The guards who escorted the Tian family were all put down by those poisonous insects. Fortunately, the guys in poison King Valley were afraid of Xiaobai's "covetous eyes", so they didn't dare to get close to the big carriage.

There were no poisonous insects, but the two under them, wearing armor, looked like very angry grizzly bears, and the big white insects, looked really shaking people's legs.

The guards of poison King Valley, who were waiting for the opportunity, stretched their necks one by one and planned to take the little girl back to warm the bed for their young master. I'm afraid only in this way can the anger of the little Lord subside for a few minutes.

With the six haidongqing that have been trained almost, the people in poison King Valley want to hide. That's a arabian night. Soon they circled over the people in poison King Valley, revealing their position.

"No, those birds seem to have a plan. In order not to damage the little Lord, let's go quickly."

"Well, today we obviously have a bad start. Let's withdraw."

Dragon seven and dragon nine, the two leaders, have made up their minds to withdraw. Naturally, the others who stay to monitor Tian Yuqiao can only leave obediently.

Now the positions of both sides are completely reversed. The original Honda Yuqiao and his party are monitored prey, but now with those damn birds, all the people who become poison King Valley are exposed in front of others.

No matter how tight they hide, they can't escape the eyes of those natural scouts.

Tian Yuqiao deliberately arranged Yelao and Xiaogu to check the terrain in front, while she took all the guards who were poisoned and unconscious into the virtual environment.

Those auras inside must help them delay the time and pain of poisoning.

Mrs. Chen and her accompanying servants, although they were not poisoned, were stunned by the "big scene".

Tian Yuqiao ignored those people. After all, the matter of these guards was more serious.

She can only refine poison, but she can't save people. Now in this situation, golden sore medicine is useless.

Only his eyes fell on Caicai's fleshy body. His burning eyes made Caicai's hair stand up.

"Don't look at me, I can't save them." Caicai rolled his eyes and said.

"Well behaved, Xiao Ruan, they also caught some poisonous insects alive. Why don't you eat them and see if you can come out with an antidote."

At the thought of eating those dirty and soft insects, Chueh ~ Caicai suddenly wilted.

Now Tian Yuqiao is more and more consistent with the virtual environment, and she can grasp the overall situation. It's impossible for Caicai to escape in the empty world.

He was too lazy to struggle, so he said pitifully to Tian Yuqiao, "not all poisons can be solved. All the poisons I can solve are refined from the poison code. As for the messy poisons outside, it is almost impossible."

"Come on, didn't you help when Barbara was poisoned?" Tian Yuqiao said with a bad smile.

Caicai was completely speechless, his ears drooped, and his tail didn't stand as proud as before.

"Caicai, now I'm the real master here. Why don't you hand in the Pharmacopoeia? After all, I only know how to use poison, which is not perfect."

Caicai is silent

"Hey, it's useless for you to stick to the Pharmacopoeia. Your master estimates that with the nourishment of the aura here, I can live for thousands of years. If you want to leave the book to the next master for selection, it may take a long time. Don't you think it's hard to wait?"

Caicai kept silent

"I'm not good at it. Although there's a lot of aura here now, it's estimated that it won't last that long. The spirit that the virtual realm depends on may disappear. Are you going to let the medicine King lose his efforts? You'd better hand it in."

"But ~ if people really do that, it's against the rules here." Cai Cai finally said.

"Now I'm the master here. It's a big deal. I'll try to change the rules."

Now that he has made up his mind, Tian Yuqiao starts to try to modify the rules here, holding Caicai, who has just been successfully plotted by himself.

After studying for a long time, I finally exhausted all available methods, which reluctantly opened the rules in the virtual environment a little.

However, just a little is enough for Tian Yuqiao to peep at several prescriptions in the Pharmacopoeia.

At that moment, she remembered several prescriptions in an instant. Then, whether it was useful or useless, she refined all the antidotes with the memory of her talent.

Whether it was treating dysentery or treating any difficult and miscellaneous diseases, she got them all out.

With a loud bang, a large pot of pills had come out of the pot.

In short, she simply fed all the pills to the guards.

Looking at the guards' faces, they turned from blue to black, and then from black to green, followed by a burst of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, which almost turned into a rainbow.

"It's terrible. People say that the rules set by the master of the virtual world can't be changed randomly." Caicai said with some color.

Tian Yuqiao directly lost a semi-finished antidote, smashed it on Caicai's forehead and said, "come on, didn't you just let me modify it to have your own entity? It's good to say me. Now we are birds of a feather. Don't say who's the best."

Caicai can only continue to yawn on the roof silently, ignoring other little partners in the virtual environment.

Under Tian Yuqiao's coercion and inducement, Cai Cai finally colluded with her.

The guards' faces changed countless times before they finally returned to waxy yellow.

Tian Yuqiao simply selected a few people, felt their pulse, and determined that they were just sleeping. Only then did he fill the more than 200 people with a lot of virtual lotus pond water, and then threw them out.

At night, I suddenly heard a man's roar: "annoying insect, damn it!"

"The mosquito is so big that it has swollen half of my leg."

Some bodyguards have better physique and have sobered up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the stars all over the sky, and then I heard countless "buzzing" sounds. The mosquitoes here are really big.

Two bodyguards were stung around their necks.

Seeing that everyone was awake, Mrs. Chen quickly said, "you've been sleeping for most of the day. Come and have some hot porridge. It's cold at night, there are many mosquitoes, and you don't have enough to feed mosquitoes."

Hearing the speech, the bodyguards immediately trembled.

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