."

"Bah, so many little ones have been damaged this time. You two go back and get the punishment." long Shao said with a gloomy face.

With dozens of different birds, big or small, taking the lead, the birds that had been startled by people came back.

After all, they don't have high IQ, and there are their nests in the mountain forest, so they are dissatisfied with the invaders.

Seeing some uninvited guests flying from outside eating in their own chassis, they all flocked to clean the battlefield here.

Long Shao quickly played the human bone flute in his mouth and wanted to summon his little ones back. However, less than half of the snakes, insects, rats and ants had just climbed back, and they had been eaten up by a large group of birds rushing here to prepare for prey

Long Shao's eyes were blue, and he directly turned to the back. Fortunately, long Jiu helped him in the back, which didn't make him fall.

"It's over. This time I went out of the valley to avenge the girl without permission, and took advantage of the Hu people. I blame those damn birds. Go and chop them all to death. I'll eat roast bird wings tonight, your young master!"

Long Shao left these two words fiercely, and went back to a very chic carriage.

The birds soon had enough to eat and drink, and then they flew back to their nests with xuan'er's.

The guards of poison King Valley are all stupid one by one. The birds have flown away. How can you cut them? In desperation, he could only chat up and withdraw back from the place where he had never been.

At this time, at the back of the Tianjia carriage, the old man with Xiaogu arrived later.

"Girl Joel, are you all right?"

Tian Yuqiao looked out and found that he was a wild old man. So he said, "I'm fine. I'm afraid the bodyguards are all poisoned."

Fortunately, there are small soft insects, which can restrain poisonous insects to a certain extent. Although both sides hurt each other, Tian Yuqiao finally won the final victory because of the huge number of poisonous insects.

"It's lucky that your old Raptors followed all the way, otherwise it's really bad." Tian Yuqiao said with a frown.

"Hey, it seems that I can only escort you back first. And since you've all left, we don't need to stay here. I've discussed with Xiao Gu, so I'll go to the Northwest with you." the old man said with narrow eyes.

Poisonous insects didn't enter the bodyguards' bodies, which is the credit of the poisonous insects. But those poisonous insects are really powerful. Although they only break the bodyguards' skin, they can make people poisoned and convulsed.

Now the guards are still lying on the ground, their limbs twitching and foaming at the mouth.

"There doesn't seem to be a medical school near here." Xiao Gu said with a frown.

Tian Yuqiao also frowned. At this time, Cai, who was sleeping in the virtual environment, had a very ominous premonition.

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