Lai scar took a group of heinous bandits into the ruins of the county master's house. However, Tian Yuqiao saw at a glance that their yamen service clothes were picked from the dead.

There was no suitable size, fat and thin, and there were blood stains and knife edges on individual clothes, and the cut places were not sewn. Such poor acting skills dare to deceive themselves. It seems that people really didn't treat her as a dish.

Suddenly, there were more than 200 "people" who came to watch the excitement. None of them escaped the magic eye of gold. Tian Yuqiao naturally knows that these people are disguised by bandits. Their purpose is very clear, that is, to catch their big fat sheep alive.

In Tian Yuqiao's eyes, these people are no different from the dead. In the eyes of those people, Tian Yuqiao is a golden doll, the God of wealth, with golden light all over his body.

Looking at the wolf like light in the eyes of those guys, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help getting goose bumps. The red on the waist is already ready to move. It likes to clean up the bad guys best.

Liangzi hugged boxing with a smile and said, "Lord county leader, there are many kind people outside. They seem to be very interested in your arrival."

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "the county leaders have plenty of silver, and they will all be the people of my fief in the future. Just let them all come in. It's not easy for everyone to live these days, and everyone who comes will be rewarded."

Lai scar was shocked when he heard the speech. He had a bad feeling, but the little girl in front of him looked harmless to humans and animals. Then the innocent Feiyang county leader should not play tricks.

"The villain is willing to publicize this good thing for the county Lord." Lai scar said and ran out like a bald tailed dog.

Those bandits outside were worried that they had no chance to come in. After hearing Lai scar's words, they were all very happy.

For example, it's a little cold today, so they wear thick clothes. It's easy to hide some swords in your clothes.

With ferocious smiles on their faces, they rushed in like a swarm of bees.

The county Lord's house is short of everything else. The most important thing is hay and dead branches. As soon as these people went in, the more than 100 Heisan's men who were mixed in the crowd poured fire oil around the county Lord's house.

With the rain artifact Honghong in hand, Tian Yuqiao is not worried about Heisan. They dare to turn back. Besides, slippery pill controls them and makes them think they are poisoned.

"County Lord, the people outside are coming, waiting for your reward." Lai scar said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao took out a tray from behind calmly, in which there was a plate of copper money less than the bottom.

"Take it down and give it to everyone."

Lai scar was stunned immediately. This money was not enough for one person to share a penny. It was obvious that he was fooled by the county Lord.

He suddenly became angry and said to the people around him, "everyone, it seems that the new county leader is also a corrupt official. Originally, she came with the salary paid to us by the imperial court, but now there is only so much left."

"That's right, everyone killed this shit County Lord ~"

Immediately a large group of people agreed, and then those people pulled all kinds of weapons from their sleeves or waist.

Xiaobai "Ao Wu" rushed out from behind Tian Yuqiao and directly knocked down Lai scar's guys who jumped at Tian Yuqiao.

Wang and Lan'er, escorted by Liangzi, left through the back door. Tian Yuqiao also left towards the back door under the protection of Honghong.

She is going to kill these people. There are already more than 100 black three. I'm afraid it will be difficult to control them.

I've already discussed with Heisan. These people are also counted as heads, or they can cut their ears to make up for it. Therefore, Heisan and Liang Zi even begged them not to interfere and avoid scoring their own heads.

After most people quit, heisaner didn't fall behind when they were one for two. After all, Xiaobai and two big Grizzlies helped, which led to the tilt of the balance of victory towards Heisan.

Originally, Lai scar was besieged by people. In the case of chaos, they naturally didn't pay attention to the people besieging themselves. At this time, they are spreading outward.

When Heisan and they all retreated to the courtyard wall, Liangzi ordered his men to light a fire.

The sky was dry and the things were dry. The fire burned directly.

Some of Heisan's men didn't pull out, and their positions were all on the periphery, so they were easily rescued. Inside, Lai scar wanted to come out and meet them with either little white claws or big gray's slaps.

As soon as Lai Gang raised his head, he was slapped by two ashes and flew out. The body that flew out upside down also knocked down several other bandits who wanted to break out of the sea of fire.

Several people's bodies suddenly turned into a series of ground rolling gourds and hit them inside.

Tian Yuqiao forced Honghong to drink a lot of fire oil, and then told it a miniature version of the Peacock Flying Southeast.

Honghong immediately forgot that the fire oil was hard to drink, but began to cry and cry.

Tian Yuqiao roared, "don't forget your task. Don't cry here. Go inside and cry."

Honghong realized that she was crying in the wrong place. Quickly turned into a black dragon and ran into the ruins.

Thick smoke billowed, and no one noticed the existence of a black little dragon with thick arms over the thick smoke.

Flying into the sky, Honghong is still pitying the little lady in the story, crying miserably.

"Great, boss. God helps us. It's raining." a robber with a broken arm cheered excitedly.

The next moment he regretted it. How come the heavier the rain, the bigger the fire.

"Ah ~ it's not right. Someone threw oil on us."

The bold people outside watching the fire worshipped one by one.

Because they were poisoned by these villains, they all began to kneel down one after another when they saw that God's rain fell on the sky, which could help burn the thieves.

"God has eyes. It's time to punish these damn villains."

"God opened his eyes, daughter-in-law, hurry home and kill our pig. I want to sacrifice to God."

The big red rain mixed with fire oil came down. When it had cried enough, it looked down again. Those squeaking guys seemed to have no dust left.

Black three thrust out a face blackened by smoke, came over and bared his big white teeth and said, "Hey, county Lord, this will certainly become a dangerous house now. You might as well build the house again in another place."

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